Episode Overview

Think your business is too weird to sell to corporates? You could very well be more wrong than you think. It turns out there are a lot of reasons why people don't try to sell to corporate which could rather be described as excuses.

But - you don't know what you don't know - so tune in the Personal Brand Entrepreneur Show this week, meet Jess Lorimer and discover how you might be able to uncover a whole new world of opportunity for your business.

About Jess..

Jess Lorimer is one of the UK's leading experts on B2B sales. Having spent her corporate career developing sales teams in over 10 disciplines, Jess set up her own sales training consultancy in 2014. With customers in over 17 countries, her proven, practical and simple B2B sales techniques and processes have been responsible for building some of the best sales teams around the world and helping entrepreneurs sell services successfully and easily into the world's biggest brand organisations.

Jess online : https://selltocorporates.com/

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Welcome to Amplify the Personal Brand Entrepreneur Show. Today on the show, Bob is speaking with Jess Lauremer.

The chances are if you are selling something that nobody else ever thought of, it's not needed and it's not wanted, and there's not been an adequate way of expressing the pain points or transformations to make someone want to buy. It selling in a saturated market, for example, like Photocopies, where you already know there's a clear need, there are clear transformations, clear people to target. That is easy because what you're talking about there is you are having to take clients that are potentially already buying from somebody else. But they're buying, right? That's the key word. They are already buying. They already need that thing.

Hi there and welcome back to Amplify the Personal Brand Entrepreneurship. My name is Bob Gentle and every week I'm joined by amazing people who share what makes their business work. If you've just hit play, then while you still have the app open, hit the subscribe button. And if you're on iPhone, then it's the plus icon or the follow button. That way you won't miss a thing every week when I drop new episodes. Now, before I jump into introducing this week's guest, just a quick reminder that after nearly 200 of these interviews, I've learned a thing or two about what makes business work online. And it turns out success leaves clues. So I want to offer you that map. If you jump onto my website, you can grab your copy of the Personal Brand Business Roadmap. It's everything you need to start scale or just fix your personal brand business. So, New Year. New year. Am I right? Most people, when they set new goals for the business, they focus on sales goals and some businesses focus on scaling in the consumer market. But for many people this year it's the corporate space which holds the most promise.

And with the so called great resignation and many more people than ever joining the ranks of the gloriously unemployable and that's the committed self employed, there are a lot of people thrown into having to kill what they eat. Pardon me for the terrible analogy. For the first time, I guess it is what it is. So who could I possibly have on the show to help you get set for your best sales year ever? Or possibly for many of you, your first sales year ever. Jess Laura Mer, welcome to the show.

I am very excited to be back. It's very exciting for me to get invited back to things and it means that I made an okay enough impression the first time. So thank you for having me and validating that.

Well, I think for many people in my circle, you are sort of the sales guru. There are lots of people who focus on selling at scale. There are lots of people who focus on things like summits and challenges and all of these things that people like you and I are used to hearing about. But what you don't hear about very much is the very important job of actually selling in person the way that it's been done for a couple of hundred years. And for me, you are the person who really embodies excellence in that, which is why I really want to speak to you have been on before and, yeah, you did a good job. So welcome back.

Well, it's nice to be back. And it's one of those things. I think for me, it's really important this year more than ever, that people understand that sales is an almost lifelong journey, really, and a lifelong education piece. And I think that there is a temptation in the online world to think that you just learned to sell one thing or that you just learned to sell in one way and then off you go and everything's fine. And probably the biggest learning of the pandemic for a lot of people was that the things that they had been doing previously suddenly weren't working. And that's I don't know about you, but that's what I saw a lot of over 2020 and certainly into 2021. And I think that created a lot of frustration for people who felt that they spent a lot of time learning how to be good at marketing and implement processes in their business and things, and suddenly they'd mastered this sales skill that they had and then overnight felt like it didn't work. And I know that we're going to touch on some of the things that you can do differently now, but I think that whilst the landscape has changed, it is also important for everybody to remember good salespeople are not good salespeople because they're supremely, naturally talented.

They're good at it because they practice it regularly. And I think that goes a long way in this market.

So there are a few places I could go from that. The first question I will ask you is my friend Neil, who was a policeman for many years, calls the Daft Lady question, can anybody get good at sales?

Yes, absolutely. It's interesting, isn't it? Because like anything, sales is a skill. And I think it's unfortunate in today's society that we've forgotten how much being good at something actually relies on developing a skill rather than being naturally gifted. Even doctors, you can look at the best surgeons in the world. And was it Thomas Edison who said, Everyone knows that it's 1% talent and 99% sweat or something? He actually said it far more eloquently than I just did. So please don't ever paraphrase that in that kind of way. But anyone can learn how to be a sales person. And I think that what we also have to remember when we set up a business, it is our primary job to be a salesperson. And that's where a lot of certainly small businesses or new businesses go wrong, is that they think that the primary job is to be the best person at creating content around their topic of expertise, or their primary job is to excel in terms of client delivery, which obviously is incredibly imperatively important. But your primary function to make your business a business and not just an expensive hobby is to sell and is to become a salesperson.

That's a very learned skill. It's something that comes with practice, and it's something that has to be consistently honed. Whichever medium you choose to sell through, whether that's email marketing or on the phone calls calling in person, doesn't matter. It's got to be practiced regularly for you to stay at the top of your game with it.

So I would like to invite you to pop a bubble with me. And it's a bubble that I see a lot of business owners nicely bouncing around inside. And this is even people, professional sales people, and that is that marketing can be an excuse for not having to do the hard stuff. I see a lot of people and I've been invited on to podcasts to talk about scaling in particular sometimes. And I'm asked the question, how can we scale our sales? And I have to come back to the question, well, are you selling anything right now? Because if you can't sell anything, how are you possibly going to scale before you can scale any kind of sales? It doesn't matter if it's email or selling from the stage, what I'll call stages rather than the stage. You're going to have to be good at taking somebody on a journey that starts from relationship through to asking a difficult question. What the bubble is that I'm inviting you to pop is the bubble that most business owners I see are quite comfortable in, which is if I could just do enough marketing, people will come and buy my stuff without me having to offer anything, without me having to ask the difficult questions, without me having to make myself vulnerable or humble.

You know what I'm talking about? I'm talking about selling.

Of course, and it's actually interesting. It's an interesting bubble, and it's one that I talk about with clients and certainly prospective clients a lot, because nobody wants to sell. Nobody particularly enjoys selling. Unless you're a big old sales nerd like me. People will avoid asking or saying, do you want to buy this? Because it is a challenging or it feels like a challenging conversation to have because of the rejection that is perceived as being imminent. And the thing that I always say to people is marketing and sales are entirely separate things. They have entirely separate purposes. However, the synergy between them, as I think it was quoted in a Harry Potter book, one cannot live without the other, actually not Harry Potter quote, because obviously Harry Potter, for anyone that cares, the quote was one cannot live while the other survives. But marketing sales complete opposite of that. They have to coexist and they create this never ending circle, essentially. So if we look at the jobs or the purposes that they actually have, marketing for most people is designed to give them leads. As we all know, in order to make a sale, you have to have eyes on an offer, and specifically the right eyes on the right offer for them.

And that's what makes the sale. Doesn't matter how else you do it. Those are the two things you need. So if we understand that marketing and the purpose of marketing is to bring you the right eyes, what we have to understand from a sales perspective is that our job is to show up and help those right eyes make a decision about the right offer for them and to help bring them to a conclusion.

So I understand exactly what you're saying there. And one of the ways that I explain this to clients is that marketing is a little bit like cultivating the ground before harvest. And the sales is really the harvest itself. You can't have one without the other. But in most businesses, if they have an issue, it's either going to be there's nobody preparing the ground, there's, nobody nurturing the crop, or they have a sales issue where they're just letting the crop wither on the vine because it can be quite challenging. The kind of person that you just described, hopefully if the recording worked properly, was where they've taken a real step backwards into just being a huntergatherer. They see a dinosaur on the horizon and they exploit it and they jump in and they try and kill it quickly. Nobody comes out of that looking good. It's just not the way to go about things.

I think it's quite a challenge as well, because most people, I don't think anybody sets out to give a bad sales experience. And I think actually a lot of people worry so much about selling that they inadvertently make the experience awkward and make it feel uncomfortable for both themselves and the customer. And, you know, I think what's interesting to watch is that so many people go one of two ways. Either they'll be incredibly worried about giving a poor sales experience and coming across as being sleazy and pushy and giving the hard sell that they refuse to sell. So they'll sit, like you say, in that preparation for harvest mode, and they'll only do their marketing and they won't convert the relationship in any way, shape or form because they would rather somebody said to them, I really want to buy something. I'm going to make this decision. I'm going to absolve you of all responsibility almost for any kind of impact on that decision. Or you get the people who inadvertently go the other way and they're so keen to avoid the pushy, hard sell that they actually become that, and they feel like it's more transparent.

So they'll sit and go.

Do you want this? Do you want this? Do you want this? Do you want this?

And they won't actually necessarily listen to what the prospect is saying to them. So they won't hear what the real problems are or what the real transformation needs to be. And in that end, they continue to push the wrong offer because it's almost like a nervous, adrenaline fueled decision, if that makes sense. And that's what we typically see in sales. And unfortunately, because most people set out to want to give good sales experiences and in the online space, certainly people talk a lot about building relationships. One of the things that we have to realize about building relationships is that relationships are designed to be mutually beneficial, and that's the bit that we don't discuss enough. So if you're showing up, producing content for your audience week after week after week after week, and you are never, ever offering them the opportunity to buy from you, to sustain that content, to sustain their own learning, development and growth, then actually, you're not being part of a mutually beneficial relationship. You're being or you're contributing to a relationship where you overgive and then feel resentful because you are not rewarded in any way, shape or form.

So when you're working with clients, they've kind of made the decision once we've got past your sales process and they are a client, they've made the decision they're going to sell to corporate. What are the most common mindset blockers that you find in them?

It's an interesting one. So the people that I tend to work with are people who are incredibly good at what they do, so they are proficient to a level of qualification. I typically see lots of health and wellness practitioners, for example. So people who've qualified as nutritionists or fertility experts or menopause experts or whatever, and people who have worked in professional environments within their area of expertise. So project management professionals or program management professionals, people who work in operations, marketing, et cetera. And so it's interesting because you would think that those people, through virtue of having a qualification, would feel qualified. But actually one of the biggest mindset blocks that we see people coming to us with is around why would a big company buy from little old me? That's very typical. Why would a big corporate buy from a small business or buy from a soloprene? So we see that quite a lot. We also see things like, would they really pay me for that? Will corporate really give me money for this particular skill? Information education? So that's quite common. And I think the other big one is do corporates really prioritize what I'm trying to sell?

And we see that again, cropping up, most commonly in wellness professionals or practitioners who can get very caught up in stereotypically. Corporates have only invested in profit building areas and revenue generating areas. And that's not true, and it's not the case, and it's certainly not the case any longer, but it's a common thing that people question or use to keep themselves stuck essentially, and stop themselves building that corporate revenue stream because they're afraid it's going to lead to more rejection.

So this was actually something that I've been thinking about in the introduction was you speak about these sort of these obvious people for selling into corporate. But then there are these very nonobvious things like the wellness professionals. They're on the periphery of that. But if you extend that into things like confidence, coaching or I have a friend who runs a business doing laughter, yoga. These are slightly wacky things. Let's maybe look at what's the wackiest thing? What's the wackiest thing you've seen being successfully selling to corporate?

Do you know what? In the last twelve months alone, I've seen quite a few different ones. So I've got a martial arts practitioner who is selling Marshall Arts like classes and coaching to organizations to increase performance. So that's quite an interesting one because it's not something that I've seen before. I've got people who work in play and play therapy, which is very interesting. I've got people who work in those health and wellness areas, so I mentioned a few. There fertility, menopause, women's health, men's health, those kinds of areas. Sleep consulting, that's a big one. And mental health. And then we have things like people dealing with imposter syndrome and empowerment and speaking. So not necessarily speaking as in speaking up in boardrooms and meetings and things, but dealing with a virtual environment. So confidence when speaking on video for people who previously didn't have to and were perfectly happy and confident speaking anywhere else. So we're seeing quite a lot of interesting things in the market, and it's a really cool place to be.

So to use. What I think is Norman Schwarzkoff. No, I can't remember his name, but it was this whole thing of there are no knowns and unknown unknowns. When you're selling to corporate for the first time, you have no idea what the process is. Is it a straightforward process? Is there a convoluted buying chain? What's the decision making process am I going to have to produce contracts and agreements? There's an awful lot of unknowns around, for sure.

And I also think that just like everything to do with sales, there's always somebody who's done it, and it's been awful. And I always liken this, too. I'm going to use a horrific example if you have to bear with me. But pregnancy. I'm 32 and a lot of my friends are having babies or have had babies, and people will insist on telling me their pregnancy stories, and I do not appreciate it. I tell all my friends I'm like, the worst, most squeamish person to talk to about it. I don't know anything about babies, and it's not a process that I am particularly willing to go through. However, what I've learned from my friends who are pregnant or who have been pregnant is that every time somebody talks to them about pregnancy, they've got the worst story ever. So they weren't just pregnant. Like they were pregnant. Everything went horrifically wrong. Like, and it's the same with corporate sales and the same with any kind of sales, really. You will always meet somebody who will tell you that they had a corporate client and they didn't sign contracts and then they didn't pay them. And then it was awful.

And DA DA, DA, DA, DA. You just do. There's always going to be that person. And I would always say that you have to take anything with a pinch of salt because one party will always remember things quite differently from another party. And it also depends on how that person actually set the sale up and how they navigated things like client boundaries and how they actually set out their sales process, whether they even had a sales process or whether it was just a kind of handshake. And yeah, cool, we'll pay you that. But nothing's in writing and nobody's got T's and C's. So actually, it's not a real thing. So I think we always have to be aware that when we're talking to people about their experiences, they might have some incredibly valid and difficult experiences, but that might come through a result of some of the things that they've also contributed to that experience. So we always have to look at that in terms of the actual process of selling to corporate. So I developed a framework quite a few years ago now, and if you've heard it before, I'm sorry, because it's not the most exciting framework in the world.

It's what we're here for.

Well, I'll try and jazz it up. I'll do jazz hands whilst I say it or something.

I knew we should be doing video.

Yeah, that would've been great. Engagement on it would have been phenomenal. So when we're looking at selling to a corporate company, what we're actually doing is moving a stakeholder through five parts of the process, and they are only involved with four parts. You are involved with the first and you only. So the first part of the framework is clarity. Selling to corporate organizations or anybody else involves a level of understanding around who you are selling to and what you are selling in them. Now, I don't mean in terms of offers. Anyone can bash out an a four document that says, this is what I'm going to sell and be. What I mean is, in terms of transformation, what benefit are you actually going to provide to a company? What is the overall reason that they would hire you? So, for example, companies hire me and my sales consultancy because we help their salespeople generate more revenue. That's it. That's the main benefit of working for us. People will make more money. So we have to understand who we are selling to, what industry are we selling to, and what transformation are we going to provide? Then we have to look at lead generation.

And this is where that synergy with marketing comes in. Only when we look at lead generation from a sales perspective, and particularly when we're talking about selling to corporate companies or selling B to B business to business, we're talking about Proactive targeting and outreach to leads that we know are going to be qualified and interested in what we have to sell that are more likely to convert that's. The second stage of the process is actually identifying the right leads that are most likely to convert into paying clients. You then we move on to business development. Business development, by its very nature, is the building of mutually beneficial relationships and using your consultative sales skills to be able to have productive, mutually beneficial conversations. Specifically sales conversations with your qualified leads to help you understand what their problem is and help you formulate offers and proposals that relate to solving that issue. Which brings us on to the next stage, which is offers and proposals, creating offers that ultimately solve problems, very key problems for organizations, and creating proposals that explain and outline the benefits of doing business with you and the benefits with using that particular solution.

And then finally we have delivery and resell, or some of you in the online space might know it as upsell, and that is doing a great job for a client and then letting them know where they need to go next and find posting them and if it's relevant, offering them another opportunity to work with you. Does that make sense? The process itself is not sexy, but that's what we do.

It makes perfect sense. And I think the area I would like to borrow in a little bit is this business development aspect. If we take a difficult to sell product, I'm going to pick photocopiers perfect that idea of the mutually beneficial relationship and building that through sort of beneficial conversations. When you are selling something as highly commoditized as that, how might you approach that?

It's interesting. And actually I was having this conversation with my fiancee the other day who thinks that now he is marrying me. He's become some kind of like Allen Sugar behind the scenes. He sat there the other day and we were watching I think it's the Wolf of Wall Street or something. I'd finally got to watch it and he says to me, he's like, oh my God, if I was going to sell something, I'd invent something brand new that nobody else was selling. And I'd go out and I'd make millions. And I just laughed once I stopped laughing, which is about eight minutes later. I don't think he appreciated that. I was like, I would always rather sell in a saturated market than a blue ocean one. And he was like, why you're so stupid? Me the one with the sales business. I said to him, I was like, because the chances are if you are selling something that nobody else has ever thought of it's not needed and it's not wanted. And there's not been an adequate way of expressing the pain points or transformations to make somebody want to buy it. And that is problematic.

That's harder selling in a saturated market, for example, like Photocopies, where you already know there's a clear need, there are clear problems that you can solve. There are clear transformations. There are clear people to target. That is easy because what you're talking about there is you are having to take clients that are potentially already buying from somebody else. But they're buying, right? That's the key word. They are already buying. They already need that thing. So when you are selling to them, you're not selling to them based on this is a hypothetical problem that you need to solve. You're selling to them based on you already have this issue. But here's how we can provide a better experience, provide something that's higher tech, better quality, whatever that looks like. And you're more likely to get that decision made when you're trying to sell something that nobody's ever heard of, that nobody really understands the problem that's being caused by it. That's a lot harder. Does that make sense?

Yeah, it makes perfect sense. Stepping back to stage two, the lead generation. I think a lot of people, they hear lead generation and they think people filled in a form. Somebody triggered a live chat, somebody's put their hand up and said, you know what, Mr. Bob? I love what you do and I want your stuff. Please sell it to me. Now, you're not talking about that at all. And I think this is where when you're in a saturated market, that being unproactive, being passive, the whole marketing approach, it's not going to work. How proportionate is that Proactive element relative to the saturation of the market.

So it's really an interesting question. And in all honesty, Proactive lead generation should be part of your marketing and sales strategy, regardless of how saturated your market is, because people are not often looking and scrolling their Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram news feed and thinking, oh, God, I wish I could buy a photocopy today. Oh, look, here's a photocopy of salesman. Let me go and buy from him just because he happens to be that's not what people are doing. And even if you get somebody who's particularly Proactive in solving a problem, so they go onto Google and they search cannibal Photocopier in London, they're going to get Bazillion hits and they're going to fill out a Bazillion forms because they want whatever specifics they need. So they're going to look until they find that. And it's really hard to judge your business and its success by how many particularly Proactive, self aware and intelligent stakeholders that happen to have the time on their hands to go searching for you and your product and service. That's a very hard metric. You don't know and you will never know. And so that can be very frustrating for people and really disheartening because essentially every day that you're not getting picked up on Google and getting a ton of leads, you're thinking, well, my website must be rubbish or my lead magnet is crap or whatever.

And actually, it could just be that the people who would be buying from you haven't got time to go out and look for you. And why should they? Like, part of our job as salespeople is making somebody's life easier and giving them all the information and helping them to self identify. Do they even have this problem or not? And if they do, do they want to buy this thing that's going to help them or not? Would they rather have the consequences of whatever leaving that thing is going to happen? So Proactive outreach is integral regardless of how saturated the market is. Having said that, if you work in a saturated market and I do, sales arguably is one of the most saturated market in the world. And we specialize in working with sports firms. So everyone in their dog wants to work with the sports firm. It's very sexy industry. My clients are getting called all the time by other salespeople, and I admire them. And those are salespeople, in all honesty, that I want to hire because they are proactively trying to drive market share. And what often happens if you are currently buying as a stakeholder from a company that isn't providing a great customer experience or a great customer, a great customer service, or isn't listening to your needs or whatever, when these Proactive people get in touch with you and say, hey, do you want to have a chat about this?

Or, hey, I've noticed that you're not doing this in the same way that other companies are. I'd love to talk to you and share some insights. They're thinking, this person is smart enough to realize that we might have a problem keen enough to identify us as an organization they might want to support in some way and Proactive enough to try and be cultivating and building a relationship that's going to be mutually beneficial, I'm going to have a chat with them, and that's how you win business from competitors, I guess.

Another question that's really a follow on from that is I'm going to use the photocopy of sales analogy again, and apologies for any photocopy of sales people listening. Well, no, it's yours.


But I think it's a great example, because if you can make that work, you can make anything work. So I call up a prospect. I've got clarity as to who they are and what is the transformation. And I'm hitting stage two with my direct outreach. And I go, Hi, James. I understand you buy photocopies from time to time. Yes, I do, but we're very happy with what we've got. Thank you very much. Good bye. My experience is most people will leave it there.

Oh, yeah.

What should you be looking at next?

Well, rather than starting the call with we understand that you do this, we start the call with finding out what their existing issues are. And we want to do two things when we're on a call with a prospect. One is we want to make it clear what we want from them. So whether that's a cold call or whether it's a scheduled call, we want to set an agenda first off or set some kind of expectation about what's going to happen. So you might call and go, hey, it's Jeff from Photocopiers.com. I was wondering whether you have five minutes to chat today about any issues you might be experiencing with your current photocopier. Right. That way they know what's going to happen and they know that you're probably going to try and solve something, and they know that you are looking to talk to them about something quite specific. And at that point, most stakeholders go, no, I don't have time. And fair enough, they probably don't. And so in that instance, you would say, okay, no problem. When do you have time? When is a good time for me to have a chat with you about it?

And then they're going to do one of two things. Either they're going to give you a good time and they're going to tell you to call back, or they're going to say, I've got five minutes now because they just want to do something to make you go away, and they think that you're a spiel is going to make you go away. And that's where we go wrong, because then we do go into a spiel. Right. And there's this temptation to be like, yeah, we provide the cheapest photocopies on the market, and they're like really good and really fast, and they can whack through a whole bunch of paper. And the person's like, yeah, cool, we've already got that by, but the smart sales person starts asking questions. Okay. So just to make sure I can give you all the right information as quickly as possible and you can get rid of me. How many photocopies do you currently have in your office? We've got five. And out of interest, how many of those photocopies break down within a three month period? One. Okay. It happens quite regularly. I imagine that must be quite frustrating. Yeah, it's really annoying because X, Y and Z happened.

And what's your current supplier doing about that? Well, nothing. We keep calling, but we always get chucked on. Hold on. Do you see what I mean to you? You open up. What are the problems that must be really frustrating for you? Would you ever consider switching suppliers to somebody to a supply that you could contact via live chat, for example, so you could get an immediate response? Well, our contract doesn't come up for another three months, but, yeah, I guess we would. And are you responsible for that? Do you see? And you move them through the information and question cycle so you can find out what problems do they have? Do they even want it solved? How much money have they got to solve it? What kind of time frame are they looking to solve that problem in? Does that all make sense? So we're never selling them anything. We're just asking them questions to find out whether they have a problem that we can actually fix. And if they do that's, when we say something like, okay, well, would you like me to tell you how we deal with our customers or how we could help you to solve that problem?

I'm really glad you went that direction, because the truth is a sales conversation from beginning to end is a very simple thing, and it's only going to go in a limited number of directions. And if you're prepared for those directions, it's very easy to have the conversations. So I would have expected you to have a process for that.


Hopefully anybody listening can see actually that sounds very simple. It's just having the courage to get past that first rejection and having a plan for what comes next.

It's really about having a human conversation. And I think we really forget about that. When it comes to sales, we talk about and lots of people out there will tell you there is a script to do this and a script to sell that, and that's all a load of crap, quite frankly. You have to make sure that you are having a clear conversation where you ask one question and then you actually listen to the answer and then you respond to that and ask another question. That's where people go wrong with sales. They'll either go into that spiel that we talked about and I'll tell you this and this because I'm really nervous and I just want you to tell me to get off the phone so I can be validated that I'm going to be rejected or they'll ask a bunch of questions. Hey, I want to talk to you because I want to find out what prices you're currently paying your current copy of supplier. And then I'd also like to know how many people you've got in your team and how many copies you have in the building so that I can talk to you about whether or not we could help supply copies for you for the next twelve months.

Can you tell me all of that? Right. And the person's like, no, because I don't know what you've said. When we have a sales conversation, one question, listen to their answer, then respond to that. And yes, it sounds really simple because it is because we've forgotten about humanity and how to have productive conversations.

So I guess at the end of the day, people are people, and it doesn't matter if they're in corporate or if they're in their own home. And more often these days people incorporate, frankly, they're at home. So what are maybe the top three tips that you would give to anybody who has never sold to corporate and is thinking, okay, Jess has motivated me here. I'm going to step up. I'm going to step outside my comfort zone. I'm going to do this thing I've been avoiding, frankly, never even considered it. What should their next steps be?

I think the first thing is get very clear on who you're selling to. What industry are you selling to? Financial services companies, pharmaceutical companies, public sector organizations, which industry you're going to specialize in. And that will make your life a lot easier down the line and understanding what transformation you provide. I want to be clear about that. It's not about what you think the individual employee is going to benefit from it. How will the company benefit from whatever you do? Because that's why they're paying external suppliers. It's very nice to give their employees stuff. It's very nice to make them feel better. But what does that give the company? That's the first thing. The second thing is just a personal bugbear. And I tell all my clients not to do it is to start any sales call with how are you? Because it indicates, right? A, you don't know them. You don't care how they are. If we're going to be blunt about it, B, it takes up an awful lot of time because that person is then frantically trying to think about things that they can share with you. And on a good day, they'll be like, yeah, fine, thanks.

And on a bad day, they were like, oh, my God, this happened, this happened, this happened. And before you know it, 25 minutes are gone and your sales call is over and you haven't done anything. So that's always about shout. And then Thirdly, I think the best thing that you can possibly do if you've never sold corporates before is actually look at proven processes. So go out and find information. Doesn't have to be me. Be whoever you like. Just make sure that you're looking at qualified resources. So not somebody who sat on Facebook like, oh, I was once a buyer or a procurement person in a corporate firm, and now I'm going to teach people how to sell corporate. There's not no actual sales experience. They've got lots of buying experience. They can have lots of value with that kind of information, but they're not going to teach you how to sell. Look for people who've been salespeople in a business to business environment, people who've got decent testimonials, people who've actually been capable not only of selling to corporate companies themselves in a sales role, but teaching other people how to do it. Because that's the big discrepancy that we see a lot in the online space is that we buy from people because they've done it, not because they're good at teaching how to do it.

And so when you're looking for information, especially somebody who's new or looking to do something completely different. Go and find qualified information from somebody who's a qualified teacher of that not somebody who's just good at it. The ideal is finding somebody who's both. But if all else fails, find the person who's good at teaching. That's what you want.

So my very good friend Andy Storage is a client of yours?

Yes. Love Andy.

I know he's doing extremely well. I guess where I'm leading with this is I've seen the transformation in Andy's business over the last couple of years, but I'd be keen to hear from you. Why is it worth it? What sort of transformation stories focusing on the transformation, so to speak. You know where I'm going with this. Do you have any really good stories of people who were doing okay, but when they took that step to focus in on corporate, even in a little bit, the difference that that can make.

Yeah, I know. Literally. And I'm very fortunate. I've been in this space for a very long time. So I've had my own business and I've been teaching since 2014, which makes me a veritable dinosaur in the online space, like in the online sales space. And so I'm fortunate to work with literally thousands of entrepreneurs. And that's been amazing. But there are a few standouts. So one is actually a good friend of Andy's and he was also in my mastermind and in some of my current programs. I keep joking that she doesn't find me. And her name is Julie Dennis and she's amazing. And Julie sells menopause in the workplace strategies for corporate organizations, specifically financial services, corporate organizations, so banks, wealth management firms, asset management firms, et cetera. Julie came to me in December 2018 and she sent me a message and she did a whole talk on this event I ran, so I feel okay to share it. But she did a whole talk about the fact that she came to me in December 2018 with a message that said, I'm done my business, cannot continue running the way it is. And at that time, she had been for about two years, I think, trying to sell menopause services to individual women.

So B to C, business to consumer. And she's had a Facebook group and she'd done all the challenges and all this kind of thing. And she's just like, I cannot sell one to one services anymore because people just don't want to spend the money on themselves. And she said, I want to work with you. This is my kind of really I'm going to go hard or go home on my business and what do you think I should do? And so within six weeks, we had her shut down her Facebook group, get rid of her entire business consumer email list, which she was terrified about. She spent years building. And rightly so. And we got her on to LinkedIn and selling to corporates. And for the last two years, she's been fully booked. And she has spoken on and shared panels for organizations like Coca Cola, the House of Lords. She's championed menopause policy for government organizations. She's been responsible for some of the world's largest financial services organizations implementing and educating their employees around menopause awareness training and menopause in the workplace. And Julie also takes six or seven weeks holiday every year. So she's one of my favorite people because she's always like, oh, yeah, I'm in Iceland this week or I'm going off to Portugal for a couple of weeks or whatever, let's say with coveted but still.

But she religiously takes this holiday time. And I think people don't see that with people who work with corporate so often, they think that it's going to be like an employee driven mentality. And she's a really good example of why that isn't the case. We also had a lady who stands out, a lady called Ashanti, who actually did an interview on my podcast recently. And I didn't know it. But at the time that she signed up for my program in April 2020, she was sleeping on a friend's couch. She had lost her business previously because she was running an in person like Cafe type business. And when the pandemic hit, that went overnight. And she is an amazing, incredibly resilient woman. And she actually started using her skills in the areas that she developed over the pandemic around diversity, equity and inclusion, specifically around challenging conversations around race to support organizations. And she crossed a huge financial milestone. She generated multi six figures in twelve months. And that's huge. That's not something that everybody does. And she did it. Yes. By working her socks off. She took everything that I said. And she's one of the only people that I think has ever worked with me that has literally done every single thing I've ever said.

But to go in that short space of time, from sleeping on a friend's sofa to actually using her skills and pushing forward with lead generation and having those confident business development conversations to selling multi six figures of services in one year, that's huge.

Yeah. That's life changing. That's the important thing. It really is life changing. And I think what I would want anybody listening to understand is you can hear things like six figures. And when we talk about selling can very quickly start to sound potentially quite dirty. But business is essentially very simple. It's about a value exchange. You have something that is of genuine value. It's literally magical to the right person. And then you have other people out there who desperately need that magic that you have. And if you bring the two together, that's where the value is unlocked and somebody gets paid. That's one of the most wonderful things in the world, if you can get that alignment right. And I think that's one of the best things about selling when it's done well is it's about connecting the things that are sorely needed with the people who desperately need them? And if you can do that well, and if you can do that consistently and if you can do it at scale, you can have a fantastic business and a fantastic life. And I think that's where people like you are really important, because for me, it's about making magic happen.

It's not about selling 100%.

And it's about letting I think the biggest thing about selling is that the magic happens in that sales conversation by getting a stakeholder to understand that they actually do have an issue and that the problem might not be the one that they accepted. I think a lot of the time we will let stakeholders tell us what they think the issue is. And we'll believe that with the best one in the world, they're not always correct. A lot of the time they're not correct because they are paid to do a very specific job, and they do that really well. If they could diagnose every other issue, they'd be a miracle worker. And we hear from our stakeholders who say, well, particularly in my area, they'll say, oh, we just need more leads. We need our marketing team to be better at getting leads. And we'll have to question, okay, well, what do you do with those leads? How often do you follow up with them? What happens? How often do you get the sales calls with them? And from that they'll go, oh, God, we don't need more leads. We need to do more with the ones we already have.

And we're like, yes. And it's just that moment of clarity that they suddenly understand that actually the initial problem they thought they had might not be correct. And actually they might need to fix it in a different way than they were expecting.

Well, hopefully people are listening, thinking, oh, my God, I've got a lot to do. So much opportunity for everybody if they're listening in this conversation. If people would like to go further with you, if they'd like to connect with you, how would you like them to do that?

Yeah, of course. If you are interested in selling to corporates and like I say, you want a resource that is going to be useful and proven, then you are more than welcome to head over to my podcast, which is the Selling to Corporate, originally named. You can find it on itunes, Spotify, wherever. You usually listen to podcasts that just type in Selling to Corporate, and that'll pop right up for you.

And my final question when I ask every guest is what's one thing you do now that you wish had started five years ago?

So it comes with a little story, and I hope you let me have that. I would say the one thing that I would do or wish I had started earlier was to ask for things without worrying about how it looks when I started out in the online space, people would be very odd about how they asked for support. And I think people still are. I'm not in as many Facebook groups these days, so I might be wrong, but people used to instead of asking for support, they would talk about how great they were doing. Oh my God, my clients were getting amazing results or I've got all these people on my email list and I don't need any help. And they wouldn't ask for help or they wouldn't ask for information because they thought it might make them look like they were new or they were foundational, or they weren't as advanced as people thought they were or they weren't making as much money as people thought they were. And I've always thought that was a real shame because asking questions in the right environment can get you some great results. We were talking about this before we started recording, you know, the power of events and the magic that happens there because of the conversations you have with people and the things you're able to ask them and the things that you go on to implement afterwards.

But one of the ways that I realized that I wished I'd started earlier was actually when I met the man who is now my fiancee. I laughed because he asked me out on a date on Friday night. And if you are a woman, you will know that there is a rule that you don't got a first date with anyone on a Friday night. Like, apparently it's a big old exclusive time and you should have really busy plans on a Friday. I don't ever have busy plans on a Friday. I just don't. And especially the pandemic hasn't even changed that. I can't even blame that I'm not a Friday night person. And so I had no plans. And here was this kind of ballsy guy who was like, yeah, don't go out on a Friday night. And I was like, yeah, all right, then, I guess so. And he turned up and we had this date and it was annoyingly good. Annoyingly good. And now, however, long afterwards, I'm going to be stuck with him for life. Or rather, he's going to be stuck with me for life, which is an awful way of saying that obviously he's great and I can't wait to marry him.

But if he hadn't asked, without thinking about how it looked that he didn't have any plans on a Friday night and that he was free because he wasn't busy going out on tons of dates with other people or having a big old social life, we probably would have been those people who maybe didn't go on a date at all and maybe would have been like, oh, do you want to make plans then? Oh, no. And stayed in that awkward we're trying to pretend that we've both got big lives and never made it anywhere who knows? And so I think there's a lot of value in that. Don't worry about how things look when you get on the sales call. Your job isn't to know exactly what their job entails. Ask questions, be curious, be interested. What does that mean? Oh, I've not heard that phrase before. Can you tell me what it means for your organization? Oh, other companies, you know, think about it in this way. Can you tell me what your company thinks about that or how it deals with it? Those things, they often get people stuck because people think that they're going to be looked at as being stupid or not knowing the answer or not being telepathic or whatever.

But it's so valuable to just ask and not care about who's looking at it and what they might think of you because you get so much more information and people really respect you for trying to understand something that is new or complex or that actually they just want to feel is being treated differently and not just as a number.

I think that's one of the best answers I've ever had. Questions are everything. If you don't have questions, you're really not trying, and I think nobody's going to move forward without questions. Jess, Laura Mer, thank you so much for being such a great guest. I have had great fun with you. I've learned so much. I'm going to have to have a good, long look in the dark room at what I'm doing.

That's always a nice way to start the new year.

Hopefully, the listener will to the listener. I hope you've enjoyed this week's show. And yeah, if you want to make sure you don't miss more magic like this every week, then don't forget to subscribe or if you're listening on Apple podcasts, use the new follow button. If you'd like to work with me on your own personal brand business journey, whatever stage you're at, then just email Bob at amplifymed or agency and we'll find a way to make that happen. Don't forget as well you can join the amplify personal brand business Facebook community for free. Sorry Jess, you probably don't like the word free, but just head to amplifyme agencyinsiders and welcome to the family. Jess, lauramer, thank you for your time and to you for listening. Thank you. Bye bye. Before I go, just a quick reminder to subscribe and join our Facebook group. You'll find a link in the show notes or visit amplifyme. Fminsiders. Also, connect with me wherever you hang out. You'll find me on all the social platforms at bobgentle, if you enjoyed the show, then I would love a five star review on Apple podcast. It would make my day. And if you shared the show with a friend, you would literally make my golden list.

My name is Bob gentle. Thanks to you for listening and I'll see you next week.

Thanks for listening!

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Episode Overview

Think your business is too weird to sell to corporates? You could very well be more wrong than you think. It turns out there are a lot of reasons why people don't try to sell to corporate which could rather be described as excuses.

But - you don't know what you don't know - so tune in the Personal Brand Entrepreneur Show this week, meet Jess Lorimer and discover how you might be able to uncover a whole new world of opportunity for your business.

About Jess..

Jess Lorimer is one of the UK's leading experts on B2B sales. Having spent her corporate career developing sales teams in over 10 disciplines, Jess set up her own sales training consultancy in 2014. With customers in over 17 countries, her proven, practical and simple B2B sales techniques and processes have been responsible for building some of the best sales teams around the world and helping entrepreneurs sell services successfully and easily into the world's biggest brand organisations.

Jess online : https://selltocorporates.com/

Automatic Audio Transcription

Please note : This is an automatically generated transcription.  There are typos and the system may pick words or whole phrases up incorrectly.  

[00:00:01.870] - Speaker 3
Welcome to Amplify the Personal Brand Entrepreneur Show. Today on the show, Bob is speaking with Jess Lorimer.

[00:00:11.810] - Speaker 4
The chances are if you are selling something that nobody else ever thought of, it's not needed and it's not wanted, and there's not been an adequate way of expressing the pain points or transformations to make someone want to buy. It selling in a saturated market, for example, like Photocopies, where you already know there's a clear need, there are clear transformations, clear people to target. That is easy because what you're talking about there is you are having to take clients that are potentially already buying from somebody else. But they're buying, right? That's the key word. They are already buying. They already need that thing.

[00:00:54.410] - Speaker 1
Hi there and welcome back to Amplify the Personal Brand Entrepreneurship. My name is Bob Gentle and every week I'm joined by amazing people who share what makes their business work. If you've just hit play, then while you still have the app open, hit the subscribe button. And if you're on iPhone, then it's the plus icon or the follow button. That way you won't miss a thing every week when I drop new episodes. Now, before I jump into introducing this week's guest, just a quick reminder that after nearly 200 of these interviews, I've learned a thing or two about what makes business work online. And it turns out success leaves clues. So I want to offer you that map. If you jump onto my website, you can grab your copy of the Personal Brand Business Roadmap. It's everything you need to start scale or just fix your personal brand business. So, New Year. New year. Am I right? Most people, when they set new goals for the business, they focus on sales goals and some businesses focus on scaling in the consumer market. But for many people this year it's the corporate space which holds the most promise.

[00:02:01.010] - Speaker 1
And with the so called great resignation and many more people than ever joining the ranks of the gloriously unemployable and that's the committed self employed, there are a lot of people thrown into having to kill what they eat. Pardon me for the terrible analogy. For the first time, I guess it is what it is. So who could I possibly have on the show to help you get set for your best sales year ever? Or possibly for many of you, your first sales year ever. Jess Laura Mer, welcome to the show.

[00:02:30.490] - Speaker 4
I am very excited to be back. It's very exciting for me to get invited back to things and it means that I made an okay enough impression the first time. So thank you for having me and validating that.

[00:02:44.510] - Speaker 1
Well, I think for many people in my circle, you are sort of the sales guru. There are lots of people who focus on selling at scale. There are lots of people who focus on things like summits and challenges and all of these things that people like you and I are used to hearing about. But what you don't hear about very much is the very important job of actually selling in person the way that it's been done for a couple of hundred years. And for me, you are the person who really embodies excellence in that, which is why I really want to speak to you have been on before and, yeah, you did a good job. So welcome back.

[00:03:23.700] - Speaker 4
Well, it's nice to be back. And it's one of those things. I think for me, it's really important this year more than ever, that people understand that sales is an almost lifelong journey, really, and a lifelong education piece. And I think that there is a temptation in the online world to think that you just learned to sell one thing or that you just learned to sell in one way and then off you go and everything's fine. And probably the biggest learning of the pandemic for a lot of people was that the things that they had been doing previously suddenly weren't working. And that's I don't know about you, but that's what I saw a lot of over 2020 and certainly into 2021. And I think that created a lot of frustration for people who felt that they spent a lot of time learning how to be good at marketing and implement processes in their business and things, and suddenly they'd mastered this sales skill that they had and then overnight felt like it didn't work. And I know that we're going to touch on some of the things that you can do differently now, but I think that whilst the landscape has changed, it is also important for everybody to remember good salespeople are not good salespeople because they're supremely, naturally talented.

[00:04:49.580] - Speaker 4
They're good at it because they practice it regularly. And I think that goes a long way in this market.

[00:04:54.770] - Speaker 1
So there are a few places I could go from that. The first question I will ask you is my friend Neil, who was a policeman for many years, calls the Daft Lady question, can anybody get good at sales?

[00:05:08.610] - Speaker 4
Yes, absolutely. It's interesting, isn't it? Because like anything, sales is a skill. And I think it's unfortunate in today's society that we've forgotten how much being good at something actually relies on developing a skill rather than being naturally gifted. Even doctors, you can look at the best surgeons in the world. And was it Thomas Edison who said, Everyone knows that it's 1% talent and 99% sweat or something? He actually said it far more eloquently than I just did. So please don't ever paraphrase that in that kind of way. But anyone can learn how to be a sales person. And I think that what we also have to remember when we set up a business, it is our primary job to be a salesperson. And that's where a lot of certainly small businesses or new businesses go wrong, is that they think that the primary job is to be the best person at creating content around their topic of expertise, or their primary job is to excel in terms of client delivery, which obviously is incredibly imperatively important. But your primary function to make your business a business and not just an expensive hobby is to sell and is to become a salesperson.

[00:06:32.590] - Speaker 4
That's a very learned skill. It's something that comes with practice, and it's something that has to be consistently honed. Whichever medium you choose to sell through, whether that's email marketing or on the phone calls calling in person, doesn't matter. It's got to be practiced regularly for you to stay at the top of your game with it.

[00:06:55.350] - Speaker 1
So I would like to invite you to pop a bubble with me. And it's a bubble that I see a lot of business owners nicely bouncing around inside. And this is even people, professional sales people, and that is that marketing can be an excuse for not having to do the hard stuff. I see a lot of people and I've been invited on to podcasts to talk about scaling in particular sometimes. And I'm asked the question, how can we scale our sales? And I have to come back to the question, well, are you selling anything right now? Because if you can't sell anything, how are you possibly going to scale before you can scale any kind of sales? It doesn't matter if it's email or selling from the stage, what I'll call stages rather than the stage. You're going to have to be good at taking somebody on a journey that starts from relationship through to asking a difficult question. What the bubble is that I'm inviting you to pop is the bubble that most business owners I see are quite comfortable in, which is if I could just do enough marketing, people will come and buy my stuff without me having to offer anything, without me having to ask the difficult questions, without me having to make myself vulnerable or humble.

[00:08:20.750] - Speaker 1
You know what I'm talking about? I'm talking about selling.

[00:08:23.210] - Speaker 4
Of course, and it's actually interesting. It's an interesting bubble, and it's one that I talk about with clients and certainly prospective clients a lot, because nobody wants to sell. Nobody particularly enjoys selling. Unless you're a big old sales nerd like me. People will avoid asking or saying, do you want to buy this? Because it is a challenging or it feels like a challenging conversation to have because of the rejection that is perceived as being imminent. And the thing that I always say to people is marketing and sales are entirely separate things. They have entirely separate purposes. However, the synergy between them, as I think it was quoted in a Harry Potter book, one cannot live without the other, actually not Harry Potter quote, because obviously Harry Potter, for anyone that cares, the quote was one cannot live while the other survives. But marketing sales complete opposite of that. They have to coexist and they create this never ending circle, essentially. So if we look at the jobs or the purposes that they actually have, marketing for most people is designed to give them leads. As we all know, in order to make a sale, you have to have eyes on an offer, and specifically the right eyes on the right offer for them.

[00:10:01.790] - Speaker 4
And that's what makes the sale. Doesn't matter how else you do it. Those are the two things you need. So if we understand that marketing and the purpose of marketing is to bring you the right eyes, what we have to understand from a sales perspective is that our job is to show up and help those right eyes make a decision about the right offer for them and to help bring them to a conclusion.

[00:10:28.670] - Speaker 1
So I understand exactly what you're saying there. And one of the ways that I explain this to clients is that marketing is a little bit like cultivating the ground before harvest. And the sales is really the harvest itself. You can't have one without the other. But in most businesses, if they have an issue, it's either going to be there's nobody preparing the ground, there's, nobody nurturing the crop, or they have a sales issue where they're just letting the crop wither on the vine because it can be quite challenging. The kind of person that you just described, hopefully if the recording worked properly, was where they've taken a real step backwards into just being a huntergatherer. They see a dinosaur on the horizon and they exploit it and they jump in and they try and kill it quickly. Nobody comes out of that looking good. It's just not the way to go about things.

[00:11:25.730] - Speaker 4
I think it's quite a challenge as well, because most people, I don't think anybody sets out to give a bad sales experience. And I think actually a lot of people worry so much about selling that they inadvertently make the experience awkward and make it feel uncomfortable for both themselves and the customer. And, you know, I think what's interesting to watch is that so many people go one of two ways. Either they'll be incredibly worried about giving a poor sales experience and coming across as being sleazy and pushy and giving the hard sell that they refuse to sell. So they'll sit, like you say, in that preparation for harvest mode, and they'll only do their marketing and they won't convert the relationship in any way, shape or form because they would rather somebody said to them, I really want to buy something. I'm going to make this decision. I'm going to absolve you of all responsibility almost for any kind of impact on that decision. Or you get the people who inadvertently go the other way and they're so keen to avoid the pushy, hard sell that they actually become that, and they feel like it's more transparent.

[00:12:40.090] - Speaker 4
So they'll sit and go.

[00:12:41.380] - Speaker 2
Do you want this? Do you want this? Do you want this? Do you want this?

[00:12:43.280] - Speaker 4
And they won't actually necessarily listen to what the prospect is saying to them. So they won't hear what the real problems are or what the real transformation needs to be. And in that end, they continue to push the wrong offer because it's almost like a nervous, adrenaline fueled decision, if that makes sense. And that's what we typically see in sales. And unfortunately, because most people set out to want to give good sales experiences and in the online space, certainly people talk a lot about building relationships. One of the things that we have to realize about building relationships is that relationships are designed to be mutually beneficial, and that's the bit that we don't discuss enough. So if you're showing up, producing content for your audience week after week after week after week, and you are never, ever offering them the opportunity to buy from you, to sustain that content, to sustain their own learning, development and growth, then actually, you're not being part of a mutually beneficial relationship. You're being or you're contributing to a relationship where you overgive and then feel resentful because you are not rewarded in any way, shape or form.

[00:14:04.790] - Speaker 1
So when you're working with clients, they've kind of made the decision once we've got past your sales process and they are a client, they've made the decision they're going to sell to corporate. What are the most common mindset blockers that you find in them?

[00:14:23.690] - Speaker 4
It's an interesting one. So the people that I tend to work with are people who are incredibly good at what they do, so they are proficient to a level of qualification. I typically see lots of health and wellness practitioners, for example. So people who've qualified as nutritionists or fertility experts or menopause experts or whatever, and people who have worked in professional environments within their area of expertise. So project management professionals or program management professionals, people who work in operations, marketing, et cetera. And so it's interesting because you would think that those people, through virtue of having a qualification, would feel qualified. But actually one of the biggest mindset blocks that we see people coming to us with is around why would a big company buy from little old me? That's very typical. Why would a big corporate buy from a small business or buy from a soloprene? So we see that quite a lot. We also see things like, would they really pay me for that? Will corporate really give me money for this particular skill? Information education? So that's quite common. And I think the other big one is do corporates really prioritize what I'm trying to sell?

[00:15:49.280] - Speaker 4
And we see that again, cropping up, most commonly in wellness professionals or practitioners who can get very caught up in stereotypically. Corporates have only invested in profit building areas and revenue generating areas. And that's not true, and it's not the case, and it's certainly not the case any longer, but it's a common thing that people question or use to keep themselves stuck essentially, and stop themselves building that corporate revenue stream because they're afraid it's going to lead to more rejection.

[00:16:24.530] - Speaker 1
So this was actually something that I've been thinking about in the introduction was you speak about these sort of these obvious people for selling into corporate. But then there are these very nonobvious things like the wellness professionals. They're on the periphery of that. But if you extend that into things like confidence, coaching or I have a friend who runs a business doing laughter, yoga. These are slightly wacky things. Let's maybe look at what's the wackiest thing? What's the wackiest thing you've seen being successfully selling to corporate?

[00:17:03.260] - Speaker 4
Do you know what? In the last twelve months alone, I've seen quite a few different ones. So I've got a martial arts practitioner who is selling Marshall Arts like classes and coaching to organizations to increase performance. So that's quite an interesting one because it's not something that I've seen before. I've got people who work in play and play therapy, which is very interesting. I've got people who work in those health and wellness areas, so I mentioned a few. There fertility, menopause, women's health, men's health, those kinds of areas. Sleep consulting, that's a big one. And mental health. And then we have things like people dealing with imposter syndrome and empowerment and speaking. So not necessarily speaking as in speaking up in boardrooms and meetings and things, but dealing with a virtual environment. So confidence when speaking on video for people who previously didn't have to and were perfectly happy and confident speaking anywhere else. So we're seeing quite a lot of interesting things in the market, and it's a really cool place to be.

[00:18:20.960] - Speaker 1
So to use. What I think is Norman Schwarzkoff. No, I can't remember his name, but it was this whole thing of there are no knowns and unknown unknowns. When you're selling to corporate for the first time, you have no idea what the process is. Is it a straightforward process? Is there a convoluted buying chain? What's the decision making process am I going to have to produce contracts and agreements? There's an awful lot of unknowns around, for sure.

[00:18:50.960] - Speaker 4
And I also think that just like everything to do with sales, there's always somebody who's done it, and it's been awful. And I always liken this, too. I'm going to use a horrific example if you have to bear with me. But pregnancy. I'm 32 and a lot of my friends are having babies or have had babies, and people will insist on telling me their pregnancy stories, and I do not appreciate it. I tell all my friends I'm like, the worst, most squeamish person to talk to about it. I don't know anything about babies, and it's not a process that I am particularly willing to go through. However, what I've learned from my friends who are pregnant or who have been pregnant is that every time somebody talks to them about pregnancy, they've got the worst story ever. So they weren't just pregnant. Like they were pregnant. Everything went horrifically wrong. Like, and it's the same with corporate sales and the same with any kind of sales, really. You will always meet somebody who will tell you that they had a corporate client and they didn't sign contracts and then they didn't pay them. And then it was awful.

[00:19:59.840] - Speaker 4
And DA DA, DA, DA, DA. You just do. There's always going to be that person. And I would always say that you have to take anything with a pinch of salt because one party will always remember things quite differently from another party. And it also depends on how that person actually set the sale up and how they navigated things like client boundaries and how they actually set out their sales process, whether they even had a sales process or whether it was just a kind of handshake. And yeah, cool, we'll pay you that. But nothing's in writing and nobody's got T's and C's. So actually, it's not a real thing. So I think we always have to be aware that when we're talking to people about their experiences, they might have some incredibly valid and difficult experiences, but that might come through a result of some of the things that they've also contributed to that experience. So we always have to look at that in terms of the actual process of selling to corporate. So I developed a framework quite a few years ago now, and if you've heard it before, I'm sorry, because it's not the most exciting framework in the world.

[00:21:13.820] - Speaker 1
It's what we're here for.

[00:21:15.080] - Speaker 4
Well, I'll try and jazz it up. I'll do jazz hands whilst I say it or something.

[00:21:19.720] - Speaker 1
I knew we should be doing video.

[00:21:22.490] - Speaker 4
Yeah, that would've been great. Engagement on it would have been phenomenal. So when we're looking at selling to a corporate company, what we're actually doing is moving a stakeholder through five parts of the process, and they are only involved with four parts. You are involved with the first and you only. So the first part of the framework is clarity. Selling to corporate organizations or anybody else involves a level of understanding around who you are selling to and what you are selling in them. Now, I don't mean in terms of offers. Anyone can bash out an a four document that says, this is what I'm going to sell and be. What I mean is, in terms of transformation, what benefit are you actually going to provide to a company? What is the overall reason that they would hire you? So, for example, companies hire me and my sales consultancy because we help their salespeople generate more revenue. That's it. That's the main benefit of working for us. People will make more money. So we have to understand who we are selling to, what industry are we selling to, and what transformation are we going to provide? Then we have to look at lead generation.

[00:22:34.880] - Speaker 4
And this is where that synergy with marketing comes in. Only when we look at lead generation from a sales perspective, and particularly when we're talking about selling to corporate companies or selling B to B business to business, we're talking about Proactive targeting and outreach to leads that we know are going to be qualified and interested in what we have to sell that are more likely to convert that's. The second stage of the process is actually identifying the right leads that are most likely to convert into paying clients. You then we move on to business development. Business development, by its very nature, is the building of mutually beneficial relationships and using your consultative sales skills to be able to have productive, mutually beneficial conversations. Specifically sales conversations with your qualified leads to help you understand what their problem is and help you formulate offers and proposals that relate to solving that issue. Which brings us on to the next stage, which is offers and proposals, creating offers that ultimately solve problems, very key problems for organizations, and creating proposals that explain and outline the benefits of doing business with you and the benefits with using that particular solution.

[00:24:00.480] - Speaker 4
And then finally we have delivery and resell, or some of you in the online space might know it as upsell, and that is doing a great job for a client and then letting them know where they need to go next and find posting them and if it's relevant, offering them another opportunity to work with you. Does that make sense? The process itself is not sexy, but that's what we do.

[00:24:25.970] - Speaker 1
It makes perfect sense. And I think the area I would like to borrow in a little bit is this business development aspect. If we take a difficult to sell product, I'm going to pick photocopiers perfect that idea of the mutually beneficial relationship and building that through sort of beneficial conversations. When you are selling something as highly commoditized as that, how might you approach that?

[00:24:56.270] - Speaker 4
It's interesting. And actually I was having this conversation with my fiancee the other day who thinks that now he is marrying me. He's become some kind of like Allen Sugar behind the scenes. He sat there the other day and we were watching I think it's the Wolf of Wall Street or something. I'd finally got to watch it and he says to me, he's like, oh my God, if I was going to sell something, I'd invent something brand new that nobody else was selling. And I'd go out and I'd make millions. And I just laughed once I stopped laughing, which is about eight minutes later. I don't think he appreciated that. I was like, I would always rather sell in a saturated market than a blue ocean one. And he was like, why you're so stupid? Me the one with the sales business. I said to him, I was like, because the chances are if you are selling something that nobody else has ever thought of it's not needed and it's not wanted. And there's not been an adequate way of expressing the pain points or transformations to make somebody want to buy it. And that is problematic.

[00:26:03.540] - Speaker 4
That's harder selling in a saturated market, for example, like Photocopies, where you already know there's a clear need, there are clear problems that you can solve. There are clear transformations. There are clear people to target. That is easy because what you're talking about there is you are having to take clients that are potentially already buying from somebody else. But they're buying, right? That's the key word. They are already buying. They already need that thing. So when you are selling to them, you're not selling to them based on this is a hypothetical problem that you need to solve. You're selling to them based on you already have this issue. But here's how we can provide a better experience, provide something that's higher tech, better quality, whatever that looks like. And you're more likely to get that decision made when you're trying to sell something that nobody's ever heard of, that nobody really understands the problem that's being caused by it. That's a lot harder. Does that make sense?

[00:27:09.430] - Speaker 1
Yeah, it makes perfect sense. Stepping back to stage two, the lead generation. I think a lot of people, they hear lead generation and they think people filled in a form. Somebody triggered a live chat, somebody's put their hand up and said, you know what, Mr. Bob? I love what you do and I want your stuff. Please sell it to me. Now, you're not talking about that at all. And I think this is where when you're in a saturated market, that being unproactive, being passive, the whole marketing approach, it's not going to work. How proportionate is that Proactive element relative to the saturation of the market.

[00:27:56.000] - Speaker 4
So it's really an interesting question. And in all honesty, Proactive lead generation should be part of your marketing and sales strategy, regardless of how saturated your market is, because people are not often looking and scrolling their Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram news feed and thinking, oh, God, I wish I could buy a photocopy today. Oh, look, here's a photocopy of salesman. Let me go and buy from him just because he happens to be that's not what people are doing. And even if you get somebody who's particularly Proactive in solving a problem, so they go onto Google and they search cannibal Photocopier in London, they're going to get Bazillion hits and they're going to fill out a Bazillion forms because they want whatever specifics they need. So they're going to look until they find that. And it's really hard to judge your business and its success by how many particularly Proactive, self aware and intelligent stakeholders that happen to have the time on their hands to go searching for you and your product and service. That's a very hard metric. You don't know and you will never know. And so that can be very frustrating for people and really disheartening because essentially every day that you're not getting picked up on Google and getting a ton of leads, you're thinking, well, my website must be rubbish or my lead magnet is crap or whatever.

[00:29:33.620] - Speaker 4
And actually, it could just be that the people who would be buying from you haven't got time to go out and look for you. And why should they? Like, part of our job as salespeople is making somebody's life easier and giving them all the information and helping them to self identify. Do they even have this problem or not? And if they do, do they want to buy this thing that's going to help them or not? Would they rather have the consequences of whatever leaving that thing is going to happen? So Proactive outreach is integral regardless of how saturated the market is. Having said that, if you work in a saturated market and I do, sales arguably is one of the most saturated market in the world. And we specialize in working with sports firms. So everyone in their dog wants to work with the sports firm. It's very sexy industry. My clients are getting called all the time by other salespeople, and I admire them. And those are salespeople, in all honesty, that I want to hire because they are proactively trying to drive market share. And what often happens if you are currently buying as a stakeholder from a company that isn't providing a great customer experience or a great customer, a great customer service, or isn't listening to your needs or whatever, when these Proactive people get in touch with you and say, hey, do you want to have a chat about this?

[00:31:04.480] - Speaker 4
Or, hey, I've noticed that you're not doing this in the same way that other companies are. I'd love to talk to you and share some insights. They're thinking, this person is smart enough to realize that we might have a problem keen enough to identify us as an organization they might want to support in some way and Proactive enough to try and be cultivating and building a relationship that's going to be mutually beneficial, I'm going to have a chat with them, and that's how you win business from competitors, I guess.

[00:31:39.120] - Speaker 1
Another question that's really a follow on from that is I'm going to use the photocopy of sales analogy again, and apologies for any photocopy of sales people listening. Well, no, it's yours.

[00:31:52.290] - Speaker 4

[00:31:54.150] - Speaker 1
But I think it's a great example, because if you can make that work, you can make anything work. So I call up a prospect. I've got clarity as to who they are and what is the transformation. And I'm hitting stage two with my direct outreach. And I go, Hi, James. I understand you buy photocopies from time to time. Yes, I do, but we're very happy with what we've got. Thank you very much. Good bye. My experience is most people will leave it there.

[00:32:27.240] - Speaker 4
Oh, yeah.

[00:32:28.270] - Speaker 1
What should you be looking at next?

[00:32:31.830] - Speaker 4
Well, rather than starting the call with we understand that you do this, we start the call with finding out what their existing issues are. And we want to do two things when we're on a call with a prospect. One is we want to make it clear what we want from them. So whether that's a cold call or whether it's a scheduled call, we want to set an agenda first off or set some kind of expectation about what's going to happen. So you might call and go, hey, it's Jeff from Photocopiers.com. I was wondering whether you have five minutes to chat today about any issues you might be experiencing with your current photocopier. Right. That way they know what's going to happen and they know that you're probably going to try and solve something, and they know that you are looking to talk to them about something quite specific. And at that point, most stakeholders go, no, I don't have time. And fair enough, they probably don't. And so in that instance, you would say, okay, no problem. When do you have time? When is a good time for me to have a chat with you about it?

[00:33:31.850] - Speaker 4
And then they're going to do one of two things. Either they're going to give you a good time and they're going to tell you to call back, or they're going to say, I've got five minutes now because they just want to do something to make you go away, and they think that you're a spiel is going to make you go away. And that's where we go wrong, because then we do go into a spiel. Right. And there's this temptation to be like, yeah, we provide the cheapest photocopies on the market, and they're like really good and really fast, and they can whack through a whole bunch of paper. And the person's like, yeah, cool, we've already got that by, but the smart sales person starts asking questions. Okay. So just to make sure I can give you all the right information as quickly as possible and you can get rid of me. How many photocopies do you currently have in your office? We've got five. And out of interest, how many of those photocopies break down within a three month period? One. Okay. It happens quite regularly. I imagine that must be quite frustrating. Yeah, it's really annoying because X, Y and Z happened.

[00:34:29.890] - Speaker 4
And what's your current supplier doing about that? Well, nothing. We keep calling, but we always get chucked on. Hold on. Do you see what I mean to you? You open up. What are the problems that must be really frustrating for you? Would you ever consider switching suppliers to somebody to a supply that you could contact via live chat, for example, so you could get an immediate response? Well, our contract doesn't come up for another three months, but, yeah, I guess we would. And are you responsible for that? Do you see? And you move them through the information and question cycle so you can find out what problems do they have? Do they even want it solved? How much money have they got to solve it? What kind of time frame are they looking to solve that problem in? Does that all make sense? So we're never selling them anything. We're just asking them questions to find out whether they have a problem that we can actually fix. And if they do that's, when we say something like, okay, well, would you like me to tell you how we deal with our customers or how we could help you to solve that problem?

[00:35:32.950] - Speaker 1
I'm really glad you went that direction, because the truth is a sales conversation from beginning to end is a very simple thing, and it's only going to go in a limited number of directions. And if you're prepared for those directions, it's very easy to have the conversations. So I would have expected you to have a process for that.

[00:35:53.090] - Speaker 4

[00:35:56.090] - Speaker 1
Hopefully anybody listening can see actually that sounds very simple. It's just having the courage to get past that first rejection and having a plan for what comes next.

[00:36:06.770] - Speaker 4
It's really about having a human conversation. And I think we really forget about that. When it comes to sales, we talk about and lots of people out there will tell you there is a script to do this and a script to sell that, and that's all a load of crap, quite frankly. You have to make sure that you are having a clear conversation where you ask one question and then you actually listen to the answer and then you respond to that and ask another question. That's where people go wrong with sales. They'll either go into that spiel that we talked about and I'll tell you this and this because I'm really nervous and I just want you to tell me to get off the phone so I can be validated that I'm going to be rejected or they'll ask a bunch of questions. Hey, I want to talk to you because I want to find out what prices you're currently paying your current copy of supplier. And then I'd also like to know how many people you've got in your team and how many copies you have in the building so that I can talk to you about whether or not we could help supply copies for you for the next twelve months.

[00:37:07.830] - Speaker 4
Can you tell me all of that? Right. And the person's like, no, because I don't know what you've said. When we have a sales conversation, one question, listen to their answer, then respond to that. And yes, it sounds really simple because it is because we've forgotten about humanity and how to have productive conversations.

[00:37:30.710] - Speaker 1
So I guess at the end of the day, people are people, and it doesn't matter if they're in corporate or if they're in their own home. And more often these days people incorporate, frankly, they're at home. So what are maybe the top three tips that you would give to anybody who has never sold to corporate and is thinking, okay, Jess has motivated me here. I'm going to step up. I'm going to step outside my comfort zone. I'm going to do this thing I've been avoiding, frankly, never even considered it. What should their next steps be?

[00:38:04.550] - Speaker 4
I think the first thing is get very clear on who you're selling to. What industry are you selling to? Financial services companies, pharmaceutical companies, public sector organizations, which industry you're going to specialize in. And that will make your life a lot easier down the line and understanding what transformation you provide. I want to be clear about that. It's not about what you think the individual employee is going to benefit from it. How will the company benefit from whatever you do? Because that's why they're paying external suppliers. It's very nice to give their employees stuff. It's very nice to make them feel better. But what does that give the company? That's the first thing. The second thing is just a personal bugbear. And I tell all my clients not to do it is to start any sales call with how are you? Because it indicates, right? A, you don't know them. You don't care how they are. If we're going to be blunt about it, B, it takes up an awful lot of time because that person is then frantically trying to think about things that they can share with you. And on a good day, they'll be like, yeah, fine, thanks.

[00:39:13.370] - Speaker 4
And on a bad day, they were like, oh, my God, this happened, this happened, this happened. And before you know it, 25 minutes are gone and your sales call is over and you haven't done anything. So that's always about shout. And then Thirdly, I think the best thing that you can possibly do if you've never sold corporates before is actually look at proven processes. So go out and find information. Doesn't have to be me. Be whoever you like. Just make sure that you're looking at qualified resources. So not somebody who sat on Facebook like, oh, I was once a buyer or a procurement person in a corporate firm, and now I'm going to teach people how to sell corporate. There's not no actual sales experience. They've got lots of buying experience. They can have lots of value with that kind of information, but they're not going to teach you how to sell. Look for people who've been salespeople in a business to business environment, people who've got decent testimonials, people who've actually been capable not only of selling to corporate companies themselves in a sales role, but teaching other people how to do it. Because that's the big discrepancy that we see a lot in the online space is that we buy from people because they've done it, not because they're good at teaching how to do it.

[00:40:29.500] - Speaker 4
And so when you're looking for information, especially somebody who's new or looking to do something completely different. Go and find qualified information from somebody who's a qualified teacher of that not somebody who's just good at it. The ideal is finding somebody who's both. But if all else fails, find the person who's good at teaching. That's what you want.

[00:40:52.380] - Speaker 1
So my very good friend Andy Storage is a client of yours?

[00:40:56.310] - Speaker 4
Yes. Love Andy.

[00:40:59.210] - Speaker 1
I know he's doing extremely well. I guess where I'm leading with this is I've seen the transformation in Andy's business over the last couple of years, but I'd be keen to hear from you. Why is it worth it? What sort of transformation stories focusing on the transformation, so to speak. You know where I'm going with this. Do you have any really good stories of people who were doing okay, but when they took that step to focus in on corporate, even in a little bit, the difference that that can make.

[00:41:32.870] - Speaker 4
Yeah, I know. Literally. And I'm very fortunate. I've been in this space for a very long time. So I've had my own business and I've been teaching since 2014, which makes me a veritable dinosaur in the online space, like in the online sales space. And so I'm fortunate to work with literally thousands of entrepreneurs. And that's been amazing. But there are a few standouts. So one is actually a good friend of Andy's and he was also in my mastermind and in some of my current programs. I keep joking that she doesn't find me. And her name is Julie Dennis and she's amazing. And Julie sells menopause in the workplace strategies for corporate organizations, specifically financial services, corporate organizations, so banks, wealth management firms, asset management firms, et cetera. Julie came to me in December 2018 and she sent me a message and she did a whole talk on this event I ran, so I feel okay to share it. But she did a whole talk about the fact that she came to me in December 2018 with a message that said, I'm done my business, cannot continue running the way it is. And at that time, she had been for about two years, I think, trying to sell menopause services to individual women.

[00:42:54.200] - Speaker 4
So B to C, business to consumer. And she's had a Facebook group and she'd done all the challenges and all this kind of thing. And she's just like, I cannot sell one to one services anymore because people just don't want to spend the money on themselves. And she said, I want to work with you. This is my kind of really I'm going to go hard or go home on my business and what do you think I should do? And so within six weeks, we had her shut down her Facebook group, get rid of her entire business consumer email list, which she was terrified about. She spent years building. And rightly so. And we got her on to LinkedIn and selling to corporates. And for the last two years, she's been fully booked. And she has spoken on and shared panels for organizations like Coca Cola, the House of Lords. She's championed menopause policy for government organizations. She's been responsible for some of the world's largest financial services organizations implementing and educating their employees around menopause awareness training and menopause in the workplace. And Julie also takes six or seven weeks holiday every year. So she's one of my favorite people because she's always like, oh, yeah, I'm in Iceland this week or I'm going off to Portugal for a couple of weeks or whatever, let's say with coveted but still.

[00:44:21.860] - Speaker 4
But she religiously takes this holiday time. And I think people don't see that with people who work with corporate so often, they think that it's going to be like an employee driven mentality. And she's a really good example of why that isn't the case. We also had a lady who stands out, a lady called Ashanti, who actually did an interview on my podcast recently. And I didn't know it. But at the time that she signed up for my program in April 2020, she was sleeping on a friend's couch. She had lost her business previously because she was running an in person like Cafe type business. And when the pandemic hit, that went overnight. And she is an amazing, incredibly resilient woman. And she actually started using her skills in the areas that she developed over the pandemic around diversity, equity and inclusion, specifically around challenging conversations around race to support organizations. And she crossed a huge financial milestone. She generated multi six figures in twelve months. And that's huge. That's not something that everybody does. And she did it. Yes. By working her socks off. She took everything that I said. And she's one of the only people that I think has ever worked with me that has literally done every single thing I've ever said.

[00:46:02.270] - Speaker 4
But to go in that short space of time, from sleeping on a friend's sofa to actually using her skills and pushing forward with lead generation and having those confident business development conversations to selling multi six figures of services in one year, that's huge.

[00:46:26.390] - Speaker 1
Yeah. That's life changing. That's the important thing. It really is life changing. And I think what I would want anybody listening to understand is you can hear things like six figures. And when we talk about selling can very quickly start to sound potentially quite dirty. But business is essentially very simple. It's about a value exchange. You have something that is of genuine value. It's literally magical to the right person. And then you have other people out there who desperately need that magic that you have. And if you bring the two together, that's where the value is unlocked and somebody gets paid. That's one of the most wonderful things in the world, if you can get that alignment right. And I think that's one of the best things about selling when it's done well is it's about connecting the things that are sorely needed with the people who desperately need them? And if you can do that well, and if you can do that consistently and if you can do it at scale, you can have a fantastic business and a fantastic life. And I think that's where people like you are really important, because for me, it's about making magic happen.

[00:47:37.580] - Speaker 1
It's not about selling 100%.

[00:47:39.970] - Speaker 4
And it's about letting I think the biggest thing about selling is that the magic happens in that sales conversation by getting a stakeholder to understand that they actually do have an issue and that the problem might not be the one that they accepted. I think a lot of the time we will let stakeholders tell us what they think the issue is. And we'll believe that with the best one in the world, they're not always correct. A lot of the time they're not correct because they are paid to do a very specific job, and they do that really well. If they could diagnose every other issue, they'd be a miracle worker. And we hear from our stakeholders who say, well, particularly in my area, they'll say, oh, we just need more leads. We need our marketing team to be better at getting leads. And we'll have to question, okay, well, what do you do with those leads? How often do you follow up with them? What happens? How often do you get the sales calls with them? And from that they'll go, oh, God, we don't need more leads. We need to do more with the ones we already have.

[00:48:44.120] - Speaker 4
And we're like, yes. And it's just that moment of clarity that they suddenly understand that actually the initial problem they thought they had might not be correct. And actually they might need to fix it in a different way than they were expecting.

[00:48:59.180] - Speaker 1
Well, hopefully people are listening, thinking, oh, my God, I've got a lot to do. So much opportunity for everybody if they're listening in this conversation. If people would like to go further with you, if they'd like to connect with you, how would you like them to do that?

[00:49:16.710] - Speaker 4
Yeah, of course. If you are interested in selling to corporates and like I say, you want a resource that is going to be useful and proven, then you are more than welcome to head over to my podcast, which is the Selling to Corporate, originally named. You can find it on itunes, Spotify, wherever. You usually listen to podcasts that just type in Selling to Corporate, and that'll pop right up for you.

[00:49:41.790] - Speaker 1
And my final question when I ask every guest is what's one thing you do now that you wish had started five years ago?

[00:49:49.850] - Speaker 4
So it comes with a little story, and I hope you let me have that. I would say the one thing that I would do or wish I had started earlier was to ask for things without worrying about how it looks when I started out in the online space, people would be very odd about how they asked for support. And I think people still are. I'm not in as many Facebook groups these days, so I might be wrong, but people used to instead of asking for support, they would talk about how great they were doing. Oh my God, my clients were getting amazing results or I've got all these people on my email list and I don't need any help. And they wouldn't ask for help or they wouldn't ask for information because they thought it might make them look like they were new or they were foundational, or they weren't as advanced as people thought they were or they weren't making as much money as people thought they were. And I've always thought that was a real shame because asking questions in the right environment can get you some great results. We were talking about this before we started recording, you know, the power of events and the magic that happens there because of the conversations you have with people and the things you're able to ask them and the things that you go on to implement afterwards.

[00:51:10.930] - Speaker 4
But one of the ways that I realized that I wished I'd started earlier was actually when I met the man who is now my fiancee. I laughed because he asked me out on a date on Friday night. And if you are a woman, you will know that there is a rule that you don't got a first date with anyone on a Friday night. Like, apparently it's a big old exclusive time and you should have really busy plans on a Friday. I don't ever have busy plans on a Friday. I just don't. And especially the pandemic hasn't even changed that. I can't even blame that I'm not a Friday night person. And so I had no plans. And here was this kind of ballsy guy who was like, yeah, don't go out on a Friday night. And I was like, yeah, all right, then, I guess so. And he turned up and we had this date and it was annoyingly good. Annoyingly good. And now, however, long afterwards, I'm going to be stuck with him for life. Or rather, he's going to be stuck with me for life, which is an awful way of saying that obviously he's great and I can't wait to marry him.

[00:52:16.230] - Speaker 4
But if he hadn't asked, without thinking about how it looked that he didn't have any plans on a Friday night and that he was free because he wasn't busy going out on tons of dates with other people or having a big old social life, we probably would have been those people who maybe didn't go on a date at all and maybe would have been like, oh, do you want to make plans then? Oh, no. And stayed in that awkward we're trying to pretend that we've both got big lives and never made it anywhere who knows? And so I think there's a lot of value in that. Don't worry about how things look when you get on the sales call. Your job isn't to know exactly what their job entails. Ask questions, be curious, be interested. What does that mean? Oh, I've not heard that phrase before. Can you tell me what it means for your organization? Oh, other companies, you know, think about it in this way. Can you tell me what your company thinks about that or how it deals with it? Those things, they often get people stuck because people think that they're going to be looked at as being stupid or not knowing the answer or not being telepathic or whatever.

[00:53:29.870] - Speaker 4
But it's so valuable to just ask and not care about who's looking at it and what they might think of you because you get so much more information and people really respect you for trying to understand something that is new or complex or that actually they just want to feel is being treated differently and not just as a number.

[00:53:51.230] - Speaker 1
I think that's one of the best answers I've ever had. Questions are everything. If you don't have questions, you're really not trying, and I think nobody's going to move forward without questions. Jess, Laura Mer, thank you so much for being such a great guest. I have had great fun with you. I've learned so much. I'm going to have to have a good, long look in the dark room at what I'm doing.

[00:54:16.490] - Speaker 4
That's always a nice way to start the new year.

[00:54:20.210] - Speaker 1
Hopefully, the listener will to the listener. I hope you've enjoyed this week's show. And yeah, if you want to make sure you don't miss more magic like this every week, then don't forget to subscribe or if you're listening on Apple podcasts, use the new follow button. If you'd like to work with me on your own personal brand business journey, whatever stage you're at, then just email Bob at amplifymed or agency and we'll find a way to make that happen. Don't forget as well you can join the amplify personal brand business Facebook community for free. Sorry Jess, you probably don't like the word free, but just head to amplifyme agencyinsiders and welcome to the family. Jess, lauramer, thank you for your time and to you for listening. Thank you. Bye bye. Before I go, just a quick reminder to subscribe and join our Facebook group. You'll find a link in the show notes or visit amplifyme. Fminsiders. Also, connect with me wherever you hang out. You'll find me on all the social platforms at bobgentle, if you enjoyed the show, then I would love a five star review on Apple podcast. It would make my day. And if you shared the show with a friend, you would literally make my golden list.

[00:55:33.920] - Speaker 1
My name is Bob gentle. Thanks to you for listening and I'll see you next week.

Thanks for listening!

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Episode Overview

Having the daily discipline to do, every day, the things others won't leads to incredible things. Some are born with this grit and build great businesses. Most of us are not - and we don't.

This week on the show I'm speaking with Sagi Shrieber from Commit First about how you and I can cultivate discipline and the mental toughness we need in order to put the tasks others would avoid - first?

Sagi's website : https://sagishrieber.com/

Automatic Audio Transcription

Please note : This is an automatically generated transcription.  There are typos and the system may pick words or whole phrases up incorrectly.  

[00:00:01.870] - Speaker 2
Welcome to Amplify the Personal Brand Entrepreneur Show. Today on the show, Bob is speaking with Sagi Schrieber

[00:00:11.870] - Speaker 1
Make a list of what are the things I value in life. Let me just give you a hint. You should value yourself first. But for me, it's like my physical and mental health, then it's my family divided by my kids and my wife, and then it's my business. I already said to myself, I'm a family first entrepreneur. Family first. But what's his family first entrepreneur to do? He doesn't keep his own mental and physical health. One day it's going to get sick. And to not be a father, to be a family person or the business would die.

[00:00:41.330] - Speaker 2
Whatever. Hi there and welcome back to Amplify the Personal Brand Entrepreneurship. My name is Paul Gentle, and every week I'm joined by amazing people who share what makes their business work. If you've just hit play, then before you go any further, don't forget to subscribe. And if you're listening on Apple podcasts, it's the plus icon or the Follow button at the top of the screen. That way you won't miss a thing. Now, before I jump into introducing this week's guest, just a quick reminder that after nearly 200 of these interviews, I've learned a thing or two about what makes business work online. And it turns out that success does live clues. And I want to offer you the map. So if you jump over to my website, you can grab your copy of my Personal Brand Business Roadmap. It's everything you need to start scale or just fix your personal brand business. So this week's guest is, I'm going to say a mentor of mine is somebody whose work I follow a lot, somebody personally I look up to a lot because he's probably one of the most disciplined and productive people I know. He runs three businesses and he'll tell you about those.

[00:01:45.370] - Speaker 2
But this week, Sagi Schrieber, welcome to the show.

[00:01:48.490] - Speaker 1
Yeah. What's up, Bob? Thank you so much for having me on the show.

[00:01:51.490] - Speaker 2
No, honestly, it's my pleasure. And this is really my opportunity to pick your brains because discipline and mental toughness are two things that when I think of saggy shrimp, these are the words that make you stand out. And I've been looking at some processes in my business and trying to level up this year. And what I'm finding is when you want to level up from a practical perspective, something else has to level up as well. And one of my previous podcast guests, she used a phrase I'll never forget. Your business will grow when you grow. And a lot of people listen to something like that, and they think information, they think knowledge. But it's much more than that. If you want to play bigger, you need to be bigger. And this is really what I want to talk about with you today is how we can bring a bigger game. Be bigger.

[00:02:43.170] - Speaker 1

[00:02:43.860] - Speaker 2
You know, you know what I'm talking about?

[00:02:45.500] - Speaker 1
Yeah. I love this topic because it's what I'm most bullish about right now. A lot of people are talking about the Metaverse and NFDS. Right. That's the whole vibe right now. But he's talking about in business and personal branding. People are talking about the methods and the tactics and the social media and everything like that and the channels. We had a discussion about that as well. I mean, it's important, right? But at the end of the day, the thing that is most important is not that metaphors, it's your inner verse. And that's what I'm really keen on, understanding my own universe, my own world, and improving myself. Because what I noticed in about five years of business, of putting food on the table and growing business, is that no matter what struggle you go through, because we all go through adversity and so much struggle, each one of us has their own things. I mean, we both have kids, right? For me, I have like three small children under the age of nine, and one of them is like one year old. And the whole struggle with having kids and three businesses and everything that's going on.

[00:04:03.260] - Speaker 1
And we all want to be great human beings. We want to be great partners and we want to be great parents and we want to be great entrepreneurs. And everything comes together and clashes a lot of the time. So how do we keep ourselves from overwhelming and how do we keep ourselves basically functioning at a very productive vibe? First of all, the understanding of this, the understanding is that when you do the work on you, then your business will flourish as well. We tend to think we need to work on the business. And they're saying don't work in the business, work on the business. I say effort, work on yourself. And yes, work on the business for sure, but work on yourself first. And that means also putting your first in top priority. So I don't know which way you want to take it, but we can talk about a lot of topics based off of just that.

[00:05:00.010] - Speaker 2
Well, let's talk about something really simple. And I think we only have so many hours in the day. Everybody's busy, right. Some people are very wasteful with their time, and others have really optimized that time. And the only way that they can find more margin is sometimes getting up a little bit earlier. There are books like Miracle Morning, Numerical Morning. Robin Sharma has got the 05:00 A.m. Club. There is a movement towards getting up early in the morning, which in the evening sounds like a great idea, but in the morning it doesn't sound like a great idea. So how can somebody who is very comfortable in their life and there's no burning pressure? My business is not falling apart. If I don't get up at 05:00 A.m. In the morning, there are no consequences for me. But I know if I want to play bigger I'm going to need to be bigger in this instance in the morning. So how could somebody like me train myself to be better in the morning?

[00:06:00.240] - Speaker 1
All right, so here's the thing that is probably going to shock you and I don't know how much you know about okay, so I'll start from the end. I don't wake up at five in the morning and to tell you the truth, I don't even wake up at six. I try to wake up at seven and the reason I do that is because I had a morning routine. But when my baby was born right now in sleep this night, we have a period right now where my baby? She wakes up and I call her my baby. She's one year and four months old but she was very cute.

[00:06:38.870] - Speaker 2
We've been calling her baby for a long time.

[00:06:40.670] - Speaker 1
Yeah, that's the youngest one. And she wakes up from 09:00 p.m. To twelve like midnight. She wakes up two to three times crying. So we're around her and then by midnight she falls asleep. I go to sleep at around midnight or whatever and I just want to get my 7 hours of sleep in. Sometimes we wake up in the middle of the night for her as well. So I know my sleep is not at the best state it's at. So we have periods in our lives where morning routines just don't freaking work. So for me what I did is I made sure I have a morning routine for a second dividing like separating the hour which you wake up in the morning to the morning routine. So I'm saying like having a morning routine is crucial is important for me. It's like I don't see any other way to succeed but waking up for me right now, I prioritize sleep and I call them my nine to twelve club where right now I don't work from 09:00 A.m. To twelve noon I don't work. Sometimes I make it a bit shorter because maybe I start at 830 or whatever but basically like 3 hours where I go to exercise, I take a shower, I eat properly, sometimes I meet with friends that I don't have other ways to meet or other time to meet with because of my busy life.

[00:08:01.700] - Speaker 1
But it's mostly taking care of me. And why not? Just because I wake up at seven straight to get the kids ready for the whole rush to get them to school and everything. And then by about 830 I come back home, I take the dog out for a walk and then I start my day. So my nine to twelve club is the way for me to make sure I still get sleeping because it's just as important as starting your day, right? You cannot start your day, right? If you don't get a proper sleep and you cannot get anywhere without proper sleep and right now, I know my sleep is not proper at all. So I'm trying to get it to the point where first of all, dividing that morning routine from the sleep thing, making sure I get enough sleep. And I think that's for a lot of people, it might make sense right now because a lot of people are like, I don't want to wake up in the morning because I stay up late for me. Also, by the way, I have planned from the United States. So at least twice a week I'm on phone calls until late.

[00:08:56.030] - Speaker 1
So again, I can't really make sure that I wake up. I go to sleep by 09:00 p.m.. So once we divided it now, let's talk about the morning routine for a second. Most people and there's a statistic about it. I don't know the current statistics, the specific one, but most people have their heart attacks in the morning. So like most heart attacks that happen happen in the morning, specifically, by the way, in the UK, I think that's the highest rate. So why is that? It's because in the morning everybody starts their fires, right? Everybody now is like, oh my God. And this and that. We need to do this, we need to do that. There's a lot of also early risers. I don't know about you. I'm getting messages from my accountant and my personal assistant at 830 in the morning sometime and this can be stressing, hey, we need to pay this much tax. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like, dude, it's 830 in the freaking morning. You don't stress people out like that. Especially people like me who come from a background of not managing my money correctly. And I remember phone calls from the banks at this hour that turned my stomach over.

[00:10:02.370] - Speaker 1
So right now I opt out of this shit like 100%. I put myself up front and I say, this is my life. So I'm going to do me and I'm opting out of everybody else's agenda until twelve. And you know what, if you have something very pressing, something very urgent, and I need to call someone, I might give them a call about ten when I'm finishing my exercise and I'm on the drive back home or something like that, just for about ten minutes. I might do that. But Besides that, that's it. I'm really doing me that's one thing. Now back to waking up early. I did have periods where I woke up early and it wasn't all fun. But again, that sense of like beating the sun up, I think rent car don't talk about it a lot. It's like that feeling of like I beat the sun up.

[00:10:55.090] - Speaker 2
Just do stuff that makes you proud, competitive for me.

[00:10:58.720] - Speaker 1
Yes. I'm not the best person to talk about waking up early because again, I'm not a morning person. But when I did have times where I woke up early, I felt great. And that sense of peace where nobody's even awake or nobody really will. My accountant might Ping me at 08:30 A.m., but it will not Ping me at 630. So it's like nobody is there to bug you. The kids haven't woken up yet. My wife doesn't wake up for me. It's a lot of period.

[00:11:33.320] - Speaker 2
I think what you've described there is in your situation, in your time of life, you've shifted that morning routine into what most people would consider to be the work day. And that in your situation makes perfect sense. But it's still been created with some discipline and you stick to it. And I think that's really the sticking to something that you can have an idea, you've been creative, you've now resolved to do something and it happens. This is where I see a lot of people fall down. It's very easy to be creative. It's very easy to generate ideas, but then the execution is either hit or miss or sporadic. But that commitment to allow the compounding effect to kick in over a period of time never happens. So how do you either yourself or if somebody comes to you as a client and says this is my issue, I'm finding it difficult to be consistent. How do you help them work towards that consistency?

[00:12:29.720] - Speaker 1
I love that question. And it's a great question because I do have clients, some coaching clients that are struggling with this thing. But I'll tell you, one is a process. I also went through a process, don't beat yourself up. I think it's the first thing for me. There's also a lot of things that I've tried to implement, habits that I try to implement that the most important thing I learned over time is not to beat myself up if I don't get to it, but to say tomorrow is another day, but not let myself too much go on with this. Tomorrow is another day. Just let it go, but say, okay, I haven't done it. I'm kind of looking at myself in the mirror. This is the hard truth saga. You haven't done it today, but don't worry, tomorrow is another day. So kind of like having that patience on one hand. On the other hand not giving yourself some slack. They say tomorrow you're going to do it. And you know what? Sometimes I can't do the realization where I don't do it the other day. Some of my habits that I try to implement, for instance, daily meditation.

[00:13:27.360] - Speaker 1
I'm still not meditating daily, although that was on my agenda for the past couple of years. But I came to a realization one day after like a month of trying to implement it, that maybe I have the benefit of not meditating every day. Like for me, maybe I'm not doing it because I value other things more than the meditation daily. I value meditation, but maybe not daily. So I kind of took it out of my kind of like need to do it every day. And now I don't do it every day, and I'm completely fine with that. I would love to do it every day. I know it will get me farther, but I have a lot of other things to work on, and I'm working on those as well. So the most important thing is the hack. And that's something very practical. I'm trying to think of the practical things to give to your audience here. Measure yourself. Make a list. If you have a pen and paper and you want to write it right now, make a list of what are the things I value in life. Just make that list. When you put those things up, let me just give you a hint.

[00:14:32.550] - Speaker 1
You should value yourself first. But for me, it's like my physical and mental health. Then it's my family divided by my kids and my wife, and then it's my business. I used to value my I already said to myself, I'm a family first entrepreneur, family first. And I was priding myself in being family first. But what's the family first entrepreneur to do if he doesn't keep his own mental and physical health? One day is going to get sick, and there would not be there would not be a father to be a family first entrepreneur or the business would die or whatever. So I say I know I should ruthlessly follow this core value of physical and mental health, and that's on the top of the priority list. And then one day I looked at my calendar. So the first thing to do is to make a list of the things you value in life and then prioritize them on the list. Just you roll a list, right? Get another piece of paper and write it in priority. The one on the top is the most valued thing in your life right now. And that's the thing that now is the next phase, which is go and look at your calendar.

[00:15:39.170] - Speaker 1
If those things that you value are not on your calendar, what are you doing? So your calendar is a complete reflection of the values. So if your calendar does not reflect the values that are in your life, then you are living out of integrity. If you're living out of integrity, there's nothing you can really get down or you cannot grow. So you need to make sure, first of all, you get to a level where you're living on a level of integrity. You're being proud of who you are. You're proud of being the hero of your own journey. By the way, a new book just came out by Donald Miller. You probably read Story Brand, right?

[00:16:15.060] - Speaker 2

[00:16:15.580] - Speaker 1
Amazing book.

[00:16:16.230] - Speaker 2
I'm nodding. Forgetting that we're doing an audio show.

[00:16:19.730] - Speaker 1
There's a new book called Hero on the Mission. Basically, that's exactly what he's talking about. And being the hero of your own story. That's what I was like having in my mind for after storytelling became a part of my business. I said, storytelling is also for life. How am I going to be the hero of my own story? I write my own story. That's how we write our own story. So if our candor do not reflect our values, then we're missing out on everything. So I have time in my calendar for my kids. I have time in my calendar. That's the point where I looked at my calendar back then. It was the beginning of 2020, actually 2021. Just a year ago, almost. And I was in a terrible, terrible situation. Man, I don't know if you know this, but I was sued. Did I tell you about it?

[00:17:06.780] - Speaker 2
You did tell me about that. Yeah, I remember. You did not look like a healthy person.

[00:17:11.430] - Speaker 1
No, I was sued by troll, by the way. I did not do anything illegal. I just was sued on my email list. It can happen to anyone. Just someone who should be a lawyer. But he's not actually finding a normal legit job. It's just suing small companies, finding the small things in between the law. And so someone sued me. I had another client in my agency gone bad, and I never heard clients gone bad. Specifically, this client was an attorney. So it was just like, a really, really bad.

[00:17:42.350] - Speaker 2
Nobody needs outcome.

[00:17:45.830] - Speaker 1
We don't do development anymore. But back then, we did development and the developer, she was a new developer, and she wiped his website completely, like, on production. Anyway, a lot of things went wrong with this project, and I took responsibility for it, obviously. And I was just feeling a really bad feeling like, oh, my God, how did I get to a position where one contacts gone wrong, and every day at 10:00 P.m., I'm getting an email, another email from him, like, you're wasting my time. I shouldn't have worked with you. Stuff like that. How did I get to a position where someone saying, I can't believe I'm working with you, and then another person is freaking suing me? And so much stress and working. I never talked to lawyers, ever, really. And all of a sudden, I'm talking to a lawyer and preparing a defense document and all this stuff and going to court, and then it felt just, like, so stressful. And I wasn't sleeping at night at all. The baby just was not sleeping at that period. She was just like, she was not even one year old, and she was just, like, not sleeping.

[00:18:46.490] - Speaker 1
I think that was one of the worst periods in my life. And for those couple of months, I had a couple of other things happened to me, which were kind of just situations where like, oh, my God, everything happened between January to March, and things that really helped me is my personal development routine. Like I said, okay, I'm going to double down whatever I need right now for my health. I remember I said to myself, like, okay, mental and physical health first, and the physical will help the mental. So I went and double down on my workout, and I went and I meditated more, and I put information on my screen. This is, by the way, my vision. You see a lot of stuff on my iPhone right now. This is my iPhone lock screen right now. It's a bunch of stuff. It's like my vision sheet. But basically I put affirmation saying it's all happening perfectly. That was kind of like my affirmation. Everything that's happening right now in your life is something you manifested and something that also is coming to teach you a good lesson in life. And so when March came and I overcame that guy in court and I also fixed everything for my client, and I really came out on top.

[00:19:55.150] - Speaker 1
I looked back and like, okay, okay, what's going on? What can you do now? And what can I do now to keep my mental and physical health in the right position? I looked at my calendar and I thought, there's nothing for workouts in my calendar. And I think that's how most of us live. We don't have workouts. We just do it when we can. Right. It's not a thing in our calendar. It's not a work thing. Like, why should we have it in our calendar? So in March, I just took my calendar. I booked out a recurring event every single day. Nine actually was like eight even to twelve, just nothing on my account. Nobody can book any meetings with me, and I can book for myself as well. And since then, I've been doing it. And I can't say it was perfect. Some days I missed out. Right. But at the beginning, it was very hard. But I eventually started talking to my clients, and when I mentioned that to my clients, even though I don't work from nine to twelve, they're actually on board with it. They're really inspired by, oh, my God, this is great that you're doing it.

[00:20:52.900] - Speaker 1
It's really cool. And I think that's something that I pride myself in doing as well. It's something that goes against the common norms. Right. And it's not that I even work more. I don't I actually work less. I don't work more work hours because of that nine to twelve. It's actually part of my freaking work day. I work less. And the worthless thing is something I figured out when I did 75 hard, which is a mental toughness challenge, which I really recommend everybody to start with or do, if you can.

[00:21:21.810] - Speaker 2
I tried it. I was on there for about a week or two weeks or something like that.

[00:21:26.340] - Speaker 1
And you fell off. And let's say you didn't try again.

[00:21:28.680] - Speaker 2
Not yet.

[00:21:29.770] - Speaker 1
Okay. So when I'm doing 75 art again, I'll reach out to you and we're going to do it together. It's just amazing. The thing that I got from 75 heart is at the beginning, like, the first two weeks are really hard. That's why most people so for the listener.

[00:21:44.550] - Speaker 2
Just what is 75 hard?

[00:21:46.570] - Speaker 1
Okay, so 75 hard is something I did in 2020 just before Coveted. I started it in January 2020. It is a mental toughness challenge created by it was designed by Andy Fraser, who is an amazing entrepreneur. He's a very tough dude. Kind of like some people love him. Some people hate him for the way he speaks, but he's a tough guy, but he's a very successful entrepreneur. I love this guy for what he represents. And he created this challenge, which is not a fitness challenge, but a mental toughness challenge. But it has like all like, different activities that you have to do every single day for 75 consecutive days. Here is the five things. One, you have to have two workouts a day. So the two workouts have to be separate and they each have to be minimum of 45 minutes. And one has to be outside. No matter the weather. The workouts can be also walking. You don't have to run for 45 minutes, but it can be walking as well. But still, 45 minutes times two. One has to be outside no matter the weather. So that's 1 second thing is you have to drink a gallon of water every day.

[00:22:54.400] - Speaker 1
That was one of the hardest for me. Just because the amount of time I had to go pee in one day, it was just crazy. You don't think about it. You're just like, oh, I'll just drink a lot. It's healthy. Yeah, that's you on the plane with that gallon. So I'll never forget. I came to the UK and just like the plane was delayed. So we're sitting on the plane and they told us we can't take our seatbelts off. Just sitting and waiting to take off. My God, please take off. I really got to go. So anyways, 75 hard, we said two workouts, one gallon of water. You have to read ten pages of any personal development book a day. It should be any book that teaches you something new. It's not a fiction book. And then you have to take one progress. Take a selfie, basically. And the selfie is for you. You don't have to publish it online. You can definitely just have it for your own sake. And you don't have to publish it anywhere. But it's meant for you to later see the progress that you made, like how your body changed and how your expression changed and what this does when you do this.

[00:24:01.290] - Speaker 1
Everything, by the way. Also another thing, you have to choose a diet and stick to it with no cheat meals at all. And you cannot have anything that is bad for you. Meaning like you can't have a cake or anything like that and you cannot have alcohol. So, yeah, if you drink casually, no more drinking for 75 days. And you can have that nice birthday cake when you go to a birthday or if you go to a wedding or whatever, now everybody's going to enjoy it and you're going to set aside and be disciplined and not touch it. So that's the kind of really hard things that kind of I can say almost broke me a couple of times. Also when my kids had birthdays and stuff.

[00:24:37.150] - Speaker 2
Yeah. None of them are individually ridiculously tough. Collectively, it is a very big Hill to climb, right?

[00:24:47.990] - Speaker 1
By the way, I broke down like day 25. I fell off and I wanted to quit. And luckily for me, I had my previous mentor, Kevin Wayman, and I called him and I was like, bro. And Kevin did 75 hard. I said, I want to quit, man. And he's like, you're not quitting. I'm like, Man, I've been to the army enough of this shit. Like, I know what I'm doing. It's so cool. I don't need 35 hours. And also I was feeling like I'm working on this thing. It's like 3 hours a day. You are working on this challenge because it takes time to read the ten pages of the book. It takes time to do the exercises. It takes a toll on you. It's a lot of time investing in preparing for the exercise, showering later, whatever you need to do. It's not just 45 minutes. It takes time. I told him like this, and I'm quitting. And he's like, you're not quitting? And he's like, what did you fall off, Sage? What did you fall off? And I said, the selfie. I did everything. I did the exercise. I drink a gallon of water, I kept my diet, and I just didn't take a selfie.

[00:25:50.210] - Speaker 1
I forgot the freaking selfie. And whenever in this challenge, you go, you fall off on even one of these things. Even if you read nine pages instead of ten or whatever, you have to catch yourself and go back to day one. And that's the whole thing about it. If you fall off at any time, you go back to day one. I told him I found a selfie, and he said, well, have you ever had that in life for business where those small things you did all the big things, everything was great. But those small things, minor things you missed, and they completely messed you up. And I was like, oh, my God, yes. It's so true. So 75 hard. And what you fall off on or what is the hardest for you, sometimes it's a reflection of your life and business. And the thing about 75, once you do it, it's a transformation of discipline, of self esteem, of the way you think of yourself, of knowing that you kind of it's another win for life. It's something that you've done. I want to tattoo myself on Santa Fe. I'm not doing it right now, but I feel like I really want to get a tattoo standing for because I feel I did something very hard.

[00:26:57.540] - Speaker 1
And I found out the most stressful thing for me at the beginning was the 3 hours. Like I'm saying, I'm not working in my business enough. And then I noticed over time that my business grew in 2020 like crazy. So I learned that even if you work less, you grow more if you do some of the work on you. So you go inside, you do the work on yourself, and then your business external situation, everything kind of correlates because you're in better energy. You have better calls with your clients, even potential clients that could have said no because of your energy. Now say yes, you're more alive. Everybody around you is witnessing you and inspired by you and want to work with you. You are making better decisions because everything is clear in your head. So everything kind of correlates. And I think there's another spiritual aspect of it, Bob. I don't think we ever talked about it, but I think there's a spiritual aspect of manifestation. So when you're in a state and operating and higher vibes in the world, I believe that manifestation happens quicker. So you manifest the things that have attraction and how it works.

[00:28:06.550] - Speaker 1
You manifest the things that you say you want in your life. They just come to you. You start attracting more rather than trying to grab.

[00:28:15.950] - Speaker 2
I think, without even needing to get particularly sort of woo around the law of attraction. I've looked a little bit at this and there's an awful lot of convergence around you. And I used to hearing with the law of attraction and where quantum physics is currently arriving, this is not really fringe. This is sort of what you would call high physics that a lot of physicists aren't even there yet. But no, I totally agree with you on that.

[00:28:47.620] - Speaker 1
Yeah. And just do like one point on that as well. I mean, I can talk about it for hours, but one point is one recommendation for book Levels of Energy. If you haven't read that Levels of Energy is a great book representing a scale from zero to 1000, about frequency and what frequency people operate on. So basically the 50 to 100 is like crime and you feel like angry at the world. And 100 to 200 is like you're breaking out of the you're starting to understand there's a world out there that you can conquer. 200 to 500, whatever, like entrepreneurship route, personal development route, whatever. You get there with coaches and help and stuff like that, training 500, you start attracting, you start working less, attracting more. 600, 700 is already like bliss. And so there's like these levels of energy. And I really believe in it. And now like that also, I just heard started hearing an audible here on a Journey by Donald Miller, which is a great start of the book. He's talking about exactly the same thing. He's just not talking about the levels, but he's talking about you. Start by there's a couple of characters, there's the victim, there is the villain, and then there's the guide and the hero, or basically the levels are first of all, villain like, right, 50 to 100 victim, 100 to 200.

[00:30:09.780] - Speaker 1
Then there's the hero who starts operating at 200 until about 500, 600 when it becomes the guide. The guide is like the one that can help the people, ring them up and attract everything to them already. So I love that. And I think it's very, very true.

[00:30:25.140] - Speaker 2
I'm going to have to go and read both of those. So one thing we haven't really spoken about at all, and this is just sort of what I would expect from your generous spirit. We haven't talked about what your business does at all. So for the listener, what does your world look like outside of personal development and all that good stuff?

[00:30:47.210] - Speaker 1
I see myself as an entrepreneur and business owner, but also I came up as a designer. So most of my life I've been working for startups. I was in the tech scene. I was the first designer at Fiverr, not in the marketplace, but working on the marketplace with the founders. I was the first designer there. And then I had my start up. We got acquired by a similar web, which is another start up. And then after that I went solo and worked on my blog and launched my agency. So right now what I have is Rocksville design blog where I monetize that I have online courses and one course that is a physical class twice a week. I just brought in external lecture to help me and basically he's taking half of it, I'm doing half of it. So I'm still teaching that class, but I have online courses as well. And people buy packages. I do trainings. With the blog comes everything. Like people companies ask me to do trainings for them. It's a design blog, so it's like design trainings and stuff like that. And then that's the blog as my agency, the agency is called Contrast two X, and we do user experience design for startups.

[00:32:00.250] - Speaker 1
We work with small startups just beginning that just got capital. We also work with very big startups. For instance, Fiverr just released a new feature. It was on Tech Crunch and all the big publications. And for that feature, they called me to come and do the workshop with them to crack the concept. So big startups call me out to crack concepts, and smaller startups call me out to work with my designers and my team because we accompany them as product design teams throughout time. The second one, the third one is Commit First, which is my podcast, my brand, like about personal development and spiritual growth for entrepreneurs. And that's why I'm right now developing this as a tech company. Actually, I've been taken in by the whole web, three kind of thing going on and the metabolism thing. I got myself an Oculus a couple of months ago, and I was just blown away by the experience. And I said, Man, I want to create that experience. I'm already working on an app right now in development. It's called Affirmations Go. It's going to come out in about two months. I just got the first version yesterday.

[00:33:14.940] - Speaker 1
They sent me a test flight and playing around with it. It's an app for Affirmations. So basically I'm building like a system of apps for personal development and for doing the inner work things that I need for myself and that I'm working with myself on. I'm just building the apps for them. And also I want to create immersive experiences like guided meditations and visualizations and working on manifestations and stuff like that, but in the Metaverse and in VR environment. So imagine yourself. You can just go to instead of sitting down quiet. You can also just put your Oculus on in one moment. You're in a beautiful scenery, a Zen garden or whatever on the top of the Himalayas. You can just meditate and get like a guided meditation to help you manifest your biggest dreams. I think this is going to change lives. And that's why I took commit first to kind of starting working on Tech. We got investor interested already and stuff like that. So it's a big operation. What I'm saying, it's not just the YouTube and the podcast and stuff like that. It's not becoming way bigger. I have a partner with multi millionaire and we're not getting capital, so it's going to happen soon.

[00:34:22.970] - Speaker 1
So what's going on? Yeah, and three kids.

[00:34:25.650] - Speaker 2
What I find particularly exciting about VR is I've dabbled with it a little bit, but just with almost like the Cardboard experience, the Google Cardboard. And what's really interesting and this is why I'm excited for you, is the physiological responses to VR are exactly the same as the physiological responses to if you are actually doing whatever it is you were experiencing in VR. And unless you've experienced some form of virtual reality, you don't understand that. And that's why I'm excited for your VR, because this is the first time you're telling me a lot of people struggle to achieve very much in meditation. But if you can bring them an experience that stimulates that physiological response.

[00:35:09.640] - Speaker 1

[00:35:10.260] - Speaker 2
That's actually really exciting.

[00:35:12.070] - Speaker 1
Yeah. That's the beautiful thing about it. And there's already a great app that does it. By the way, if any of you have Oculus, it's called Trip with app. Trip does it's more psychedelic, but it's really good meditation experience. So I have a boxing game, man. You should be innocuous. I think everybody now should be an Oculus. First of all, it's pretty cheap. It doesn't cost already so much. But just to understand where it's at right now, if you like, compared to Cardboard, plead different experience about this boxing game you put on the Oculus, all of a sudden you're in a match. There are people cheering around you, and you're looking and you're hearing them cheer. And the big guy in front of you full of tattoos, is coming to attack you. And every time he punches you, you feel that your handles, they vibrate, and you really feel in the fight, I put on a couple of people that don't have any experience in fighting, and they're, like, adrenaline pumping. They became red. They were just like it's trying to fight. Once they took their Oculus off, they're like, oh, my God, blood rushing fast, and it's crazy.

[00:36:19.610] - Speaker 2
Yeah. I think a lot of people don't understand. And this is why I think people like you and I on shows like this will be discussing VR more and more, because with full fiber becoming a thing for people and the processing power that's becoming available to us now, the world is changing. It's going to be like the difference between when you could get an AOL CD on the front cover of a magazine, and now it's going to be that different.

[00:36:46.260] - Speaker 1

[00:36:47.100] - Speaker 2
There's a whole new Internet coming, and it's much closer than people realize.

[00:36:51.610] - Speaker 1
Yeah. Also, NFDS are going to change a lot of the things we look at. So I'm very excited about everything that happens with this new technology, although just be careful. Everybody out there. This creates more formal, more overwhelmed. You really have to watch yourself. Don't be swollen in a way that you're feeling foam all day. And this is really, really important. I have one guy on my writer, like a designer, a very famous designer. He was hospitalized because he got so excited about it. Tried to create an MP project and stress to come under. So be careful.

[00:37:25.200] - Speaker 2
Yeah. And I think, again, this is why being intentional about cultivating your character is just as important as cultivating your business. It's probably more important as this whole thing of what got you here won't get you there. And especially, like you said, time is speeding up. Opportunities are becoming more frequent. There's huge FOMO around. Everything to do with crypto and NFDS, and we don't need that stress.

[00:37:58.090] - Speaker 1
Yeah, definitely. I mean, one more thing to mention. There's always going to be new technologies happening, and there's always going to be that FOMO for you. If you look for it, you don't even have to look for it. It comes at you all the time. Also, bad news, Corvette, like financial crisis, whatever. People can talk about a lot of stuff. At the end of the day, humanity survives a lot of stuff. We're going to probably survive everything that's coming out of the way, but you're going to survive anything that comes your way externally by having your internal game in place and developing your character to withstand that. You're building a shield around you. Right. And that's mental toughness. So if you're looking at how the mind works, just to understand kind of what's happiness or how to battle overwhelmed. The mind is the one that understands when you have overwhelmed. It's a concept, right? It's not a brain function. It's a concept of the mind. And so stress everything like that. It's concept of the mind. And the mind is very simple in a way that he has two functions. Two very simple functions. Exactly. As your heart has a function to pump blood, right?

[00:39:08.680] - Speaker 1
He draws blood in, pumps blood out. That's it like two functions. And you cannot stop your heart. Right. Just beat. You can't stop it. You can think about stopping it. You won't be able to. And also almost anything in your body, your cells act in a specific way. You have no way of stopping anything in your body. And so the same way as your mind, your mind has the function that you cannot stop, which is one to go towards pleasant activities or pleasant external stimulus. And two is to walk away and run away from or avoid unpleasant situations or stimulus. So the ones regarding we are all Masters at going towards the pleasant stimulus, right?


[00:39:49.700] - Speaker 1
Netflix. Right. We walked by Pizzeria and we felt like we smell it and we were like, oh, my God, pleasant. I want that. So we really are good in going towards the pleasant. So much so that sometimes we do it even too much. Like, for instance, drinking might drink a bit too much, and then it's not nice. Actually, you get unpleasant. So we're really good for the pleasant stuff. We're actually really not good with the unpleasant. And that's exactly what we need to train our mind to do. That's mental toughness. That's training your mind. Because when Covenant hit our unpleasant part of the mind, that is like, oh, my God, unpleasant. Run away, run away. But there was nowhere to run away to. And sometimes they just don't have where to run to. Situations hit you in the most exposed, vulnerable places, and you need to prepare for that because it's going to happen again and again and again and again. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. Sometimes situations are going to be so tough. You feel your desk is too much for you, and a lot of people feel it's too much for them. All right? So the way to do that is to practice, practice the unpleasant, go towards it and attack it.

[00:40:59.600] - Speaker 1
That's mental tough.

[00:41:00.940] - Speaker 2
I think there's been so much in this episode that I'm going to need to go back with a pen myself. I'm probably going to cheat and use the transcription. There's so much good stuff there. If people want to connect with you, they want to go further with Sages ribbon. How can they do that?

[00:41:15.920] - Speaker 1
First of all, feel free to check out the YouTube of Commit first and follow me on Instagram. That's where I'm most active right now. I'm on Twitter and like almost any social platform you find sagishriver. But I would say commit first on YouTube and the podcast itself. Commit first if you're listening on Spotify or whatever. And I would say if you want to connect on Instagram, sagishriver exactly like my name says here, if you're watching the video, it's sagishrieber. And feel free to send me a DM and just kind of even take a snapshot right now of both of us here and share it on your stories. Take both of us, Bob and I, because we want to know that you got value from this. That's the most important thing. I want to know that you guys got value for this. And one thing, if you guys want to get a template to building your vision, it's how I build my vision. It has everything we talked about in Colorado. Like to getting your values. What do you value in life and how do you prioritize in a Google spreadsheet in a specific template? If you want that, just DM me and let me know you want it.

[00:42:19.320] - Speaker 1
Just you can write like vision. And they gave me the word vision. I'll send it to you completely free of charge. I don't have a bug for that, by the way. Not yet. I'm not that complicated, but I'm just here to help, really. And Bob, thank you so much for having me on the show. Again, just a pleasure talking to you every time.

[00:42:35.570] - Speaker 2
No, it's my pleasure. It's all mine. And send me your template as well. It looks really good.

[00:42:40.760] - Speaker 1
I'll do.

[00:42:41.120] - Speaker 2
That the one question I ask every guest. I didn't give you any warning of this because I forgot what's one thing you do now that you wish you'd started five years ago.

[00:42:50.230] - Speaker 1
One thing I do now that I wish I'd started five years ago. Well, first of all, like my nine to twelve club is something that I wish. The most important thing that I learned at the beginning of the business when I started my business is take care of me first. I just can't stress it enough. One thing that I'm doing now again, is taking more time to work on myself. That's one thing mentally and physically and not giving up like that. The second thing is that I wish to have done is build a vision. Because again, that's the thing that I work towards having a why having something I'm working towards. So having a vision. One last thing I would say is manifest more. We tend to work very hard and we're like, oh, we're just struggling. We tend to see things as struggle. Instead of focusing on what you don't have or what you want to have, stop it right away. Kill that habit. This is the worst habit you can have. And if you have negative feelings at the moment because you're short on cash or whatever, stop the negative feelings. Don't be about them, but give them a space and then send them off and bring in positive emotions and manifest what you want.

[00:44:04.400] - Speaker 1
So think about only what you don't, not What You Want. But think About It Already As If You have Achieved It. So You Need to visualize yourself after You Have Achieved What You Want To Get Done. And that Feeling, that Feeling after You Achieve that is What You Need to Cultivate. That's exactly the Only Thing That You Need to Cultivate the Visuals of What You Achieved After You Achieve Them and The Feeling of What You Achieved after You Achieved It. And that will make sure that You Manifest More and Attract More Things into Your Life. The best Customers you Want. Really? I attract Customers. I See it as A Core Marketing Activity For Me. I'm not Kidding. If I Need A Customer, I Go And Meditate And Visualize Me Getting the Customer. And Sometimes It Happens the Next Day and I Just Can't Stress Enough Attract More Than You Work because you can Work very Hard. Burn out. It's not The Way Things Should Be. You should Manifest and Cultivate. Nobody is Talking About It. But The Spiritual Practices Of Entrepreneurship Is What I Wish I'd Done five Years Ago.

[00:45:06.020] - Speaker 2
Saggy Fiber, you Have Been An Awesome Guest. That was a Fantastic thank You So Much For Coming. I Almost Guaranteed I'm Going To Ask You Again probably sometime soon would be My Pleasure.

[00:45:17.750] - Speaker 1
Man, really for The Listener.

[00:45:19.550] - Speaker 2
I hope you have Enjoyed This Show and I Just Want To Make Sure You Don't Miss More Magic Like this every week so don't forget to subscribe and if You Haven't Joined The Show Review on itunes or Spotify rating wherever you Listen To the Show would make My Day. Share the show with one Friend and they will thank you Forever. If you'd like to Work With me Building A Personal Brand Business Journey, whatever Stage you're at then Just email Bob Amplifyme Agency and we'll find A way to make that Happen. And don't forget you can also join The Personal Brand business dojo Facebook group. Just head to Amplifyme Agencyinsiders and welcome To The Family. Saggyfriender awesome as always. Legend Status Unlocked you the Listener. Same to you. Bye bye bye. Before I Go, Just A Quick Reminder to subscribe and join our Facebook group you'll find a link in the show notes or visit amplifyme. Fminsiders. Also connect with me wherever you hang out. You'll find me on all the social platforms at Pop gentle if you Enjoyed The Show, Then I Would Love A Five Star review on Apple Podcast. It would Make My Day.

[00:46:31.630] - Speaker 2
And If You Share The Show With A Friend, You Would Literally Make My Golden List. My name is Bob Gentle. Thanks To You For Listening and I'll See You Next week.

Thanks for listening!

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Episode Overview

People buy into you before they buy from you. If that’s true then how can we make that happen and how can we make it scale?

This week my guest on the podcast is Holly MacCue and we’re talking about how business owners can stop being overlooked and start being the only choice.

About Holly

Holly MacCue is an experienced Sales and Messaging Coach and Certified Master Persuader who helps entrepreneurs to be seen as a nobrainer to their ideal clients so they can create effortless sales without paid ads.

Her signature approach shows clients how to attract their ideal customers through powerhouse positioning, crafting unique messaging and using persuasive communication based upon buyer psychology.

Holly has a decade of experience working as a marketing strategist for global brands at corporations like Unilever and P&G where she led the strategy for a $200 million dollar portfolio.

Simultaneously, she built her own passion-driven business to six-figures while only working on it for two days per week.

Holly has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs with client results including doubling their business during Covid and increasing their sales 10x in just 8 weeks.

Her success strategies have been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, Real Simple, Marie Claire and more.

She lives in Australia with her husband, two daughters and two cats.

Make sure you grab Holly’s free gift “20 Fuss Free Ways To Find Clients Without Paid Ads or a Big List” www.hollymaccue.com/gift

You can connect with Holly in her free Facebook Community here where she shares hints, tips and resources around how to position yourself as a no-brainer and create effortless sales https://www.facebook.com/groups/empoweredentrepreneursconnect 

You can also connect with Holly on instagram here https://www.instagram.com/hollymaccue/ 

Automatic Audio Transcription

Please note : This is an automatically generated transcription.  There are typos and the system may pick words or whole phrases up incorrectly.  

[00:00:01.870] - Speaker 3
Welcome to Amplify the Personal Brand Entrepreneur Show. Today on the show, Bob is speaking with Holly Matthew.

[00:00:11.750] - Speaker 4
There's lots of other stuff and messaging coaches, but, you know, my audience resonate with me because of my specific approach and style and personality. I have a lot of people that resonate with me because of my story and my background and the fact that I run my business part time around my one and three year old. That's very inspiring to a lot of people, but I'm not for everyone. No one is for everyone. And the more that we dare to own our brilliance and our areas of speciality, the more we're going to attract the people that are right for us and make it easy for them to say yes to us.

[00:00:43.130] - Speaker 1
Hi there. And welcome back to Amplify the Personal Brand Entrepreneurship. My name is Bob Gentle. Every week I'm joined by amazing people who share what makes their business work. If you are new to the show and you haven't subscribed yet, then don't forget to hit the subscribe show while you're sort of still playing with your phone. After hit and play. If you're an iPhone, then it's the plus icon in the top right hand corner of the follow button. And that way you won't miss a thing. So before I jump into introducing this week's guest, just a quick reminder. Once again, after nearly 200 of these interviews, I've learned a thing or two about what makes business work online. And it turns out success does leave clues. And I want to offer you a map. Not the map, but Amap. So if you jump over to my website, you can grab a copy of my Personal Brand Business Roadmap. Everything you need to start scale or just fix your personal brand business. Now today's guest, we're going to be talking about something that I find really exciting. And I know everybody finds really exciting. A lot of people are scared by it.

[00:01:44.840] - Speaker 1
Some people are not, and they're just a bit strange. And my friend Lauren Davies reached out to me after her interview with Holly and said, you have to speak to Holly Mcew. She doesn't do this very often. She only does it when she's really impressed. So, Holly McQueen, welcome to the show.

[00:02:02.450] - Speaker 4
Thank you so much, Bob.

[00:02:04.200] - Speaker 1
So, Ollie, for the guests who don't know you, I'm not going to introduce you because I think you will do it much better yourself. You are in Australia. You talk about sales a lot. So for those people who don't know you, tell us a little bit about who you are, where you are and the kind of work you do.

[00:02:20.420] - Speaker 4
Sure. Thank you so much for having me. So I'm a sales and messaging coach for service based entrepreneurs. So specifically, my passion is helping my clients to really nail their positioning and master their messaging so they can be seen as the really obvious no brainer choice for their ideal clients. And also, as you mentioned, I do have a big passion for sharing how effortless and authentic sales conversations can really be, so that ultimately we can get paid what we deserve to do, what we love and serve the world at the same time. So I live in Australia, I'm originally from the UK, so I wound up in, quite frankly, the middle of nowhere, having lived in Sydney for a few years, courtesy of my Australian husband. So I now live in country Australia, which wasn't the original plan, but it is a really nice lifestyle around my one and three year old and easy to bring my business with me because obviously it's all online. So, yeah, that's kind of where I'm based. I have clients from pretty much every single background industry niche you can possibly imagine, which is really exciting and really fun. So although I kind of specialised into sales and messaging, the fact that it's for service based entrepreneurs means my clients vary literally from coaches, healers, mentors, business consultants, graphic designers, all the way through to child allergy, specialist, sleep consultants, pregnancy loss coaches, health and nutrition experts, interior designers, and honestly, everyone in between.

[00:03:52.440] - Speaker 4
So it's a really fabulous space to spend my time supporting people in.

[00:03:57.890] - Speaker 1
So there are two places I want to go and I'm a freewheeling kind of guy and I just kind of realised these are the two streams that I want to look at today. Number one, I want to jump straight into the weeds and talk about sales and then I want to talk about your own journey, because I think it parallels very nicely how other people's journeys should go. So straight away, the service based business world is a very broad one. You have everything from your local business coach all the way through to PwC and Ernst and Young, and then there's all kinds of businesses in between. But I'm thinking in particular, one of the things that stood out when I was looking through your stuff is you're not doing things the way an awful lot of the online. And I'm making the sort of air, quote Bunny ears here, gurus. So you should do things, which is with super complicated funnels and ads and all of this stuff. There's probably a degree of funnel in your life now. It's very relatable the way that you've approached things for a lot of I'm going to call ordinary people.

[00:05:07.310] - Speaker 1
So what I would like to look at is if you're a service based business in a local business community, you haven't got a strong online personal brand or any, you don't have a content bank that you're regularly creating. You really are operating in a fenced in ecosystem. If you like, what can people do? What should people be doing differently to approach their sales? Because the truth is, most people's sales happened by accident. In that environment, they depend on their local network and referrals and that kind of thing. It's not very intentional. A lot of the time. I find a lot of people approach their sales very sort of hit and miss the sporadic. There's no plan, there's no consistency to it. So for the person that's been operating sort of bumping along, it sounds mean bumping along the bottom, what can they do to sort of lift things up a little bit?

[00:06:10.290] - Speaker 4
Yeah, it's a fabulous question. And I think this is something that people really struggle with. And it really comes back to our own experience of being on the receiving end of sales conversations that have not felt good for us. And so we've naturally defined those experiences as quite negative. Maybe someone has been pushy towards you. It felt like that kind of icky, hard selling type of conversation. You've kind of withdrawn, you haven't felt comfortable or at ease. And it certainly has not been that no brainer. Yes. From your side, or perhaps you felt a little bit coerced into something. We've all probably had at least one experience of being on the receiving end of what I call a bit of a douchebag approach to sales. And that kind of means that what we have front and centre in our own mindset when we're approaching sales is, oh my gosh, I do not want to come across like that. And so the default response tends to be, well, I just won't even go there. Right. And we kind of hope that someone will ask or we hope that opportunities will miraculously fall into our lap and we can kind of just sell without actually having to tell anyone what it is that we do.

[00:07:20.060] - Speaker 1
The sad thing is that can kind of work.

[00:07:24.690] - Speaker 4
Yes. But we're very much kind of flying by the seat of our pants when we are kind of just hoping sporadically these opportunities are going to come out of nowhere. So I think that's the number one thing. But what's really important to reflect on when we do think about any negative experiences that we've had is to really use that as an opportunity to think about how we do not want to come across. We know how it feels to be on the receiving end of those types of tactics. But equally, there will have been many times in our lives where we have been an absolute, oh my gosh, sign me up now. Yes. In response to something as well. And one of the most valuable exercises you can kind of do when it comes to finding your own authentic approach to selling is to reflect on those times where it felt really good to say yes to someone else. And you literally couldn't wait to hand over your credit card or sign on the dotted line and get started. What was it that made that feel like such a no brainer? Yes. And it just comes down to some key fundamentals.

[00:08:25.190] - Speaker 4
I talk about the art and science of magnetic selling because I have a programme called Magnetic Selling. And I do feel that when we nail sales skills, it is magnetising the right people to us. And it really does come down to the foundational elements that so many people seem to skim over. And that is getting Crystal clear clarity around your niche and your positioning. Who exactly do you help? How exactly do you serve them? I'm sure people have heard that time and time again, but you would not believe how many people I work with, some who are pretty established entrepreneurs, and they really haven't refined that enough to the point where the person you're having a conversation with, their ears literally prick up like, oh my gosh, that's me. How did you know? That's exactly what I've been looking for. Tell me more. Right, so nailing the fundamentals is, number one, it makes your job so much easier. It really does. Because even if the person you're speaking to at this type of networking event isn't an ideal client, if you can tell them with such clarity and simplicity what it is you do and who you help, then they can repeat that to the people that they may know in their circles and refer you very easily whenever that type of issue or challenge or frustration comes up in conversation.

[00:09:47.100] - Speaker 4
So it's always valuable to know how to describe what you do simply and clearly in language that other people actually understand. And that is honestly one of the biggest issues I see time and time and time again in the online space is that people haven't even defined that to the degree they need to.

[00:10:06.040] - Speaker 1
That makes a lot of sense. And I've been thinking about Nissan quite a lot recently. And one of the things that keeps popping up is that there's a lot of fear around Niching.

[00:10:16.420] - Speaker 4

[00:10:17.170] - Speaker 1
And actually a lot of that fear is justified because if you are operating in a small business community and let's say as a business coach, there's maybe half a million people in your city, which is a good sized city. I have a passion around people who keep fish, so I'm going to be a business coach for people who keep fish. That's a super cheap, not teeth like niche, and it's never going to work in your city. But I am the world's number one business coach for people who keep fish and I'm well known around the world. Everybody knows who I am because I've been creating content for years that can work. So there's a process of pivoting into a niche that probably has to happen for a lot of people. On the one hand, you slowly niche. On the other hand, you create content to grow into an audience that can comprise that niche. So I guess your niche needs to make sense for your business community. I guess that would be where I'm coming from. But you're absolutely right. If you can't say who you are for, then you're quickly going to get lost in the wind.

[00:11:27.730] - Speaker 4
Absolutely. I mean, the easiest way to start becoming known for something is to have a specialism that doesn't feel generic run of the mill, but also to really be consistent with that. And it takes some guts. I think it's a big rite of passage that everyone, myself included, goes through on this entrepreneurship journey of I'm just going to see who I attract. And there's lots of people that can help. So I don't want to miss out on any opportunities. And the exact opposite is true because it makes it so much easier for people to know instantly that you're for them if you have that specificity. And it's the specificity that sells 100% time and time again. So think about any time where you've been searching for some specific solution to something. I used to call myself a career and business coach. It was really broad. I straddled massive audiences. And if I talk about, oh, I can help you design a career that lights you up, great. But if I can instead specifically say, I will show you how to have a meaningful conversation to help you negotiate your salary with your boss with confidence tomorrow, that's a completely different response.

[00:12:49.590] - Speaker 4
Right. Because it's so specific, it's immediately obvious what the solution the outcome is going to be, as opposed to, yes, it sounds nice to design a career I love. Great. I'll get around to that someday. So it just hasn't got that kind of instantaneous, oh, my gosh, tell me more, because we haven't got to the specific details. And that is, again, a piece that a lot of people are missing. So really kind of doing the groundwork helps you to have these conversations with so much more clarity and confidence when you do. So this is where kind of mastering your message really helps. As I said, it instantly helps people to know you're for them. So a couple of examples of my clients. So one of my clients is a health and nutrition coach for women who suffer with thyroid and autoimmune illnesses. So if I'm a woman who suffers with thyroid problems and I'm looking for support with my nutrition and there's a billion nutrition coaches I could choose from, I'm obviously going to choose the one that specialises in my particular problem area. Right. So again, it's just those sign posts that instantly say, oh my gosh, that's my person.

[00:13:54.220] - Speaker 4
They understand me. They have a skill set. There's a sense of trust there and a sense of certainty that they're really going to understand exactly what we're going through. And guess what? We will pay more for those specialists as well. And it becomes an easier conversation to have because we're meeting people exactly where they're at. We're speaking their language. We're making it easy to connect with us. And as I said, there's an instant sense of credibility and trust that we have the expertise that can truly support them in their specific circumstances.

[00:14:23.850] - Speaker 1
I absolutely agree with that. And I think the joy of that is it then becomes a niche that is worth scaling, because if you're a generic service provider, you can create as much content as you want, but you're not going to cut through and it's going to feel like a futile hamster wheel. Whereas if you've got this laser focused beacon of clarity, you're for somebody, it's clear what the value is that you offer. And there are people out there who need specifically that. And you have shrunk to the point where you're the only person who's really offering to fix that unique pain point. Now you can invest in content, now you can invest in growth knowing that it's going to deliver for you.


[00:15:08.850] - Speaker 1
So I'm going to come back to our local service provider. And once they've decided, OK, I'm going to be a little clearer about who I am and what I do for people. They start on this Niching journey. I think something that you alluded to a moment ago was and I'll paraphrase it. But Niching, I guess, is a little bit like trying on different suits until you find one that really fits you well and you like it and you feel great when you wear it. And other people say you look great. I've tried on different niches and they haven't worked for me. I haven't felt good. So you need to start trying on these different costumes and find one that everybody looks at, turns around and says, wow, I really want to speak to you now. They've gone through that process and they're six months further on. They want to start taking a bit of control of their sales and not simply leaving things to chat. What are some things that they can do to move away from waiting for opportunity to come to them and start creating opportunities?

[00:16:12.810] - Speaker 4
Yeah, brilliant. So I think one of the really important things to remember about sales and what most importantly creates effortless sales is that people first have to buy into you before they will ever buy from you. And as a service based business, you are your brand. You are what people are buying ultimately, because there will be even when you have a specialism, there will be other people who ultimately can deliver similar offers or trainings or skill sets. And ultimately what it comes down to in terms of your number one point of difference, as you are obviously the expert of Bob is that personal brand and your personality. So this is where I think it's another trap people fall into with coming across as too generic, too general. So we can be vague in our positioning and niche and clarity, but we can also be vague in what we really want to stand for and the content that we put out there and what we share. It can end up being a bit vanilla, like, oh, I'm just going to share some tips and tricks and tips and tricks and inspirational quotes and more tips and tricks.

[00:17:17.570] - Speaker 4
And it's like people really want to hear from you. They want to know who you are. They want to know what your opinion is, even if it's alternative or unconventional, all the better. They want to understand what led you to doing this work. People really love to know that you get it. I think that's one of the most attractive things when we're looking to learn from a mentor or a coach is that we know they understand what it's like to be in our shoes. So if you have a story and a journey and a personal experience that has led you to have this passion to support people in this area, make sure that you are telling people about that, because that is hands down one of the most powerful ways for people to connect to you and with you. I often joke, but it's absolutely true. When I'm thinking about who I want to work with and learn from and invest in, I always say I need to know that you struggled to I need to know that you know what it's like to have been in my shoes struggling with this exact same problem.

[00:18:16.970] - Speaker 4
But you have found a way beyond that. Right? You're a few steps ahead, and that means there's evidence that I can be a few steps ahead as well. And I can learn from someone who's found a way. So I think really just not holding back from being yourself, because, as I said, that is your number one most powerful point of difference. And then really creating opportunities for people to experience you, because the only way that people can ever conclude that you are for them is to have literally experienced you and your content. And that's the only way they can come to any sense of yet they get me. They understand me. I want to know more about this person. So it's all about what are you saying? What are you doing? What are you sharing? And one of the most powerful ways to do that locally is obviously in person events, in person speaking, it is hands down the most powerful way to connect with a new group of people and sharing your story in front of that group of people, but also demonstrating the value and expertise that you have in your specific niche area through.

[00:19:20.180] - Speaker 4
I mean, I'm a big fan of doing talks. I'm a big fan of doing workshops where people can really see you, hear you and feel you, because ultimately this is a relationship that you're building. It's a partnership that you're creating if you're going to work together. And so developing rapport and trust is the number one most important thing to invite people into your world and to have them want to take the next step and learn more about you.

[00:19:48.500] - Speaker 1
Yeah. I'm glad you went there, because I think you look at a lot of these online, high profile personal brands, and they're holding things like virtual summits and challenges. And all this is in person events, the same as a local meetup, just scale. Their audience is globally distributed, so it makes sense for them to do that. But if you are even modestly well known in your local business community, do it in your local business community first and start investing today in content that will allow you to position yourself for the future to do the larger online events. But you can do exactly the same thing in your local community right now. Today, obviously, with covert, there are some challenges around, but less than you would think you could have a Zoom meet up with your local business community very easily and it will still work.

[00:20:42.610] - Speaker 4
Yes, absolutely. And I think people overlook the opportunities on their doorstep because they're jumping on Facebook and Instagram where they already have so many local networks to leverage, but they already have relationships. So I'm a big advocate of tapping into your lowest hanging fruit. And that means the people that already know, like and trust you, your existing networks, existing connections, existing relationships. Now, most people, when I say that, say, oh, but they're not my ideal clients. My existing networks are not my ideal clients. Maybe not, but you never know who knows who. So one of the strategies that I teach is the who knows who strategy because everyone is connected to multiple other people. And it is very likely that someone you know either has a connection to an organisation or a company or a business, they could offer an amazing opportunity with a warm introduction, getting a foot in the door to access the audience you're trying to attract. Or they may very well know someone in their immediate networks, personally or professionally, who knows exactly what it is that you're offering. So the more you're telling the people that already want to support you, who already do trust you, who will already vouch for you based on your character and your personality and their own personal experience with you, the more you're going to create very simple but powerful word of mouth without really having to do a whole lot except talk very clearly and simply about what it is you offer and the opportunities that you're looking to call in.

[00:22:16.770] - Speaker 1
Something I would like to talk about, if I may. And I don't know how this fits into yeah, I don't know how this fits, but I think it's an important question to ask. Is a lot of business owners price themselves in such a way that they're really pricing for survival? They're pricing to the market, and everybody's kind of racing to the bottom, especially when you're a general provider in a local business community. When you go online and you've started to build a personal brand and some authority, your pricing dynamic can change a little bit. But most people, when they're starting out on this journey are in this situation as they have to price to the market and it's a race to the bottom. How would you advise people to move away from that or start to remedy and do something about it?

[00:23:05.680] - Speaker 4
It's a great question and just for context, my background is actually in fast moving consumer goods. So I spent a decade working as a brand strategist for the lack of the Proctor and Gamble Unilever the companies who make big global brands like Gillette or Raw B and Trees Are and Dove Skincare. And it was absolutely tattooed to our foreheads that if you are competing on price, you are competing in an absolute losing battle. So the absolute core philosophy of having a successful brand is that you stand for something in the hearts and minds of your audience. That means the pricing side of things isn't the number one factor. And if we are in a position where we are kind of in the pricing for survival mode, it is usually because either we haven't really laser focused enough and we are offering something that there's a dime a dozen people offering. So we're very generous and so we don't have a point of difference, or it is that we haven't really got specific enough on the outcomes and benefits that we deliver and we're instead focusing just on the features. I spent several years training and mentoring life coaching students at a training organisation here in Australia.

[00:24:28.130] - Speaker 4
I was teaching the International Coach Federation curriculum, so I was surrounded by coaches who were so talented and amazing and passionate and excited about supporting others with coaching. But all they were doing was selling either a block of three or a block of six coaching sessions. What value does that give me? What benefit does that give me? Do you know what? I think I'll just choose the three. Right? So we really have to come back to what are the solutions that you are delivering through your services? What is the impact of those solutions? That transformation that before and after that you are delivering to a client because that is what they are paying for. When working with someone around, pricing is usually because these elements are actually not in place. So there's no clear point of difference and they haven't clearly enough to find what someone can expect to gain from working with them. They haven't made it a no brainer because they haven't got specific enough, especially into the things that that group of people really truly care about. But the other thing with pricing is pricing is energy. I fully believe that pricing is energy.

[00:25:38.380] - Speaker 4
So when it comes to selling, because a lot of people ask me what should I price this? What should I price that? What are people going to pay for this? The short answer is you don't know until you sell it and validate your market and actually test and then an experiment. But also it's just really important to tune into pricing that actually feels good. And a lower price doesn't necessarily feel good. And if your pricing feels off, you feel disconnected to it. You're not going to sell that service because you don't want to say that price out loud. If it's too high or too low and it's just not feeling aligned, you won't sell that. So we've also got to remember that kind of what feels good. What lights me up. Am I being super clear on what someone can expect again from working with me and how it's going to be delivered and really just tapping into kind of more of that neuroscience behind what motivates people to say yes. And there are some very simple, clear components that we need to be including in our offer descriptions so that we are ticking all those boxes.

[00:26:37.950] - Speaker 1
I can't wait until your website goes live. I'm going to be studying this so carefully. So I would like to talk about your journey a little bit, because something that I noticed looking around your world, one of the things I focus on within my personal brand roadmap is encouraging people to focus on authority. And when I look around your content, the number of authority signals there is tremendous. I mean, one of these tools you've been seen on everything. I really want to know how that happens. So what does the journey through your business look like? You know where I want to go with this.

[00:27:19.110] - Speaker 4
I'll give it a stab look. My background in terms of entrepreneurship. The funny thing about it was I never actually intended to start my own business. It became the only way I could do the work that I most felt called to do. So the short version of my story is back when I was working in the UK in what felt at the time like an absolute dream job, working in a big corporate, working on multi million dollar media campaigns and these big global brands, I had a bit of a quarterlife crisis where I was successful on paper, but questioning everything unhappy, burnt out, overwhelmed all that jazz. And then when I basically went through my own personal development journey as a way to just kind of find a little bit more meaning and more purpose in what I was doing in life, full stop, and certainly in my career and my work, that's what led me to NLP and coaching and emotional intelligence and all kinds of other amazing things that truly transformed my life. So when I moved from London to Sydney and I was starting literally from scratch, new home, new friends, new environment, new career, I was like, I want to do coaching.

[00:28:30.130] - Speaker 4
I want to support other people with the skills and techniques that have literally made me understand what success means to me personally and made me happier. And so I was brimming with enthusiasm. And I have my new shiny coaching qualification. I thought, well, I'm going to apply for a job in HR and learning and development. And every recruitment agent in Sydney basically laughed me out of the office and just said, that's not going to happen because your CV says marketing. I was very much boxed in and pigeonholed when I got here. And Sydney in particular is a very relationship driven market. I had no one that I knew. I had no networks whatsoever. And so I was pushing water up a Hill. So what I decided to do was negotiate a part time senior marketing role so that I could have one precious day to explore coaching and how I might make something of this in my own business. And as that grew, I was able to negotiate two days. So I ended up doing three days in my corporate role, had a job share, and two days on my business. It was an absolute dream because I had the best of both worlds.

[00:29:35.800] - Speaker 4
So I was literally starting from scratch and I had no audience. Obviously, I had no online presence at the time. I really had no clue. But what I did know how to do was have conversations with people and build relationships with people. And that's exactly where I started. And this is how, who knows whose strategy developed? Because that's how I literally got going. I was like, Well, I don't know anyone, but who does know someone. I was married to, an Australian who'd grown up in Sydney. So I started with his networks and just little by little, I started meeting as many people as possible. I would have coffee with anyone who would meet with me at the time. And one opportunity led to another, essentially. And I started doing originally training workshops. So I was doing a big mix at one point of training leadership teams in corporate. I was doing work in government, I was doing work in boarding school. Just really testing out all the personal development techniques that I had learned. And seeing, as you said before, trying on those different suits, seeing which audience I loved working with, seeing where I wanted to kind of focus and specialise and do more of.

[00:30:42.770] - Speaker 4
But it really started with just having conversations. And the number one thing to remember is that conversations lead to connections. Connections lead to clients. That's the only way we can really, truly go about that. So partnerships and relationships have been the number one way I've built my business from the ground up and continues to be that to this day. So to answer your question about the as seen in this is literally how those things have come about. Because when you are clear on the value that you can contribute, and this comes back to that clarity again and the messaging and really approaching all of these types of conversations from win win, what's in it for me mindset of how can I support the other person to get more of what they want. And in turn, I'll get what I'm looking for. And so from this. Yeah, I got featured in Mary Claire really early on in my business, which was amazing. So I had a double page spread in national magazine. I did lots and lots of speaking events. I literally just got in front of as many groups of people as I possibly could.

[00:31:50.930] - Speaker 4
And over time, that has led to other media opportunities and then podcasts, today guest experts. Speaking is a massive part of how I grow my business, my audience, my brand, and definitely has helped me to build that authority. And it has evolved over time. My niche has changed three times since I first started my online business. And now I'm feeling just really excited. I actually found the suit that fits. But to answer the question about the astinian pieces and the authority that is all down to relationships.

[00:32:27.800] - Speaker 1
Well, I'm glad you say that, because a lot of the time I ask guests, opportunity can come to us through one of four main channels. It can come through outbound sales activity. It can come as inbound opportunities through our content, it can come through ads, or it can come through relationships and networking and referrals. And it never ceases to amaze me that every time I ask that question, the answer where the real opportunities come? It's always relationships. And it doesn't matter if you're a small local service provider or you're a big online personal brand. Yes, you will have all those other three. They'll be working for you. But the things that move the needle, the real opportunities always come through relationships.

[00:33:15.130] - Speaker 4

[00:33:15.990] - Speaker 1
It's good to see that hold true. Yeah.

[00:33:18.660] - Speaker 4
And it's so rewarding as well.

[00:33:20.870] - Speaker 1
Well, it is. I think that's the thing I heard somebody I know was in a little mastermind session and you shared a picture with me, and the caption was friends helping friends. And that really was what sums this industry up is what goes around, comes around. If you're there for other people, they would be there for you. And that happens at every stage, for every kind of strata, if you like.

[00:33:48.030] - Speaker 4
Yes, absolutely.

[00:33:49.810] - Speaker 1
I want to jump right back to the beginning, and we were talking about selling without funnels. You've been doing extremely well, and it seems with some very simple processes. And I was wondering if you can tell me a little bit about what that success has been looking like and how you've been delivering that, because I'm intrigued.

[00:34:08.020] - Speaker 4
Sure. So as I said, one of my key strategies that has always been in place and remains to stay is definitely these win win partnerships. So one of the most simple ways that I bring new clients into my world and into my audience is by getting in front of a group of ideal clients. So if you have no audience, if you have a tiny audience, you have an amazing opportunity to leverage other people's platforms by approaching them with a win win opportunity where you can contribute something of value to their audience. And the number one question to ask in those moments is, you know, who do I know that has my audience, but who does something different to me? So it's not competitive. It's always collaborative. And then having the opportunity to speak to their audience, their group, their community, their listeners by default, you have trust because you've had the warm introduction from that host to that audience already loves and adores. So you already have a responsiveness and receptivity that you don't necessarily have through a cold advertising route, for example, or just on a social media feed in general. And then getting specific on, you know, again, I call them expert topics.

[00:35:20.850] - Speaker 4
So really making sure that you're getting really clear on the expert topics you want to be known for. And those are the things that you consistently talk about. So having a very clear, specific focus for a particular session, and then hopefully you have presented something genuinely of value to the audience and you've all had a lot of fun. But then at the end of that session, if you have really kind of hit the nail on the head with understanding where the audience are at and where they're needing support, then you can also give them an invitation to take the next logical, no brainer step with you to get more personalised support in that specific area. So what I found has worked really well is having very contextually specific next step opportunities. That is literally just to develop that relationship further. So, for example, that might be offering a mini session session or a free clarity call. It might be 20 minutes, 30 minutes, where again, you're just developing further rapport. You're getting to know that individual better. You're really demonstrating again your expertise and your value. And then there's an opportunity to invite them to work with you in a more personalised capacity.

[00:36:29.830] - Speaker 4
So it's not just about book a free call with me or book a discovery call and being really generic. But what is the topic that you have just covered, and what would the next steps be? So, for example, if I had just run a session on how to master your message, and I given some principles that work really well to have high converting, irresistible messages that attract your ideal clients with ease, then I might offer a 20 minutes master message review session, for example, where it's then, of course, I'm going to take the opportunity, because if I resonated with this content and I know this is a gap that I have in my business, which a lot of people do, then I'm definitely going to take Holly up on that opportunity and book a call in. So that works really well. It can get really high conversion rates. So people take the next step with you, deepen that relationship and trust further, and then ultimately lead to clients that way. Plus, when you have had a really positive experience by being a guest expert and you've got great feedback from a group and the host, then don't be afraid to reach back out and ask for a testimonial.

[00:37:30.400] - Speaker 4
Don't be afraid to talk about that publicly and say, I love speaking on these topics. Who is looking for a guest expert in these areas? And again, this is why we want to nail our expert topics. So it's very easy for people to say, oh, that would be a great fit for my audience if I just said, oh, I talk about sales, great, I'll think about it. Sometimes people say, okay, yeah, we just need help with sales. But if instead I talk about how to sell in times of scarcity, which was a topic I did during the pandemic, everyone was afraid to sell online, for example. That's really specific. It's intriguing. Or how to create effortless sales without paid advertising, that's interesting and specific. How to sell when you're an introvert, for example, that's very specific. So getting really clear on your expert topics, but also getting clear on how specifically you can add value to an audience, again, that you're not generic, that works brilliantly. And then asking that host, Is there anyone else they know in their networks who would really benefit from having you run a guest expert speaking session for their community as well?

[00:38:36.090] - Speaker 4
And all kinds of opportunities come through their networks too. Again, it's the who knows who principle. So that has been a massive part of how I have built my own networks, built my own audience, got clients honestly with ease. Because when people have had the opportunity to see, hear and feel you, as I said earlier, and be in your presence and experience your content, they know instantly if you are for them or not. They know instantly if they can see themselves working with you or not. And so it's often a no brainer to take the next step if it's genuinely filling a need they have at that moment in time. And then the more that you are consistently talking about the same expert topics, that is how you build your authority. That's how you become known as the go to expert in a particular space. It doesn't work if you are constantly talking about all kinds of things or you're just trying to target too broad an audience. It's really hard to be known for something if you're too broad stroke. But when you have that specialism, it's so liberating because you always know where you're going to focus.

[00:39:39.760] - Speaker 4
You can really go deeper and broader. And it makes it easy for people to recommend you, to refer to you, to sign up to work with you like it really does. So that in particular has been a really fabulous strategy. And then that needs to obviously Philtre through into your content. So thank you for your kind feedback on my content with the authority queues. But again, this all comes back to nailing your foundations when you're Crystal clear on who you are speaking to and how you want to serve them, but also what you want to be known for in your nation industry and space. Then again, you want to be consistent with that. So just at a glance, at a snapshot, someone knows what you're all about. They know what the value is that you can offer them. And you're never going to make the same waves when you're casting the net too widely and also when you're not really showing, as I said before, your own personality and that content as well. So I do think becoming known as a go to is not just about the content that you share, it's about the energy and personality that you infuse into that it's your specific way and approach and personality in terms of how you deliver it.

[00:40:47.370] - Speaker 4
There's lots of other sales and messaging coaches, but my audience resonate with me because of my specific approach and style and personality. I have a lot of people that resonate with me because of my story and my background and the fact that I run my business part time around my one and three year old. That's very inspiring to a lot of people, but I'm not for everyone. No one's for everyone. And the more that we dare to own our brilliance in our areas of speciality, the more we're going to attract the people that are right for us and make it easy for them to say yes to us.

[00:41:17.890] - Speaker 1
I love the picture you painted there. And I think that last element of courage is actually really important. I've been nosy guy. I think I was on your Instagram earlier and I'm paraphrasing, but it was something along the lines of clarity and confidence spring from action.

[00:41:35.870] - Speaker 4

[00:41:36.420] - Speaker 1
And this is so true that there are people probably listening riddled with anxiety of, oh, I'm scared to niche. And I don't necessarily have the confidence to put myself forward as a guest expert, especially in places where there are big audiences. But what you described, it can be started tiny and it can gradually scale up. And you can do this in your local community. You can do this with whatever online audience you have now, whether it's on LinkedIn or wherever, who do you know who? And you know people, and it will scale you all the way up. I see big influencers doing exactly what you described right now. It works really well and it's super simple and it's almost like one of these perpetual motion machines where authority gives visibility, builds authority, gives greater visibility. You need to start. So I love that. I guess this is probably a brilliant place to bring things to a close. I think I would just come back to this clarity and confidence comes from action. It doesn't work the other way around. The important thing is people need to start taking action, because out of that everything will grow.

[00:42:54.510] - Speaker 1
And I think everything you described as a brilliant place to start working. So I would encourage people to go back and listen, but this time with a piece of paper and a pen. Holly, what's one thing you do now that you wish it started five years ago?

[00:43:07.250] - Speaker 4
I really do think it's exactly what we just talked about. It's owning my brilliance and allowing myself to be the specialist of the things that I most feel passionate about and not feeling like I have to know everything, but also not feeling like the number one important factor in standing out is I've got to appear really credible, right? Because actually it's the connection that is key. So I think a lot of people road block themselves because this is a client conversation I had just in the last week. I've got to add value, I've got to add value, and then they're blocked. And instead you just shift that to this is just about connection. This is just about connection and being consistent with the things that I want to make a stand for and want to be known for. Then suddenly things flow so much more easily. So do what you really genuinely feel excited to do, not the things you feel you should be doing to be successful. Just really go to where you feel drawn, where you feel energised, where you feel motivated. Because when we're having fun, we just end up taking action. We can't help ourselves.

[00:44:18.330] - Speaker 4
And then you get momentum. And then you start experimenting and exploring and getting feedback and seeing what works and what doesn't. And then suddenly you are getting the clarity and the confidence through taking those action steps. So really start where you're at. Start with where you feel excited and allow yourself to zone in on the things that you feel most called to specialise in. And it will make everything so much easier for you and just to allow yourself to really be you. Like, I spent way too long trying to be taken seriously by being really credible instead of just actually sharing my story, my personality, having fun. And the more fun I have, the more successful I am. Hands down. Absolutely, 100% true. I doubled my revenue last year and I had the most fun ever.

[00:45:05.690] - Speaker 1
And you know what's really interesting in that? And this is something I found just to Echo what you're talking about, but it's a slightly different perspective on it. There is a danger of showing up as someone else. And the danger is you'll connect with and draw the people that aren't aligned with you. But if you really lean into who you are, there are billions of people on the planet. You will attract the people who are drawn to you for the right reasons, for the things that really make you you. And you'll find that those are clients that you enjoy working with at a level that you've never enjoyed working with people before.

[00:45:40.920] - Speaker 4

[00:45:41.580] - Speaker 1
So that's so important. And another thing that I've found is you may not know what it is that makes you special or unique or amazing today, but I promise you, if you start showing up for people, they will tell you. And that's a wonderful thing.

[00:45:56.850] - Speaker 4
Yeah. Whenever in doubt, ask your audience.

[00:45:59.290] - Speaker 1
Yes. Holly, if people want to connect with you, if they want to go further with you, how can they do that?

[00:46:04.780] - Speaker 4
Thanks, Bob. Well, very welcome to follow me on Instagram. I'm at Holly McKee. I also have a free Facebook community called Empowered Entrepreneurs Connect and Inspire. So I'm very much a Facebook girl and I have a wonderful, like minded community of entrepreneurs. I'm sharing lots of tips and resources and very honest, real behind the scenes of what it takes to run a business part time around a one and three year old. So you're very welcome to join me there. And then if anyone would like to really just understand some practical strategies of how to start attracting more clients, even if you don't have a big list, even if you're not using paid advertising at this point in time, then you're very welcome to also download my free cheat sheet. It's 20 plus free ways to find clients and you can just go to my website, Hollymaku.com gift. So Hollymawcue.com gift and you are very welcome to snap that up.

[00:47:02.040] - Speaker 1
I had a cheeky download of that earlier. It's really good. Holly, you have been an awesome guest. I have had so much fun. I think we're going to be speaking again.

[00:47:12.870] - Speaker 4
I hope so.

[00:47:13.800] - Speaker 1
But for the moment, thank you so much for your time. It's getting late for you, so it must be time for bed for someone.

[00:47:19.160] - Speaker 4
It's definitely time for wine.

[00:47:21.590] - Speaker 1
Well, thank you very much.

[00:47:23.100] - Speaker 4
Thank you for high Sumi, Bob. Thank you for having me.

[00:47:28.110] - Speaker 2
Before I go, just a quick reminder to subscribe and join our Facebook group. You'll find a link in the show notes or visit amplifyme. Fminsiders. Also connect with me wherever you hang out. You'll find me on all the social platforms at Popchintal. If you enjoyed the show then I would love a five star review on Apple podcast. It would make my day. And if you shared the show with a friend.

[00:47:50.400] - Speaker 1
You would literally make my golden list.

[00:47:52.820] - Speaker 2
My name is Bob gentle thanks to you for listening and I'll see you next week.

Thanks for listening!

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Episode Overview

So the truth is that if you want to get noticed on social media you have to earn attention on somebody else's feed. This week’s guest does that - pretty much every day on instagram. There’s frankly nobody else whose posts I save and share more often.

Prolific creators are people I pay attention to - particularly when they give me such value so I’m thrilled to welcome Travis Brown to the show this week.


Automatic Audio Transcription

Please note : This is an automatically generated transcription.  There are typos and the system may pick words or whole phrases up incorrectly.  

[00:00:01.870] - Speaker 1
Welcome to Amplify the Personal Brand Entrepreneur Show. Today on the show, Bob is speaking with Travis Brown.

[00:00:11.810] - Speaker 2
The reason people love podcast content is because it's easy, easy to consume. I don't have to look at it. I can do it while I do other things. And it's all built on an RSS fee, which may seem like an old technology, but in reality, it's setting us all up for a great future. Because nobody owns RSS. It's just a mechanism that allows you to transmit. So if I post on Facebook or Instagram or TikTok or YouTube, I'm at the mercy of will they show my post to more people? Will they show my content where RSS feed is either on or off? You're either subscribed to it or you're not. And I think that it's going to set podcasting up as an industry to actually protect creators from some of these big, giant global corporations kind of rearing their heads and stealing the magic of being able to broadcast to the entire world.

[00:01:08.850] - Speaker 1
Hi there, and welcome back to Amplify the Personal Brand Entrepreneurship. My name is Bob Gentle, and every week I'm joined by incredible and inspiring people who share what makes their business work. If you've just hit play, then while you have the app open, hit the subscribe button. And if you're on the iPhone, then it's the plus icon or the follow icon. That way you won't miss another episode. Before I jump into introducing this week's guest, just a quick reminder. After nearly 200 of these interviews, I've learned a thing or two about what makes business work online. And it turns out success does leave clues. And I want to offer that map to you. Head over to my website and grab your copy of The Personal Brand Business Roadmap. It's everything you need to start scale or just fix your personal brand businesses yours for free as a gift from me. The truth is that if you want to get noticed on social media, you have to earn attention on somebody else's feed. And this week's guest does that pretty much every day on Instagram. For me, there's frankly nobody else whose posts I save and share more often.

[00:02:08.590] - Speaker 1
Prolific creators are people I pay attention to, particularly when they give me as much value. So I'm thrilled to welcome Travis Brown to the show this week. Travis, welcome to the show.

[00:02:18.770] - Speaker 2
Hey, Bob, thanks for having me, man. I love the show and I love your mission, and it's going to be so awesome to be on this podcast.

[00:02:26.270] - Speaker 1
Well, we met on Podfest, and Podfest is the home of podcast nerds around the world, and I was really impressed with your presentation. That was when I first asked you to come on the show. I'm not just like an Instagram fanboy, but I am. So for the listener who doesn't know you, why don't you just tell us a little bit about who you are, where you are, and what makes Travis Brown role?

[00:02:49.170] - Speaker 2
Yeah. So I'm Travis, and I'm pretty much obsessed with the medium of podcasting. So I spent a lot of my life trying to help people in one way or another, whether that be helping them launch a podcast, helping them edit their podcast, helping them find and grow an audience, and even helping them monetize that podcast. And I'm out here in Aurora, Illinois, which is a suburb of Chicago, so I'm in the US. It's five deg here. I don't know why I'm telling you, the weather, it's really cold here. And I can't think of anything better than being somewhere warm during the winters in Chicago, but I'm just obsessed with helping people reach their maximum potential with this frontier of the digital age. I think we're just in an incredible time right now. And I think if you want to podcast or YouTube or start an ecommerce business, there's no better time than now. And so I've sort of dedicated myself to just elevating creators, helping them overcome obstacles that keep them from following their dreams and getting a chance to experience the lifestyle of a self employed creator or entrepreneur.

[00:04:00.250] - Speaker 1
Obviously, I introduced you as a creator first rather than as a podcaster, because for me, you really are one of the most practically creative people I come across on Instagram. There's lots of people tell you all kinds of algorithm hacks that, you know, they're not going to work. But in terms of engaging people and actually getting them to pay attention and getting them to build this parasocial relationship, which is so powerful online, you're one of the best people I've seen at that, but not only doing it, educating people on that. And I think that's one thing that a lot of people who are listening, if they are podcasters, podcasting is great. If you like to hide, if you want to grow your audience, you're going to need to play a slightly different game from simply doing a podcast and hoping people find it. So I want to dig into that a little bit first.

[00:04:54.670] - Speaker 2
Yeah. I appreciate you calling me a creator, because that's what I in my heart know I am. But I think most of the people that either or in my community, they think of me as like a podcaster or a podcast coach. So I really appreciate that, because that's the highest compliment I can receive. I think of myself as an Uber creative person, and I've been studying social media and all these different ways to where I can to grow a community and access people and grow this. And so this is a really fun topic to talk about, because again, I think this is the best time in the world ever to be able to reach the entire globe through your phone.

[00:05:36.510] - Speaker 1
Absolutely. If I was to get under the essence of what I'm talking about here in terms of podcasting, yeah. It's easy to be a great podcaster in many respects, but to be a leader in the podcasting space, that's a harder thing. And I think that's where you've elevated things from simply showing up and having great conversations to being a creator that can actually get some reach and connect with people across different platforms. We can talk about that in a minute. So we talked about podcast editing. We talked about Podcast Builders Club, we talked about podcasts. There's a lot of different things going on. But before we go there, I think let's talk about podcasting itself and its potential to change the game radically for people. Certainly from my own experience, podcasting has changed my life. There is no other way I could put it. Yes, it's changed my business, but it's changed my mindset. It's changed my vision of what's possible for my business. It's reached into every aspect of my life and changed things. You working with lots of different podcasters. You must hear similar stories all the time. So I guess what I would throw to you is what is the potential for podcasting and what is it about it that makes it so exciting for you as a platform?

[00:06:55.680] - Speaker 2
Yes. I think one of the things that kind of carries over in my life, like, I used to be a professional musician, and so obviously I have that kind of extroverted mindset. But there's a lot of carryover from music and songwriting into podcasting. And I think if we roll time backwards, communication and stories are such a big part of humanity, right? We would sit around a campfire and share stories so we can protect ourselves and pass down traditions and legacies. And then you fast forward to when radio was sort of the big medium where people would crowd around a radio. And it's just really like the communication aspect is really embedded into who we are as people. So over the last ten years, I've seen a lot of changes in podcasting that are really good for the industry, but I haven't seen a lot of changes in podcasting itself. And you might say, like, oh, podcasting is outdated, or it needs an upgrade, or it needs to expand. But in reality, I think podcast creators in a really great space because it's audio based. So it's typically one of the easier platforms to create on. It's an easier medium.

[00:08:13.270] - Speaker 2
You don't have to be on video, you don't have to have graphics. You're really using your words and storytelling and conversations to create content. And the reason people love podcast content is because it's easy to consume. I don't have to look at it. I can do it while I do other things. And it's all built on an RSS feed, which may seem like an old technology, but in reality, it's setting us all up for a great future because nobody owns RSS. It's just a mechanism that allows you to transmit. So if I post on Facebook or Instagram or TikTok or YouTube, I'm at the mercy of will they show my post to more people? Will they show my content where RSS feed is either on or off? You're either subscribed to it or you're not. And I think that's going to set podcasting up as an industry to actually protect creators from some of these big giant global corporations kind of rearing their heads and stealing the magic of being able to broadcast to the entire world and share a message about whether it be super niche or super avant garde or educational. And I just think that I don't think podcasting is going to change very much, because really, again, it just comes down to it's an audio platform.

[00:09:38.080] - Speaker 2
But the things that are changing in the good part of it are technology is catching up to where we have all these tools that we can use to podcast easier. When I first started, there were no tools that even close to what we have today that allow us to record and make clips and level out our audio. And so I think where we're going with podcasting and why I think it's the best medium is it just falls back to this storytelling, sharing messages, the human voice and communication, and those all build up to a very beautiful way to transmit information.

[00:10:20.670] - Speaker 1
If I look at YouTube or if I look at blogging, those are the two other main content channels that I see in terms of building up a legacy content bank. Really, if you're looking at a long term investment in content, it's going to be podcast or YouTube or blog. With YouTube and with blogs, you have the ability to somehow manage your reach and invest in your reach. With podcasts, that seems a lot harder. You're very much at the mercy of Spotify and Apple podcasts in the main, largely Apple podcasts. So I've had a few clients that have podcasts, and one or two of them, they've just gone crazy, purely down to the name of their show, whereas others, you would think these are diamonds, but they're just not getting the reach. And there doesn't seem to be an awful lot that we can do to stimulate that reach. How do you address that particular challenge of actually finding the audience you actually deserve?

[00:11:28.190] - Speaker 2
Yeah. So discoverability is absolutely the big leak in podcasting. Apple isn't in the business of really promoting podcasts. I'd say podcasts are probably like the last on Apple's list of their priorities, and Spotify is really taking it up a notch. But that's a closed garden, and they want people on their platform. So when it comes to Discoverability, there's really a few factors that we take into accountability. One is the fact that you're a needle in a haystack, and just because you publish something guarantees that no one will find it right. So we have to start by creating something that is, in my opinion, inclusive, like really thinking of the audience as a community, really thinking of the audience as the beneficiary, not just us talking for our own vanity, but like, really bringing the audience something of value and making sure that they know that if they enjoy the content, that it's very helpful if they share it with somebody who would enjoy the same content. Word of mouth, I think, is more valuable than an Advertisement, more valuable than new and noteworthy. When somebody tells you, hey, you got to cheque this out, you are 90% more likely to press the button.

[00:12:50.220] - Speaker 2
Now, the other avenues become the places where the eyeballs are. Right? So you have to figure out who your podcast is for, what kind of person they are, what kind of demographic. I mean, just five years in difference in age can put someone from Instagram to TikTok, right, or YouTube to another platform. So you want to kind of figure out who is the show for. And I know there's a lot of people out there that say, Describe your exact perfect avatar down to the colour of hair on their head, but I think it's a segment of people. And then once you can determine who that segment is, you need to think about their behaviours, what platform are they going on? Because that's the platform you're going to need to use in order to create awareness around yourself and of course, sharing that podcast in that realm. So podcasters are at the mercy of either having a really great content strategy or spending money on ad dollars. Right? And I don't think that there's a wrong way to do it. I run a lot of ads myself. A lot of people complain about big data and they have all the information, but you also have access to that information.

[00:14:03.520] - Speaker 2
You just have to pay to use it, and you can get very detailed in the way that you use it. So it's actually a benefit I'm waiting for, or I'm going to have to create it myself. A way where we can get independent creators to the top of the feed, independent creators getting their podcast exposed. But until that point, you can build a personal brand, or you can do whatever you can on social media to complement the podcast and build a community there. Or you can just straight up create some magnetic content that will convert to listeners and invest in that advertising segment and serving your content up to the right people. And I'm not a Facebook genius or ad genius. I started a six figure brand on accident and I did it all by starting off with promoted posts. And those promoted posts allowed me to target podcasters or fans of Pat Flynn or GaryVee or all the places that I thought my audience would be looking so I could insert myself into what they were looking at and hopefully convince them to come my way and cheque out what I had to share with them.

[00:15:27.930] - Speaker 2
It really comes down to those big three for me. And a lot of people have varying opinions on those because they don't want to invest themselves in social media or they don't want to invest the money in their podcast. They want it to do the magical Joe Rogan thing where they just show up, kind of hang out, and then it just blows up. And when I say blows up, it takes ten years to explode. Right. But I think that's what we're limited to right now. Obviously, casting is a really great way to get exposed to new audiences, but it really is a soldier on the ground style of media to try to grow. There aren't any tools in RSS feeds or podcast hosts that are really going to help you get exposed as much as off platform, if that makes sense.

[00:16:17.270] - Speaker 1
Yeah. I think in summary, you kind of have to do some work. But the truth is, how many listeners do you really need? How many people do you need to connect with? If you have a true crime podcast, maybe that's kind of a lot from my kind of show. And for many others, a small audience can be a great audience.

[00:16:39.510] - Speaker 2
Yeah. I'm a big fan of Kevin Kelly's 1000 True Fans article. If you haven't read this, I think it's like a one page blog post, but he describes the fact that you don't need to hit critical mass in order to make a living as a creator. And so podcasters are constantly asking me how to make money, and what they're being shown right now is that the only way to get that money is like either a straight brand deal or having Juicy Fruit gum commercials stuck in your podcast wherever they feel like putting it in. And I don't believe that to be true. I think the podcast is an authority builder. It's a trust builder. It's a relationship builder in a different way than other pieces of content are. And if you do that the right way, you could set yourself up to have multiple streams of income and never, ever have to have a Casper mattress. Advertisement interrupt your great content.

[00:17:41.440] - Speaker 1
So we can come to monetization in a little bit, but I think I want to speak to what I hope is lots of people who've probably talked themselves into, you know, what, a podcast would be a great idea for me because I think it can be very easy to talk people into that it's a good idea. But then that step to taking action, something happens in between. So as somebody who works with new podcasters all the time, what do you see is the most common new podcast or anxiety? And how do you help people pass that?

[00:18:11.050] - Speaker 2
Yes. So the first thing that most new podcasters encounter is simply just impostor syndrome, which is, I'm not an expert. Do I deserve to be putting information out onto the Internet? Like who's going to listen to me? And the truth of the matter is you don't have to be an expert. The beauty of podcasting is that it's open to all and your stories and your experience are unlike any other person's experiences, and so they are valid. I'd like to start with letting people know that you don't have to have some certification in order to be able to do this. Now, we all suffer from imposter syndrome. It's just kind of baked into us because it's our brains protecting us from danger. And it's just something you have to cope with. I think as a creator long term, you just have to realise that, hey, I'm running my own race. There's people that are going to be ahead of me, people are going to be behind me. It's all a matter of how you look at that from a perspective standpoint. Now, next, there's usually a misconception that they're going to launch this podcast and that the entire world is going to care about it immediately and they're going to have all these downloads and they don't realise that in the beginning it's going to be your friends and your family, maybe your mom that are listening and that number is going to slowly grow.

[00:19:27.200] - Speaker 2
I've never planted anything in my garden that grew full steam overnight. Right? It takes time. You water it, you nurture it, you look at it, you give it light, right? And it grows slowly. So getting people to understand that the growth, the growth curve takes time with evergreen content. And you mentioned this earlier, legacy content, which I absolutely love. That phrase is an episode doesn't expire after a week. It lives there forever. And most likely the people that really need to hear your podcast haven't found you yet. And when they do, they're going to be able to go back through this amazing catalogue of material and do that on demand whenever they want. You don't have to drip it out, you don't have to do anything, which is amazing. And the third is just really it's analytics. Like people get obsessed with a dashboard that tells them how many people downloaded and they get obsessed by these numbers if they're not growing. It's almost like new podcasters just come straight out of the corporate world and they're looking at a graph and they just need the graph to keep rising. And what happens is they let the graph.

[00:20:39.900] - Speaker 2
They let the analytics determine the value of their content. They say, well, 20 people or 50 people only listen to this. And then they say, well, my episode is only worth this many people listening. And my big qualm with analytics are, yes, they're good for KPIs and learning, and there's some things that analytics are good for, but how do you measure something that never stops growing? How do you measure something that if a podcast was up for a week and then it came down? Okay, we have a number of people that listen to that podcast, but this goes on forever. So you're telling me that because your podcast got 50 downloads week one, but it gets 5000 in a year, that it's not worth anything, and that affects their creativity, that affects how they come to the microphone. And this is a podcasting is sort of like a free form, never ending marathon piece of content. And if you can go into with the mindset that you're just going to go do the best content you possibly can every time you plug in your microphone and you don't have to worry about the numbers, you don't have, like, the number you need to worry about is, are people consuming the entire episode?

[00:21:55.500] - Speaker 2
Not how many people consume the episode. Yeah, go ahead.

[00:22:01.520] - Speaker 1
No, I'll let you finish.

[00:22:03.630] - Speaker 2
No, I just think it's damaging to people in the beginning because I think the expectation is that they're going to have like, or they may set a number in their head, like, I want to get 1000 downloads on launch. Without a good marketing plan or strategy, it's going to be nearly impossible. And then when they see the results of their launch, they feel as a reflection upon themselves as a creator.

[00:22:26.090] - Speaker 1
I think one of the things people very quickly forget as well when they come to look at their podcast is the reason they started the podcast was one thing, but then how they judge it is something completely different. So when I'm speaking to people a lot of the time, the reason I'm encouraging them to start a podcast is it's an investment in authority. It's not a direct monetization. Yes, you can build an audience over time, but you're now an expert in your space. Nobody's looking at your subscriber numbers like they are on YouTube. Nobody can see how many subscribers or downloads your show has other than you. It's really the story you tell around your show that matters. But if you invest in your podcasts, you kind of separate yourself from all the other people who do what you do. If you're a programmer, for example, and you start podcast about programming and your passion and you speak to experts and thought leaders and vendors and consumers around that particular niche, you're separating yourself from all the other people who sit in cubicles and do their work, punch their ticket and go home again. You're now somebody who's investing in an ecosystem, investing in the community you becoming of value.

[00:23:42.690] - Speaker 1
That is something that can be indirectly monetized because you're a more valuable commodity. Now, potential employers are going to look at you and they're going to look at three other people and they go, this guy is clearly something special. You can extrapolate that across every industry. You can extrapolate that against every rule. Whether you're self employed or you're employed. You don't need to sell product placement. You don't even need to sell product if you don't want to. You have built inherent value in your personal brand. Forget about the monetization directly. And I think people very quickly get distracted by all the things people expect you to be distracted by in the podcast. I'm having a bit of a ramble here.

[00:24:25.550] - Speaker 2
Oh, you know what I was going to say that was absolute gold. And I hope that anybody's listening presses the little rewind button and listens to that again, because you might have felt like you were rambling, but you were making absolute perfect sense in the fact that I do believe that success with podcasting is absolutely branding based, authority based, and indirectly monetized. And when you said indirectly monetized, I do think that there's a lot of people that think when they start this podcast that they're going to make money and that's the wrong reason to start anything, I guess, unless you're starting a business specifically to make money. But with podcasting, it has more power in your ecosystem than just being a vessel for monetization. The Monetization piece is indirect. It comes off of networking and business connections and the potential to sell your audience things they need. Maybe education, could be books, courses, coaching, products. You're basically now a front person for a segment of people. And a lot of people say niche or niche or whatever you want to call it, but like, it's people. And when you come into something, anything, and you go, this baffles my mind all the time.

[00:25:53.410] - Speaker 2
I only have 50 downloads. I always say to the person. So those 50 people are completely irrelevant to you. You only want the people that are not those 50 people. They don't value 50 people. And when you start to value those 50 people and those 50 people feel valued, then you're also building community, a deeper relationship with people that are future customers. Again, that indirect way of monetizing.

[00:26:20.420] - Speaker 1
Yeah, I think a great story for anybody who's listening and want to understand the impact that the podcast can have. I was invited to come and speak to quite a big organisation. It came through as a normal website inquiry. I would like to speak to somebody about some consulting work. Awesome. I go along, I have my meeting, and on the way out, the CEO is walking me to the door. And by the way, I've been listening to your podcast now for a few months, and at that point I knew they're not speaking to anyone else. They just wanted to speak to me because they would literally have to say no to me before they were speaking to anyone else because they had bought into the personal brand, I guess.

[00:27:10.230] - Speaker 2
Yeah, that's incredible. And it's an amazing story of the power. You had no idea that the CEO was listening to the podcast?

[00:27:20.010] - Speaker 1
No idea at all. But that was the difference. I had put myself in a category of one amongst many others. There were lots of other options for them, but they would have to have decided at that point, no, we don't want to work with Bob and then they'll look at someone else.

[00:27:36.920] - Speaker 2
Yeah, it's incredible. It's a portfolio. The word I'm looking for, the skill set of being able to create a podcast would be valuable to any business or your own business. It's something that is going to inevitably lead to bigger things than the $10 you'll make on putting an ad in your podcast. And I think that's where people get confused about what the podcast can bring to them because let's be honest, if you're going to put in all this work, there should be some return for you. But if you're clear on the return not being immediate and you're clear on the return not having to be so I guess off the back of another company, then you can be in a better headspace when you start. And I think that expectations really just kill everything for podcasters because they see other podcasters having success. And it may look easy, but you don't see the behind the scenes, the calculated thoughts, the prep, the luck, the community. I hate to bring up Joe Rogan constantly, but the reason Joe Rogan did so well is because he created a giant community of rabid fans. And it wasn't until later that he started to do advertising and sell that it was about the community.

[00:29:01.330] - Speaker 2
It was we got to sit at the table with him. And if you think about sitting at the table with the community, then the whole world is your oyster at that point because you've got them and they're going to trust you to tell them what they need or make them offers. And that's, again, playing into that indirect monetization mindset.

[00:29:22.070] - Speaker 1
I think as well, to build on that, there's the community people assume, which is the listeners. And yes, you have listeners, anybody listening to the show, I love you, but I've had nearly 200 of these interviews with incredible people all over the world who all think I'm kind of a nice guy. Now just imagine what 200 incredible people are really good at, what they do. They're the world experts all over the world. They all think you're kind of a nice guy. The impact that can have on your business if you stay in touch with those people, if you nurture those relationships, that's what when you talk about luck, this whole thing of the more I practise, the more shots I take, the luckier I get. You can throw yourself in the path of luck if you just take action. And I think that's another one of the key benefits of the podcast for me is it puts me in the path of luck more often.

[00:30:20.130] - Speaker 2
That's a really great way to look at it. So you're telling me you're really not a nice guy?

[00:30:23.970] - Speaker 1
I'm terrible.

[00:30:24.800] - Speaker 2
I'm a horrible guy because you made it sound like everyone thinks you're a nice guy. I think you're a nice guy.

[00:30:31.570] - Speaker 1
I am sure I am a nice guy, but the thing is, the podcast is about service. It's about service to you as a guest. It's about service to a listener. For me, I learn on the podcast. For me, the podcast is education. I'm getting as much value from it as the listener and the guest. And I think that's an important thing to factor in to the long term value of the podcast is don't design a podcast that's going to be a chore. Design a podcast that you're really going to enjoy doing long term. That's why I choose the interview format, because I don't have to be constantly playing in an area that's not my zone of genius, which is freestyle conversation solo. It's just not my thing. I can't do it, but I thoroughly enjoy speaking to people like you. I learn a lot. And again, that's a lifelong benefit to me. This podcast has been a PhD and all kinds of stuff over the last few years.

[00:31:29.730] - Speaker 2
Yes, a lot of people look for mentors. They start to look around for mentors and coaches. And the funny thing is, at one point, you could have any mentor you wanted. You just bought their book, and you literally can read the words they want you to hear. And now you have that same opportunity with podcasting to listen. And then as you illustrated, you can interview people and have them mentor. You live and ask them any questions that you would like them to answer, and then you share that with the world, and you become a catalyst of this sort of mentorship for all. And just the fact that you're sharing that the PH. D. Angle, I think, is really definitely a huge part of an interview podcast. The networking, the learning from, and you value that, and that makes it incredibly valuable for all of us who listen. And then, of course, yourself, which is really impressive.

[00:32:27.790] - Speaker 1
So I've done a lot more talking than I would normally do in a podcast. But podcasting is something that I'm very passionate about. But I want to talk about your stuff for a bit, because one of the things that makes you stand out as a podcaster in my sphere is that you have the podcast, but you also have actual physical products that you can touch and you can wear and you can hold in your hands and rub. And they probably smell nice, too. So tell me what that's about? What is the product range that pod decks in particular has and what did it take to put them together? Because when I look at physical products, I just see, oh, my God, that looked expensive to do.

[00:33:09.370] - Speaker 2
Yeah. The podcast is such a fun part of my life because it really was an accident. And I had sold all my time as an agency owner, which was great. And the only way to make more money is to build the team, which I eventually did, or to have more time to sell and then I did the course, which was a great lesson, and don't build the thing that you're not sure people want to buy. But in that process, there's a guy named Alan Dibb who has a book called The One Page Marketing Plan, I think. And he had described this lumpy envelope strategy where you send someone something in the mail, and if it's lumpy and it's a surprise, it would be the first thing they open. And if it surprises them, you've just basically won them as a customer forever. You just really made their day, reinforced their purchase. And so I decided I was going to steal that. And I had a list of questions I had on my phone called Friends questions, and I would use them at dinner parties. I would use them just on people. And everybody always loved it so much.

[00:34:12.880] - Speaker 2
They always told me, wow, you should be on the late night show and all this stuff. And it was just all I was doing was asking them questions and then genuinely being interested in their answers because I do like talking to people, and I do like people. And so I was like, how can I get this friends list, friends questions list out there in a new, different way than just, like a PDF? There's so many downloadable PDFs. I'm like, I really want people to use this and have fun using this. I played cards since I was a kid growing up. I thought, okay, I bet you I could put these on, like a deck of cards. And then it would make it randomizable and more fun and tangible. So I was a digital creator my whole life. This was my first physical product. So I had to go through the process of finding a manufacturer, getting pricing, designing everything. And so if you look at the original podcasts, they're pretty simple. But it was just something to I just needed something to create. And I pressed ten decks. I mean, literally, most people would run out and press as many as they could to get bulk pricing.

[00:35:18.020] - Speaker 2
But I didn't know what was going to happen. I didn't know that this was going to be something that turned out to be pretty big. I didn't know there was such a need for this. So I just started off with ten decks, and they cost a fortune. It was $30 a deck to print ten decks. It was just with shipping and all that, the design work and everything, but I was willing to gamble and see if it would work. And I think that stops a lot of people from doing anything. It's like, you have to be able to say, okay, I've got this cash. I'm going to invest in this thing. I'm going to try it out. And hey, if it fails, what? I'm out. I'm out. Three, four, $500. And then I know that I gave it a good shot. And then once I started selling them so quickly, then I was able to put together a plan to improve the product. So the first podcast, Bob, they didn't even come in a box. They just came shrink wrapped because I didn't think, what is the person going to do with these after they opened them?

[00:36:19.980] - Speaker 2
I just needed to get them out the door to somebody so they could use them. And then people said, do you sell a box? And I said, no, I don't sell a box. So the next generation had the box so you could put the cars back in the box. But if I had waited to get the box and get everything figured out, it would have taken me longer to get that product out. And so I think of myself as a pretty fearless person. I don't care about making mistakes. I don't care about looking dumb. What I care about is momentum. And so over the course of time, the product improved, the packaging, the design improved. But I didn't do that right away. So I love to frame everything I do as an experiment. I can't fail if I'm just experimenting. And Poddex was one of those experiments. And so once I started selling out and I literally started this company, a six figure company with three apps. I used Squarespace to build a website where people could put their credit card information and buy. I used ShipStation, which allows me to print labels and ship wherever I need to go, and Instagram.

[00:37:30.770] - Speaker 2
And I made little videos on my phone of the cards and ran them as promoted posts. And that took me from zero to over. Six figure business selling decks of cards.


[00:37:47.090] - Speaker 2
Which I would never expected. If you would have asked me two years ago, you're going to have a card deck company and all this stuff, I would have laughed you out of the room. That's ridiculous. But you have to look at things like, people weren't buying the course, but they were asking for the cards. I could have squashed it and just said no and walked away. Sometimes you have to pivot. Sometimes you have to say, okay, this freaks me out. I'm going to try it. And I packed every envelope myself up until about four months ago when I got a distribution company to help me with that. But I was willing to do anything it took to make sure that the product not only got to you, but it was also an experience. When you opened it, I got specific packaging. I put little inclusions in the package. So it was a fun thing. When you went to your mailbox, you got this Orange envelope, and then you opened it up and there was extra stuff you didn't expect. And it was an experience. And all these things I was doing were just little experiments to see what delighted people and surprised people.

[00:38:49.150] - Speaker 2
And I'm still learning with every new physical product I do. But I do think that everybody out there who's been in the digital world this long should really try to find something that's a commodity and turn it into a new spin on a product. And so I took a deck of cards and I took questions and I smashed them together like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And I gamified the podcast interview. So anybody out there who's got a business, how can you gamify your business and have an affordable I don't want to call it a loss leader product, but an affordable product that they can get physically in their hands.

[00:39:29.990] - Speaker 1
I think something that started as a squidgy parcel sales gimmick, that's quite a journey. I think there's just so many wheels turning in my head now, I can hardly speak.

[00:39:44.390] - Speaker 2
So I can fast forward to sitting down with a business person that I really admire. She's an online social media agency. And I took her to lunch at Podfest, actually, right before the pandemic in February 2020. And I told her I'm really nervous that someone else is going to do this better than me because I'm one man. I don't know what I'm doing. I never had a physical product. I don't have backing by, like, a huge company. I literally started this business with like three or $400. And I just continued to react as it went along. And she said, yes, someone's absolutely going to steal this idea from you because it's a good idea. And she wasn't saying it to me to be rude, but it really affected me. It affected me for a few days. And so after that, I would sit and think and say, okay, if somebody does this better than me, am I going to quit? No. Okay. So I'm going to carry on. But how would some big company put me out of business? What would they do? How would they take this idea and improve upon it? And at some point, it hit me that a software company would make it into an app.

[00:41:00.620] - Speaker 2
Right? They would just make it no shipping. You just get it right on your phone. And that's when I decided to try to put myself out of business and develop a mobile app version, which would allow me to create more decks, which allowed me to instantly deliver this to people. And I also think it's very healthy for anybody in business, in any kind of business to think, how would the behemoth put me out of business? How would they do it? What would be their strategy and see if you can beat them to it? And what surprised me, Bob, was that I thought when we launched this app, no one would ever buy a deck of cards again. And the truth of the matter was some people still like physical, tangible things and some people like digital things. And it just expanded the business in a new way where I think a lot of people would just be like carry on in your one Lane. I think it's really healthy to try to find ways to put yourself out of business and then do it yourself. And it's a really fun experiment in any business. I think digital or physical, to go through that thought process, especially if you're a small one man show.

[00:42:10.130] - Speaker 1
I think the truth is your product with Pod Texas is not a commodity. It's something that when you buy it, you know, you're buying it partly because it looks really useful, but partly it's nice to be part of that story. And I think that's something that a big printer, for example, with a bit of a marketing Department. They couldn't recreate that. They couldn't connect with people the way you do on Instagram or any other platform. And I think that really is your competitive advantage is the personal brand that you've wrapped around this product. It's a huge part of the story. And I think that's true of the app as well. Because when you hit the App Store, because I've got your app on my phone, when you hit the App Store, there's Travis Brown, you download the app, you open the app, there's Travis Brown, your omnipresent in it. Take that out. Here's just information.

[00:43:02.820] - Speaker 2
Yeah, that's really true. And I think the beauty of this whole thing was going back to when I was a podcast editor in the background and not in the background because I was hiding by any means. But I couldn't figure out the thing that could get me to reach people in a new way. A lot of people talk about microphones and interfaces and EQing, and it's not super sexy. It's a science and an art and everything. So Poddecks let me walk through the door to have the presence, to put myself out there. And I made a really conscious decision in this to truly be my authentic self. And I don't think most people understand that you are interesting in weird and cool in your own unique ways. And the more that you show that, the more that people are attracted to that because I used to wear nice shirts and present myself in a very businessy fashion. And I always felt like it wasn't really me. And once I just committed to say, you know what? I'm kind of weird and goofy, I'm going to try this. It was like a light switch went off, something unlocked, and I was free.

[00:44:22.180] - Speaker 2
I was free to be able to share this knowledge, to have fun on social media and be able to build a community and meet awesome people like yourself. And here I am right now having this amazing conversation.

[00:44:35.330] - Speaker 1
I have a guest towards the end of the month, Mike Mccallowitz, who recently wrote a book called Get Different.

[00:44:41.240] - Speaker 2
I love that book.

[00:44:42.740] - Speaker 1
And what you're talking about there really that's what popped into my head. There is if your marketing consists of trying to fit in, you can forget it. The only way that you can stand out is just by, like you said, giving yourself permission to relax into being your own unique self, because that will get noticed. And here's the most important thing I will guarantee now the clients that you get, they're coming to you, and they kind of like you, whereas the clients you get, when you're trying to pretend to be someone else, they were coming for that guy, they're probably not going to be fun for you to work with at all. So when you really focus on not trying to build a fake personal brand but discover who you are and then let that person shine, that's when work will become a joy. And I think that's one of the reasons I love watching you so much is it's clearly authentic and it's fun.

[00:45:38.480] - Speaker 2
It should be fun, right? I think podcasting is something that most people start because they think, oh, this will be fun, and this is a good idea. This will be fun. And then it gets muddled with some of that external stuff that creates doubt and creates people from pod fading and all that. Podcasting is just such a great community and world. Everybody I've met in podcasting is so cool. Someone told me that podcasters are like Canadians, like everyone. And I do think that that rings true. Just the one thing I want to share is, like I said, I am very transparent that this business was an accident, and I could be going around telling people that I'm a genius. I started this company. But the reason I tell people this is because I know that there's people out there that have ideas they're not acting on, or maybe they have an idea that isn't working, and there's something kind of externally that might be working, and they're afraid to go down that route. And my only hope is that I can convince people that sometimes the big idea isn't the big idea. And you have to explore these things and just do it responsibly, do it in a minimal way, and you'll be surprised what happens.

[00:46:55.030] - Speaker 2
And we're going to keep evolving. Everything is moving so fast that you can keep coming up with new ideas and trying things and call them experiments, and you will not be a failure.

[00:47:09.470] - Speaker 1
And I think that's another great thing with the podcast is if you are authentic, the people are coming and they're staying kind of for you. And if your interests evolve, if your passions evolve, your podcast can evolve with you. You're not married to your niche. You can fine tune that. You can tweak as you go. You can run many experiments within your podcast over the years, and your audience will hopefully grow with you. So it really is a long term investment that you're not married or fixed or sort of nailed down to something you can never change. I think that's important to remember.

[00:47:49.710] - Speaker 2
That's very important to remember. I think a lot of people get stuck because they think that if they change, there's going to be an uprising. And all you have to do is clearly explain to your people what you're doing and just let them know that you're growing and you want them to grow with you. The other thing you just hit on that I just have to mention is people do come for you. And a lot of interview podcasters think, oh, people just come for my guests, but they're really there for you. And the guest is just a bonus for that conversation. So don't ever underestimate if you're doing an interview podcast thinking that you just need bigger and better guests to grow your show. I mean, they can help. They're not always the magic bullet, but people are there for you. And if you look at them as people and not download numbers, it gets a lot more fun. It's like a party and 50 people came to my party this week is a completely different mindset than well, I only got 50 downloads. Yeah.

[00:48:48.580] - Speaker 1
If you threw a party and 50 people turned up, you'd be delighted.

[00:48:51.470] - Speaker 2
Oh, absolutely.

[00:48:53.210] - Speaker 1
So, Travis, looking at the time, I'm very grateful for the time you have, but I should probably not abuse your good graces for that much longer. If people want to connect with you, how would you like them to do that? How can people go further with you?

[00:49:07.700] - Speaker 2
Yeah, the best place to connect with me is on Instagram at Poddex. Just send me a DM. I'm on the app. I'm the one running the account, and I love talking to people. And that's the only I mean, I do have other social platforms, but that's the one I spend all my time on. And that's the best place to get in touch with me. You could always visit Poddecks.com if you wanted to cheque out podcast. And if I could ask your audience just one favour. This podcast game isn't necessarily just super easy. There's a lot of work that goes into this. You have to schedule guests and show up and put on a good show and edit it. And Bob does an amazing job. So if you enjoyed this episode or any other episode on this podcast, the best thing that you could do is just after you end this podcast, just go leave a review. And if you're going to leave a review on Apple, actually write something in that meant something to you, something you learned. Because podcasters, you have no idea what a review will do for their day. And I know how much work goes into this show.

[00:50:12.280] - Speaker 2
And if you could do that for me, I think that everyone would be super grateful.

[00:50:17.270] - Speaker 1
Travis, you are the best. Everyone really head to Podcast.com and also the Podcast Builders Club. If you are thinking about starting a podcast that looks like a fantastic resource, I just joined today.

[00:50:29.940] - Speaker 2

[00:50:30.800] - Speaker 1
Well, to the listener. I hope you've enjoyed this week's show. Travis, you have been awesome. I haven't enjoyed an interview this much for a long time. Please don't tell any of my other guests. Yeah, for the listener. If you want to make sure you don't miss more magic like this every week, then don't forget to subscribe. And if you would like to work with me on your personal brand business journey, whatever stage you're at, then just send me an email. It's Bob at Amplifyme Agency and I will find a way to make it happen. Don't forget as well you can join the Facebook community, the personal brand businessdojo. Just head to Amplifyme Agencyinsiders and welcome to the family. Travis, you've been great fun. Thank you so much for your time. I need to remember to ask you this one question and nearly forgot what's one thing you do now that you wish it started five years ago.

[00:51:24.070] - Speaker 2
So the one thing that I wish I had done five years ago, or even more than that is on my 40th birthday. I quit drinking alcohol. And that year was also my poddex year when that happened. And since I've stopped imbibing in alcohol, my life has gotten a thousand times better. And I'll be coming up on three years sober. And I really wish I would have done it sooner because I had thought about it many times and I'd tried it many times. But once I finally stuck to it, I feel like my life just unlocked and I'm going to be clear and sober for the rest of my life. And if anyone has ever thought about quitting to stop for 30 days and cheque it out and see how you feel. But that's one thing I wish I could have gone back and done because I think I might have been more productive, had better relationships, just been a better person without that element in my life. I would love to know what your answer to that question is. Bob. Have you answered it on the podcast?

[00:52:28.320] - Speaker 1
I haven't. I can't even remember what the question is now. What's one thing you do now that you wish it started five years ago? The answer is the podcast. Honestly, I gave myself so many excuses for so many years. I bought my microphone probably four years before I started to show and I knew it was going to lead to big things. But I put it off and I put it off and I put it off and I can't tell you the number of accidental synchronicities that happened once I actually pulled the trigger. Life has never been the same again.

[00:53:00.720] - Speaker 2
That's amazing. That's an amazing testimonial for podcasting and you would have had like 600 episodes if you had started.

[00:53:08.810] - Speaker 1
Travis, let's call it a day there. Thank you so much for your time.

[00:53:11.890] - Speaker 2
Thank you, Bob. I appreciate you.

[00:53:16.250] - Speaker 1
Before I go, just a quick reminder to subscribe and join our Facebook group. You'll find a link in the show notes or visit amplifyme fminsiders also connect with me wherever you hang out you'll find me on all the social platforms at popchino if you enjoyed the show then I would love a five star review on Apple podcast that would make my day and if you shared the show with a friend you would literally make my golden list. My name is pop gentle thanks to you for listening and I'll see you next week.

Thanks for listening!

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Episode Overview

All over the world there are great people in great businesses that get overlooked.  They fail to meet their potential for reasons that have nothing to do with ability. They’re often the same issues which small business owners face out in the entrepreneurial world.

So this week my guest is Max Habeck.  Max is a very big hitter, working with partners and leadership teams at the biggest consulting firms in the world to help them unleash their PartnerPowers.

About Max

Max has worked in consulting all his life. First, at Kearney, a strategy firm, where he made partner and practice leader. Later, becoming a managing partner at EY, looking after 1,100 people in one of the fastest-growing practices globally. He also wrote two books on post-merger integration, his career theme

Now, he support partners to build standout practices and teams while having a life.


Automatic Audio Transcription

Please note : This is an automatically generated transcription.  There are typos and the system may pick words or whole phrases up incorrectly.  

[00:00:01.870] - Speaker 1
Welcome to Amplify the Personal Brand Entrepreneur Show. Today on the show, Bob is speaking with Max Hobeck.

[00:00:12.110] - Speaker 2
What I never imagined, I think how the business has become virtual. Initially, when I set out, I thought, now I need to be going to see people constantly across Europe and whatnot. And I think that has totally changed. I think the entry barriers for me as an individual service provider, they really have shrunk in quite a nice way.

[00:00:42.930] - Speaker 1
Hi there and welcome back to Amplify the Personal Brand Entrepreneurship. My name is Bob Gentle, and every week I'm joined by incredible and inspiring people who share what makes their business work. If you're new to the show, take a second right now to subscribe to whichever player you use. And if you are listening on Apple podcasts, make sure and click that new follow option in the top right hand corner of the page or in your app, rather. That way, Apple knows to queue me up every time I publish a new episode. And that way we both win. So before I jump into introducing this week's guest, just a quick reminder once again that after nearly 200 of these interviews, I've learned a thing or two about what makes business work online. And it turns out success doesn't leave clues. And I want to give you that map, jump over to my website and grab your copy of The Personal Brand Business Roadmap. It's everything you need to start scale or just fix your personal brand business. It's yours for free as a gift from me. Now, most weeks on the show, we focus on how to stand out as a small business or as an entrepreneur.

[00:01:43.030] - Speaker 1
But what if you want to stand out inside a large organisation, as a personal brand entrepreneur, so to speak, rather than as an entrepreneur? It's safe to say that in large organisations, the same rules apply as in regular business. You want to stand out inside or outside an organisation, same rules apply. So this week, my guest is Max Habeck, and we're going deep into how to stand out in a global Corporation. Max, welcome to the show.

[00:02:11.410] - Speaker 2
Thank you. I'm delighted to be here.

[00:02:13.210] - Speaker 1
So I'm really excited to speak to you about this particular thing because a lot of my contacts, a lot of the people who know me, they're not running organisations. They're not business leaders, so to speak. But it still matters to them that they're visible in their organisation and that they're making the best out of every opportunity they can. So I know this is really your area of focus in a big way. So that was why I wanted to have you on the show. But for the listener who doesn't know you, who is a Max Habit, and what do you do? What's the Max Habit story?

[00:02:49.990] - Speaker 2
Yeah, the Max Havoc story. It's really about leadership development in the big four. And I work exclusively with leaders in the big four. Firms, which are the major accounting and integrated professional services firms. Just think Ernst and Young, think Deloitte, think KPMG. Pwc and similar firms. And it's really for me helping people leaders in those firms build stand out businesses while having a life. I used to be a leader at one of them myself, looking after 1700 people in one of the fastest growing businesses globally and basically in a way figured it out and been struck by the fact how important the behaviours I been learning over the years are also now in my change life. For me, it's really about bringing excitement, confidence and joy to people in the big four and similar firms and wherever they may be.

[00:03:59.250] - Speaker 1
So one of the things we've had conversations in the past, one of the things that strikes me about working in these big organisations is the pressure is on. What is the pressure like for these people day to day? What are the expectations on them?

[00:04:14.200] - Speaker 2
Well, the interesting parties. You enter the profession as a junior consultant, as a junior auditor and you become a subject matter expert. Usually you like numbers, you do deep dives, you get excited about it. You are totally waked up by showing your client new insight and you're progressing throughout your career. And then all of a sudden more and more other things become important, for instance. And the major part is selling. So the pressures people find themselves under is and even after having reached the highest level and the highest level in these professional services firms, it's a role basically a partner. You are a co owner of the business and you are supposed to be running your own business, finding clients, developing them, serving them. So you're finally in the role you always wanted to be in. But all of a sudden you find out and say, oh my God, this is much more demanding than it ever has been. The firm is expecting so much from me. You always pride also yourself on being a subject matter expert. And yet again the firm says, well this is all great, but now you need to become a sea level advisor.

[00:05:38.570] - Speaker 2
You need to be working with the top executive. You need to bring to bear all the services the firm has to offer and really be an integrated provider. Services you need to generate the revenues and you get your scorecard and the firm is expecting from you a certain top line, you're contributing and once in a while you're getting desperate saying, So where is this coming from? Oh my God, you have team members and you always provided say it again. Here you have team members, people supporting you, working yet again, that's fine. You're working with team members, people supporting you. And you always prided you on being a great people person. But you sense they have all become more demanding and you need to figure it out. And Moreover, you wouldn't be there if you hadn't been able to work really hard and you get to a point also where you start realising, will this never change? The hours remain brutal. The strain may be showing at home and you look around you and you want to know, why are some of the others so much more at ease? So that's it not quite in a nutshell, but these are kind of the five, six areas I always see people dealing with and I dealt myself with as a former partner in one of the major firms.

[00:07:24.580] - Speaker 1
So listening to that, I think there's a lot of parallels just with regular business ownership. That a lot of the time people grow into a business ownership role because they were a great technician. You speak about subject matter experts. Most people are great at what they do, which is why they do well in business, and then they find themselves as a business owner trying to grow, building a team. It's the same when you come in as a partner, I guess, and the rules are different, the expectations are different and you have to grow in other areas, I guess. So for me, there's a lot to relate to there within your Practise. Then how are you helping them grow in these areas? What are the tools that you bring to bear? Because these are busy people, they don't have time to waste and they don't suffer fools gladly, I imagine. So what is your process for helping them get to a point where they're probably in crisis or sometimes to a point where they are at the same level of ease or similar as those people that they look up to?

[00:08:33.540] - Speaker 2
Yeah, it's a great question, Bob, and I'm just reflecting on a discussion I had with a partner in one of the firms just yesterday, and I was stuck by the fact that he has about 40 years old. He has been a partner for three and a half years, so he has been really on the fast track and he is starting to realise now and say, oh, my God, I still have 20 years to go, what am I going to be doing now? How is my future going to be panning out? Is this just continuing? Is it going to be more and more and more and what I have done and I have been part of the industry for all my career. I started out in the 90s as an associate in the strategy converting firm and then moved on from there. But what I really have defined is what I call the three partner powers, and the three partner powers are market up, team up and lead up. And I'm pretty vocal about that. These are the three areas you need to be succeeding in in order to have a great career. And what is so interesting about it is it's not really different from what you need to be doing as an entrepreneur.

[00:10:03.090] - Speaker 2
For instance, market up. It's really about shaping your profile, define your ideal clients and develop your go to market system. Think about it for a moment. In the major firms, you have hundreds of partners. What is great about the major firms is there's tremendous market access. However, your co partners need to understand what you do in order for them to be able to present you and your service at one of their clients. So it's really, I mean, get clear your profile, tell them who is your ideal client. And then also you need to have kind of a rigorous system how you go about developing your market. And clearly in the big four, it's more internally, I would argue, than externally, because the market reach is very strong. Moving over to the team up part, it's really about determining your role, how you cooperate with others, how you leverage skills you find in the firm, how you find people willing to support you. And it's really about establishing your relationship outside of the corporate environment. You probably would say, how do you partner with other firms? Or so here you need to partner internally. And that's what I call team up.

[00:11:43.330] - Speaker 2
And then I think what really makes a difference is the lead up part. You find yourself after having been a partner for a couple of years, people start to think or you start to think there are quite a few around me. How do I stick out? Is there a next step? For me, it's really about you setting your agenda, articulating your core beliefs and sharpening your presence. And I think that is so comparable to the outside world. But at the same time, very few have a clear system determined, a clear system, a clear pathway for themselves. And that's where I come in and that's where I help because I think it is really about keeping up the excitement, the confidence and also the joy you as a professional experienced in the early years of your career. But as I said a little earlier, and then you are a partner and you find yourself and saying, oh my God, I still have a couple of years ago, I have decades ago. How do I keep the energy? What is interesting and I think you can shape it.

[00:13:04.170] - Speaker 1
I think what's interesting to me, listening to what you're describing there is when you're great at something, people promote you and you hear the stories of the great sales professional that was put in a sales manager role. He never wanted to be a manager, but because he was great at his job, he was sort of drawing up the organisation a little bit. And the problem with celebrating success like that is it means that those people who are great at something, as long as they're continuing to do their best, they're constantly being put in positions where their comfort zones are being tested and they're constantly put in positions where they're uncomfortable. And I think that's why these partner powers. They give your ideal customer a tool set with which to become comfortable, to move from a state of distress through discomfort to a state of ease through discomfort. If you see what I mean.

[00:14:05.430] - Speaker 2
Absolutely. And I would totally Echo your point, Bob. I have seen over the years in this industry too frequently. I mean, partners getting promoted to a regional position, more of a leadership position, and they used to be the greatest Rainmaker the world had ever seen. But somehow the firm felt there was a need to provide him or her with the next step up. And Interestingly enough, the teams in the firms many times have been much more observant than the leadership level that within the younger ranks. You heard so and so was promoted to such and such and people looked at themselves and said, really? I mean, come on, he is a great client handler, great salesperson and whatnot. But he cannot stand in front of any group. I mean, he cannot talk, he cannot. Has he ever said anything really engaging? So it's kind of really interesting. And I think, granted, we all cannot become the greatest leaders the world has ever seen. But I think with a plan in hand, you can start working at it. And I think also you need to be don't go all over the place, focus on what makes the difference.

[00:15:50.610] - Speaker 2
Unfortunately, these firms, there are so many systemic behaviours. You join the firm, you observe what the quote unquote elders are doing and that must be right. And you will also find that certain behaviours are just totally silly. They're not adding anything and still people keep doing them and what the partners powers are helping clients with, it's really about, let's make sure you get your focus right and you start working at things that truly matter. And also be clear what you say no to. And unfortunately, over the years and you know what? I've been as guilty as any other partner. There is certain things are thrown in you and you pick them up well, knowing well, this is not quite fitting. You're not really ready to have a discussion right now with your managing partner about it. At the same time, you feel a little, in a way, honoured and say, oh, yeah, cookie, and trusting me with this, but it's not really helping you. And funny enough, after people have become partners, I have had quite a few discussions when I was still a managing partner with junior partners at the time who immediately got approached by the system and saying, hey, couldn't you do this and that for us?

[00:17:31.770] - Speaker 2
And Thankfully, I remember one of the partners calling me up and saying, hey, Max, is this really adding anything right now to what I should be doing? And I thought it's almost like, thank you for that question, Daniel, because no, it's not. You need to be focusing on really something else right now. And the role they offered you. That's great after you got your swimming certificate as a partner but not right now. Make sure you're not getting confused and the big organisations have a tendency to confuse people too.

[00:18:17.940] - Speaker 1
So a place I would like to go I guess is you had a great career in a giant organisation and now you're doing things your own way. It's really jumping from one end of the spectrum right through to the other as a solopreneur so to speak. Although I know you have a team but nevertheless it's the Max Hibeck organisation, it's not Ernst and Young or KPMG or any of these big boys. So how have you found that transition and what I guess the real question is selfishly. It's one of the biggest lessons that you've taken from being in a giant organisation and applied to your own small business. What have been the greatest assets from that experience in your new experience?

[00:19:09.870] - Speaker 2
Well I think one of the greatest assets definitely has been that I don't shy away from presenting myself whether it being little LinkedIn videos and I don't have because have been talking to groups of couple of thousand people and so I think that is definitely one of the assets. I think my career has provided me with the ability to basically climb on any stage and ticket something sensible and worthwhile for the audience. So I think that is really great. At the same time the challenge as a solopreneur it's quite different. I also had to learn and I'm most definitely one of the perfectionists out there and it was really easy with the team you had been working with for years, team members knowing what these standards were as a soloprene that is much more complicated because it's really you, you are the team and in order to really grow the business you need to start leveraging yourself better. I mean I'm totally clear on where my strengths are. I always been a creator, I like to stand in front of people, I like to generate ideas, I have certain expectations for delivery and I think the realisation hey that the workbench is not just the creator or the R Amp D and design Department but also the workbench and they all are called Max.

[00:21:21.280] - Speaker 2
I think that's one of the biggest challenges but I think the realisation is really important that also to establish a real business you need to put a plan in place and you need to work the plan and there are really lead indicators and there are lack indicators so I think really monitoring lead indicators that certain activities are happening. It's really key to generate or produce the lack indicators and for simplicity sake it's really from the number of client contacts as a lead indicator you have had over the course of the week and then as a lack indicator later on the revenues generated basically and I think that kind of understanding has been tremendously helpful and I guess another question I'm always very curious to ask is with your business now.

[00:22:24.850] - Speaker 1
Which parts of it do you find personally the hardest? Which parts are really not your comfort zone?

[00:22:35.230] - Speaker 2
I really like a lot the market facing activities. I'm getting incredible energy out of talking to potential clients. Also in the marketing space, I really like whatever has to do with developing clients, serving clients really love it. I think the struggles really are when it gets about checking things, certain things are really happening. And my whole career I think I've always been a very strong believer that people want to do a great job. I think one of the learning stand for me has become that I need to do a better job in explaining what I want. Where in the past it was kind of easy because somehow people around me got me. They understood from the get go. And I think that definitely has changed and that is a challenge and something we kind of struggle with it weekly.

[00:23:58.320] - Speaker 1
To be honest, I think something I hear from a lot of entrepreneurs is on the one hand, systems that they don't have the systems in place, they give them the freedom. I think when you're working in a large organisation, you have the back office systems there. There is built in efficiencies, whereas when you have to create them from scratch or depend on other people to bring them to you, they don't have those systems necessarily. And so then you're left vulnerable in the situation where you either educate or you do it yourself. And that's not a nice place for someone like you who's used to having these systems just work, I'm guessing.

[00:24:42.510] - Speaker 2
No, I think you are absolutely right. I think one of the challenges I'm all for systems, but there's also the realisation. They are not created by someone else but me in the end or I bring in other people who help me create the system. I think that's exactly where I'm at right now. I think over the last year or so it's been quite clear to me that I need to build a team and I need to really enable them to get certain things in place. And it may not be the picture perfic solution Max would have created, but it's much better than what I think that's part of the realisation too. You're getting to a point more in a way of look at it and say, by God, I mean, I can design a long list of what I need, but we need to kind of start doing and get it executed. And I think that's kind of the constant challenge. It's about priorities. What do you do first, what can be delayed? And clearly when you start out, clearly you start out and say, hey, let's kind of work first on the top line, find some clients and the rest will take place later on.

[00:26:08.370] - Speaker 2
But I would urge all entrepreneurs make sure you're not losing sight of what else needs to be taking place as well. And I think as an entrepreneur, I've been looking for kind of guides people who have done it before. I simply don't have the time and the capacity to educate myself on each and every aspect of what is feasible right now. And, for instance, watch YouTube videos and there is no time for it. So I'm looking for people who can help, who have done it before and either farm it out on a per job basis or bring someone on and say, hey, can you be my integrator here, for instance?

[00:26:59.990] - Speaker 1
So one of the things I know about you is you're busy, you're a really busy guy and you are ambitious, although you're no longer working in Big Four, and that was your choice, you are ambitious for the Max Habit partner Powers business. And I think there are some people listening thinking he only works for four or five different organisations. For the person who doesn't necessarily know how many people work in these organisations.

[00:27:32.330] - Speaker 2
Well, the Big four are 350,000 plus globally. And what is really attractive about them for me as a provider, services targeting them. There are individual country organisations. I think also what I never imagined, I think how the business has become virtual. Initially when I set out, I thought, now I need to be going to see people constantly across Europe and whatnot. And I think that has totally changed. I think the entry barriers for me as an individual service provider, they really have shrunk in quite a nice way. So when I just look at the big four right now, for instance, the big four are present in more than 120 countries. It's sizable. They are structured all the same way. So they are kind of divisions, they are sub business units. So the opportunity for me and also having the experience in these businesses, I mean, it's really a great market to be in right now.

[00:29:01.590] - Speaker 1
And I want to ask a question about that market in a little bit for anybody that's thinking, you know what, I think I have something to serve that audience with. But what I wanted to focus on and the reason I asked the question was people hear people in my chair talking about the importance of Niching all the time. And when I first looked at what you were doing, I thought, that looks like an incredibly narrow niche, but actually it's broad enough to support a good sized business. And that was really where I wanted to go. That you at the moment, it's Max HABIC driving this, but I know you have plans to grow and that sort of projecting yourself five years into the future is really what I wanted to look at is how do you see this organisation growing?

[00:29:52.890] - Speaker 2
I see it really become a true partner, to be honest. I think there is a great opportunity for people like me who have been there, done it. I think one, in dealing with clients, I have kind of immediate credibility because I used to be one of them, I have been through it and I think there is this big discussion between coaches, oh, should the coach know? And it's not really about advice, but I think it's a lot about empathy. What clients tell me is, oh, my God, we definitely see that you understand that the first day of the new fiscal year, your revenue metre starts pretty much at zero and you better get busy. And I think that is something which you can, it's very hard if you haven't been there. And so I see this really grow with a group of partners over the years where we really address the issues partners are facing and really helping them yet again, build stand up Practise while having a life. And I think that's kind of key what we do and that's what we want to be recognised for here.

[00:31:26.310] - Speaker 1
And I guess selfishly, on behalf of the listener, there will be people thinking, yeah, I think I have something to bring. These big four businesses, obviously you have credibility because you were one of them, but they represent quite a healthy, affluent market. And if somebody was listening thinking, okay, I have something that I would like to bring to that audience. How would you mentor someone like that to go about it?

[00:31:56.590] - Speaker 2
It's interesting. The moment you are running a decent sized business and one of the big four, you're getting approached by the outside market people trying to pitch you, coaching, training, presentation, drafting, whatever services. And what I find so interesting is over my career I only worked with a very selected few. First of all, did not have time to and I think this is critical, make sure people get what you offer and what it does. And I think that is one of the observations I have had as a buyer. It was like, I'm not getting it, how is this helping me? And I think it is also executive search services, for instance, they all pitch a good game and so on, but they never understand really that whoever I want to bring into the business, I still have a boss and they need to make it easy for me, make it easy for me, so I can kind of further the course here. And I think that is sometimes it's totally convoluted and I didn't have the time to really take a bite and it was impossible. So I think really be totally clear, think about the potential client and sit back and make it kind of clear what is it they get from you and how does it make their life better?

[00:33:35.770] - Speaker 2
Other than that, there are incredible hurdles to get in there. And if that is not, and if you're not finding promoters to really see the value, I think it's going to be hard.

[00:33:48.190] - Speaker 1
So really, I guess it boils down to relationships. You need to build relationships first. You need to build an understanding of the organisation and the people in that organisation. You need to demonstrate value before you've taken any money and then hope one of those people that you've gone out to bat for reciprocates, but you don't get nothing for nothing.

[00:34:10.710] - Speaker 2
Yeah, I would probably say before you take money, before you take anybody's time.

[00:34:15.520] - Speaker 1
I would say, or you extract value, won't have time.

[00:34:20.550] - Speaker 2
And so make it compelling and make it totally clear. Other than that, I think in this kind of business, in this kind of environment, people are really ambitious. They are kind of goal getters whatever. If it's distracting the interest or if it's complicated, they're not picking it up.

[00:34:52.490] - Speaker 1
So, Max, I'm looking at the time. We should probably bring things to a close quite soon. If somebody's listening, thinking I like the sound of those partner powers, or if they would like to get a little bit closer to you or connect with you, how would you like them to do that?

[00:35:07.970] - Speaker 2
Well, I guess great starting point is my website, Maxabic.com. I also have my partner power scorecard out there, which in essence leads people through 20 plus diagnostic questions and providing the score where people are at. I have also a couple of articles out there and a couple of very pointed videos, which some people may be helpful because I'm also totally clear it's not just applicable in the big four. It's almost in a way, that's how corporations work and what corporations want to see.

[00:35:58.130] - Speaker 1
Max, what's one thing you do now that you wish you'd started five years ago?

[00:36:03.600] - Speaker 2
The thing really, it's almost like and you hear it again and again and it applies. It's kind of keep building your list, start building your list way earlier and make sure that all the contacts you have assembled over here find their way into your list. I think that's kind of key. But yet again, how much can you handle as an individual? I think that's a permanent struggle as a solopreneur entrepreneur.

[00:36:37.970] - Speaker 1
I think that's absolutely true. This is the most common answer that I hear. And it's this whole thing of what's the best time to plant a tree 25 years ago? Absolutely. What's the next best time right now?

[00:36:51.080] - Speaker 2
Right now.

[00:36:51.750] - Speaker 1
Max, you've been an awesome guest. I've had great fun. It's been great to borrow into your business a little bit. I feel so yeah, it's just such a privilege for me to get to be so nosy. So thank you so much for inviting me.

[00:37:06.130] - Speaker 2
I really appreciate being here. Thank you very much.

[00:37:10.280] - Speaker 1
Thank you. Before I go, just a quick reminder to subscribe and join our Facebook group. You'll find a link in the show notes or visit Amplifyme. Fminsiders. Also, connect with me wherever you hang out. You'll find me on all the social platforms at Popgental. If you enjoyed the show, then I would love a five star review on Apple podcast it would make my day and if you shared the show with a friend you would literally make my golden list. My name's Bob gentril. Thanks to you for listening and I'll see you next week.

Thanks for listening!

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Episode Overview

Some are motivated by money and others are motivated by purpose.  Most of us fall somewhere in between.  

This week on the podcast I’m speaking about purpose, passion, making money, doing good, taking chances and living like life is short with Richie Norton. 

No matter what motivates you, you’ll find something to fire you up for the year in this very special episode.

About Richie Norton

Richie Norton is the award-winning, bestselling author of the book The Power of Starting Something Stupid (in 10+ languages) and Résumés Are Dead & What to Do About It.

In 2019, Richie was named one of the world’s top 100 business coaches by Dr. Marshall Goldsmith. He is an international speaker (including TEDx & Google Startup Grind) & serial entrepreneur.


Automatic Audio Transcription

Please note : This is an automatically generated transcription.  There are typos and the system may pick words or whole phrases up incorrectly.  

Welcome to Amplify the Personal Brand Entrepreneur Show today. On the show, Bob is speaking with Richie Norton.

If I tell myself, how can I get that dream when I retire and you're going to work 40 years to have that dream when you retire, whether you get it or not is unknown and likely not because things change too much over 40 years. But if you say, how can I live my dream today and create work in a way that I'm paid, that helps me live it. Now you will think differently. Doesn't mean you have the answer yet, but your brain works like a calculator. If you tell yourself I can do this, you know what?

You're probably going to learn and figure out some way to do it somehow. If you tell yourself you can't do it, it's not true that you can't necessarily, but it is true that your brain is going to stop thinking about it. So by asking a better question, how can I do this thing without that bad thing happening in this amount of time? It can create space for your mind to be able to dwell on that while you're running or getting ready or working out or doing whatever.

And then you start coming up with Creative Solutions.

Hi there. And welcome back to Amplify The Personal Brand Entrepreneurship. My name is Bob Gentle, and every week I'm joined by amazing people who share what makes their business work. If you're new to the show, take a second right now to subscribe and whichever player you use. And if you're listening on Apple podcasts, make sure to click the new follow option in the top right in the app. That way, Apple will queue me up every time I post a new episode. And that way we both win.

So before I jump into introducing this week's guest, just a quick reminder that after nearly 200 of these interviews, I've learned a thing or two about what makes business work online. And it turns out success doesn't leave clues. And I want to offer you at least a partial map. So jump over to my website and grab a copy of the Personal Brand Business Roadmap is everything you need to start, scale or just fix your personal brand businesses yours for free as a gift from me. And speaking of gifts this week, my guest is the author of The Power of Starting Something Stupid.

One of my favourite people on Earth lives in a crazy place where the time is all upside down. Richie Norton, welcome to the show.

I'm so excited to be here from Upside down land.

I love that it's 10:00 A.m. For you. It's 08:00 P.m. For me. Every time this happens, it's very hard to get my head around. So, yeah, how are you today?

I'm just waking up. You're going to sleep? Yes, I know. Hawaii is wonderful. It's nice and warm, but as we were talking pre show, it actually feels super cold, relatively speaking, because it's raining, but happy days are here, as they say. And I'm Super excited to be talking to you. Scotland, of all places, is my favourite place in the world and excited to visit there again soon and gosh wherever we live in the world, we can just make the most of it. I hope some places are harder to love than others, but I think everywhere you live you can make magic.

So it's a good day for the listener who doesn't know you. Why don't you start just by telling us a little bit about who you are, where you are and what your universe looks like?

Okay, you know what I'll do it chronologically. I'll do it real quick, but I grew up in San Diego, California. Born and raised, I lived in Brazil for a couple of years, actually, as a service missionary, I speak Portuguese, so when I visit Portugal, it's really fun too, to be able to speak Portuguese there. But I miss Brazil. Brazil's. Amazing. I now live in Hawaii. I'm married. I have four boys. Our youngest actually passed away. He caught pertussis or whooping cough as a baby. We've had foster children and we do our best to just love everyone where they are and do whatever we need to do to help and really, just to find ways to be happy, even when you're not happy.

Life's hard and our family experienced a lot of grief. My wife had a stroke at one point and lost her memory. My son got hit by a car and almost died. I go on and on and on, but these weird experiences in life gave me an interesting perspective on business, and that perspective is what I call Gavin's Law. My son that passed away is named Gavin and also my wife's brother, who had passed away at 21 in his sleep, was named Gavin. I call it Gavin's Law, which is live to Start to live, which means live to start those ideas that are pressing on your mind right now and you'll really start living.

Too many people just wait and wait and wait and they wonder why things aren't changing when in the same moment they're having these wonderful ideas. I know it's hard to get to push through the inertia and all that, but my work with my book, The Power of Starting Something Stupid, has been to help people feel and hear those inner promptings and to do something about them, but not to do them later, but to do them right now. And even if you don't have the time, education, experience or money that you can leverage existing resources, find people to help you and work around that.

So there's a little synopsis there, but I write. I have these books. I do coaching, consulting. I do courses and I realised a lot of people wanted to make physical products. I have a background in social entrepreneurship and helping people create and sell products to work their way out of poverty. And I'm working with all kinds of people, influencers and people in academia, professionals, big Fortune 100 companies where we actually work on all kinds of different projects, including making physical products, everything from the ideation phase to creating it, making it packaging, it warehousing.

It the whole deal, fulfilling it. At the end of the day, people say why you do so many different things. I even have a company where we edit videos for creators. And I go look to me, it's not many different things. Honestly, to me, Bob is one thing, and that is to give people their time back is to work in a way that creates time that takes time. And so all these different tangents that would look like to me, it's like one store and inside of different products and services to help you get what you want, feed your family and have the time and ability to be flexible and live the way you would hope to live.

So that's real quick background what I'm doing and kind of why I do it. And I hope that even in our conversation, we can talk about ways we can just help people figure it out. You never know what the future holds, but that's why we work in the present.

Well, figuring it out is something that I want to speak to you about today, and it's actually very rare that I have somebody on the show with an agenda. I have an agenda. Usually these things are simply like that person looks like they're doing something really cool. I want to know more about it. But this particular thing that I want to speak about today, I often find myself thinking about it, and I often think I wonder what Richie Norton would think. I mean, I think that a lot.

What would Richard Norton do? It's kind of my north star.

I like you. You're awesome.

But this particular thing, I think Richie is probably one of the few people that I could speak about this and have it mean something. And the question is, I work with people. You work with people all the time. And some people are super driven. They know where they're going, they know what they want to do. But sometimes you meet people that are incredible. You can tell that there's a magic in there. They have genius. But that genius doesn't seem to just spark. They don't seem to have direction.

There's no burning hunger. And if you look at anybody in the world is doing incredible things. They're driven, they know where they're going, they know what they're doing. But there are others. And there are many others that they just never quite seem to work out what they're for, who they're for, what lights them up. And I remember reading a book the other day, and it was a work of fiction. But this phrase, working in the board of minds leapt out at me, and it hasn't gone away.

I just keep thinking about all these people who are working in jobs in order to make a living so that they can buy food, pay rent to live so they can go to work to make a living. And it's just this endless hamster wheel that can't be fulfilling in the way that I'm imagining. So I guess I'm trying to come around to the question. You can probably sense what the question is. I probably should have written it down, but how can we help people? I mean, this question all began with the idea of Niching, how do you find your niche?

But it's actually bigger than that and says, you're a smart guy, and you can probably hear the question, is there anything jumping out for where you would go with this question?

I think it's what you're saying. First of all, people want to do things, but they don't do them, and then they don't really know why they don't do them, right? And there's intrinsic motivation, which is from the inside. There's extrinsic motivation, which is pressure from the outside or rewards that you could get from the outside. But then it starts to get complicated when you start bringing in like the way we think the way we were raised, you know, maybe we even have add. You know what I mean?

I don't know what it is or depression. At the end of the day. It all happens in our brain, right? And we either see opportunities or we don't. But it's really frustrating when we see an opportunity and we still don't do something about it when we want to. It's actually super. It might be easier to talk about an individual and then expand that to others rather than a group of people, and then see if it distils down to the individual. But whoever's listening to this, I hope you apply this.

There's something that Aristotle talked about. He called it final cause. He had these four causes, and I won't go through each one of them. But the idea was at the end of the day, an Acorn becomes an Oak tree, and the final cost of the Acorn over these four stages, eventually or whatever it is, is to become this Oak tree. And there's an example that people like to use too of a table. Let me give you this example. And then we can talk about the motivations of getting things done.

And then, maybe even more importantly, whether it actually needs to get done at all and stop punishing yourself when you're not doing it or also how to do things differently and think differently in a way that works for you. I personally believe that it's not actually like a goal. If it's something you already know how to do, that's just a task you're going to give yourself to. This is Richie Norton speaking, making things up right. To me. People just set goals beyond their current abilities. Otherwise, there's no stretching, you never grow, you never become something else.

So in that sense, it's not about getting out of your comfort zone, really, but expanding your comfort zone so far that your goals and dreams fit within. This is a very different way of thinking, because each time you set that goal outside, you might be stressed out about not doing it. When you picture yourself expanding your comfort zone to make that goal fit inside, even though it's in the same spot, you're unable to do things and think differently. Here's where I'm going with this final cost thing.

If somebody says, for example and I've read this example, but I'm going to apply it in different way. If someone says they want to build a table, they're going to go out and they're going to get either the wood or the metal or the parts or whatever they need to do to build the table. They have the materials. Somebody's going to the actor, the person that does the actions, someone is going to put it together. The table is going to be built, and eventually the final cause of that table is going to be dinner with your family.

Let's just use that as an example.


What's interesting, though, is this is where it gets like, I don't know, something to think about. If you're trying to accomplish something and you tell yourself your goal is to build a table, you're going to build a table or buy a table, something's going to happen. But if the real goal, the goal beyond the goal was the dinner with your family. If that was in essence, the whole purpose of this goal for a table, then, in essence, you don't need the table at all. You can go to McDonald's, you can go to a food truck, you can do Uber eats or whatever delivery systems going on over there in Scotland, right?

You can do something else and then you go, what's the purpose is it a dinner with my family? Is it by myself? Am I bringing guests over? Is it a legacy table I want to have here for 100 years? Or wouldn't it be more fun just to go to the park? The reason I say this weird example about final cause is because when you begin with the finality of your goal, then it makes all the means to get there insignificant, because there are millions of means that makes a lot of sense.

But here's another perspective, and I guess this is probably a more articulate way of asking essentially the same question or introducing the same topic. If I take anybody who is incredible, Pat, somebody I know, you know quite well. So he's probably a very good example. If you drop me into Pat Flynn's business right now and say, Bob, run this, I would destroy it probably within a week because I'm not Pam Flynn. I haven't become the person that I would need to be. I haven't had the experiences that I would need to have to be able to run that business effectively, not just run that business, but to be the personality that expresses himself out to the world the way Pat does.

And a lot of people, they want to jump to the end, but they don't want to go through this process of becoming. And it's like this whole idea of the quest that at the beginning of the quest, there was an urge. But at the end of the quest, you probably end up somewhere completely different. But the winning was in the questing. So what is this urge? What was Pat Flynn's Genesis? I guess what motivated him. And why doesn't everyone have that?

Well, I would say Pat would probably tell you not to become Pat Flynn. He would say, be yourself. From what I understand, he was an architect, and eventually that job didn't work out. And so he was thrown into entrepreneurship, and he worked his way his way through. But you know what's interesting, though, is whether he had become an entrepreneur or not, whether he became a podcast or not, whether we started creating products or not, one thing built on the other, but the thing that stayed for my outside looking in and also knowing him and talking to him, the thing that stayed the same was his focus on his desire to be there for his family and to have flexibility of time and income.

So that's what I'm saying about final causes. The final cause is flexibility with his time and family and the income from multiple sources passively, possibly. So once you understand that it doesn't matter what you do means don't necessarily create the ends. But the ends do help you dictate what means you're going to use to support it. Let me give you one more example. Like the quest example someone sends you on a quest. And a lot of these quests, you might not even know what you're doing.

You're just kind of there, and hopefully you'll make it back or get this thing or do that. It's real life. It's also fantasy. It's all these things. But if someone says, what's the quickest, fastest way to reach my goal or the goal beyond the goal, someone today might tell you, go take a personality test. They might tell you, go take a strengths test. And unfortunately, you would take that test, and it would tell you who you are, what you should do. And if it said, you're really good at digging ditches and you have a really good personality for that.

And that's your strength. Then you would keep digging ditches and you would wish you weren't digging ditches. But someone told you, you're really good at that. So you do that's the danger. Maybe there are some nice qualities of a personality test or strength test, but what they don't include necessarily is the ability for a human to learn exactly.

And for the comfort zones to change. And yeah, discovery for discovery.

And so I like to say this if you match here's, also the challenge that you find, too, if you tell yourself you're going to go find yourself, you could be wandering forever. And that actually might be the greatest journey of all right. And they always say, hey, I didn't find myself until I came home after all these years. And home was a new place because I saw it differently. There's lots of poems about that kind of stuff. Right at the end of every movie, I'm going to use a Castle example, a lot of castles in Scotland.

I use this example a lot. But I like to say, Build the Castle, then the moat. Not every Castle has a moat. I understand. But if you're going to build a moat, there's usually something that it's protecting. The challenge is most people today in the 21st century, and this is caused by 200 years of the Industrial Revolution, more or less. Well, 200 years ago, right at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution post and how we work today because before it was all just farming and then we moved to the cities.

And now this affected our time, management and created ways that we work. And here we are. Even though we can be living on a farm and doing work, you would have to be normally doing in a city, we still work in a way that looks like we need it in an office. I say that because even with what's happened recently, with the pandemic, things have changed dramatically. So people will start with a moat and the moat is work and they never get out of the moat.

They never built the Castle or maybe it's there and they just look at it and they never walk towards it. They never go across the bridge or whatever. But if you start with the Castle literally start with the dream. This is the example. Start with the final cause, and then you build a strategic moat and an economic moat around it to protect it. Then in that way, you can decide how you get paid and how you work, supports your dream as opposed to leading towards it later.

So now we've actually come to the question that I should have asked you.


Which is how do you pick the dream? That's good, because I think that's for a lot of people that's the thing is if they could just pin on something and say, this is the thing that lights me up. This is the thing I want to spend the next 20 years moving towards that's.

Really good. I'm going to start super practical because most people get really high in the clouds with this. But I'm going to get really practical. If you need money next week, then you're dreaming goal is to figure out a way to make money, to pay your mortgage and feed your family next week period. That's the way it works. And then you go, Well, I have a bigger picture drain that later. I'm going to do all these things. Fair enough. But for now that you can ask a better question.

I'm a fan of the answer to your question. Really is I always tell myself, and I've learned this from a mentor of mine. Ask a better question, get a better answer. And this isn't feedback to you. This is like because you're asking good questions every time you ask a question, not you, just me collective us. You get an answer based upon the question. So if I tell myself, how can I get let's pretend I already have the dream for a second. If I tell myself, how can I get that dream when I retire, then you're going to work 40 years to have that dream when you retire, whether you get it or not is unknown and likely not because things change too much over 40 years.

But if you say, how can I live my dream today and create work in a way that I'm paid that helps me live it now you will think differently. Doesn't mean you have the answer yet, but your brain works like a calculator. If you tell yourself I can do this, you know what? You're probably going to learn and figure out some way to do it somehow. If you tell yourself you can't do it, it's not true that you can't necessarily. But it is true that your brain is going to stop thinking about it.

So by asking a better question, how can I do this thing without that bad thing happening in this amount of time? It could create space for your mind to be able to dwell on that while you're running or getting ready or working out or doing whatever. And then you start coming up with creative solutions.

Yeah. You pay attention to things and they start to resolve.

So the reason I brought the timeliness thing is because if I tell myself I have to manage my time in a certain way, I might be really efficient at it, but it might not be effective in getting me my goal. So if I prioritise getting money for next week, sure, that's good. But if my goal was just to be, I don't know, laying on the beach in the Bahamas, that doesn't really help me get there, necessarily. And those things are totally unrelated. Or maybe they are. Maybe you have to pay off debt first and you start going down this rabbit hole.

But if you were to say, how can I be swimming in the Bahamas with my family right now and create work that helps me get there? Then paying your bills off next week is very essential and important, but it's a bump in the road on your way to getting to that bigger picture dream.


So the idea that would be to take that big picture dream, break it into smaller, more manageable parts and then work on them or rather prioritise your purpose rather than prioritise random priorities.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

But I know I didn't answer your question. I know about how do you choose your purpose and your dream, but keep going, keep going, keep going.

But I think the truth is there isn't an answer to that question, but I think it's a little bit like every time you look at the sun, you have to look slightly to the left or the right, and eventually you look around it long enough you'll find an answer that's close enough to the truth.

That's good. That's beautiful. Yes. In the small you go because, look, we don't live in the future. We live today. We also don't live in the past, like the past may have got us to become who we are and think the way we think. But everything we do moving forward is based on who we think we're going to become or what we're going to do or what we're trying to avoid in the future, because the past is the past. So it's all about future thinking. But acting in the present.

And it sounds like a Riddle. But like, this happens every day without us thinking. So as far as like, well, what am I going to do with the rest of my life? That question is interesting because you could say today I'm going to go for a walk or I'm going to send this email or I'm going to do this thing. There's nothing wrong with that. But if it's aimless, then it's more based on just trying to get through the day.


And if someone really doesn't know, I have no idea what's going to happen in the future. But a big dream doesn't look like details. A big dream looks like an outcome. So I would say this. Let me use it. I'll use an example of Jeff Bezos. He would ask himself when he decided to start Amazon. He asked himself because he had to quit his job on Wall Street to run off and do this thing. And people told me it was a bad idea. They said it was a good idea, but not for someone who already had a good job.

Essentially, I remember thinking.

Who's going to buy books online, right?

It's bizarre, he said, Well, I regret it when I'm 80. So one of the things you can do is ask yourself when I'm sitting in a rocking chair looking over whatever. When I'm 80, what would I regret not doing? This helps you decide in many ways what your dreams are and how you want to live. And essentially it will come down to probably a lot of things about love and family and forgiveness and being nice to people. But when it gets to actual business and getting things done, people will create ideas and dreams.

You know what I found when I wrote The Power throwing something stupid. People came to me with their stupid ideas every day. Still, which is awesome. I love it. That's why I wrote it. But I was surprised when I would talk to so many people with their stupid ideas, because even if the idea was great and they could make money with it, and they did make money with it, it wasn't their real objective. They were starting something to escape one thing and to eventually have this other thing, keep them busy so they could one day eventually get what they really wanted.

So they say, I want to do this thing. Okay, cool. Well, let's do it. Let's go. Let's go make a million dollars. Yeah, why not? But then what? Oh, it's so I can have more time with my family and we can travel the world together. Okay, hold up. How long is this going to take? I had a guy told me he had a 15 year old and no 15 year old and a 13 year old, and he had this dream, and he says it's going to take him five years to do it.

And I go way. So you're an executive making $250,000 a year. You're going to leave your job to do this thing. It's going to take you five years of grinding when your kids out of the house and the other one's, 18, leaving the house, he's like, oh, I'm like, yeah, people don't think through it. So if you just say our dream is to travel the world, travel the world. I know I'm oversimplifying travel the world and build a business around it. And I oversimplify the beginning on purpose to break the mould of but what?

But I have to. But my parents will say, but what about my kids school. But what about this at the end? It's like, yeah, that will always be there, my friend. You think that grinding for five years that's going to disappear? No same problem.

So what was the answer in that situation?

Well, it was easy. He wanted to start a gym, and he was going to need two gyms, and he was going to need to be there every day. And I said, Who's going to unlock it in the morning and lock it up at night? And he said he was a micromanager, and he would. And I go, look, man, you can do a gym. This is prepondermic, too. Who cares? It's going to make tonnes of money. It's going to do whatever you want to do. But if your real goal is to have freedom of time, you need a manager doing that for you, don't you?

Or let's get really creative. Here one of those gyms where it unlocks and locks itself with a key card by the members that are using it 24/7. There's so many different ways of thinking it. That's why Final Cause is so important. If he says, my goal is to have time with my family. Therefore, I'm going to start a gym that will not give me time with my family. He already failed before he started, even if it makes millions of dollars, because that wasn't the real goal.

But he can still have the same thing. Steven Covey would say, begin with the end in mind. He did not say begin with means in mind.

Yeah. So what's interesting there is, actually, it's just some mechanical adjustment.

There you go.

That makes perfect sense.

It's a series of questions. What do you want to do? I don't know, but I know that once you know who you want to become, you'll know what to do.

I think what's really useful in this conversation is lots of people just know they want more. They want different. And they may have a clear idea of how they could get there, but they're going to have to do some hard things on the way. And unless they have confidence that they can reach that end goal, it's often very unlikely that they'll do those hard things.

That's true.

And that's why I think that working through it like this is really useful. Breaking it down. Actually, this is a dream, but this dream is achievable, but it means you're going to have to do this. You're going to have to do this. All these different steps. The business owners and entrepreneurs are used to backtracking or reverse engineering.

The hard thing with smart people is that smart people instantly ask themselves how that stops the gears completely.

I put my hand up. This probably helped me for the best part of a decade because I'm somebody that needs to have a master plan before you'll take action.

Sure, there's nothing wrong with the master plan. There's nothing wrong with asking how. But when you ask how makes a big difference. How can I dream? If every time I dream, I ask how it is impossible to dream. Asking how it is impossible to dream. Asking how? Because you are thinking how from your current state of mind and your dream lives outside of your state of mind. You don't know how my client longtime client, Ben Hardy, wrote a book with Dan Sullivan called Who Not How? And his answer to that is simply don't ask how.

Find a who. That's how businesses work. How do you send a rocket to the moon, hire engineers?

I asked Daniel Priestley how do you manage to launch all these different businesses? How do you manage to maintain attention across them all? And he said that I launched new businesses like criminals, Rob banks. I get okay, what am I going to need? I'm going to need a driver. I just puts the team together. And then he just stands back and lets them run.

Yes. What I want to do in the future, it's a hard question, but you can get within usually ten years is too far. Usually 40 years is too far to think usually you can do it. But I found that two, maybe three. But I, like, two years is a good timeline. What would have to happen in the next two years for me to feel like I'm progressing, and then you go after that. Architects don't build buildings, they draw them. General contractors do not pick up Hammers. If they don't want to, they sub everything out.

This is how entrepreneurs work. Okay, if you think, like an owner operator, you're instantly going to think how because you're going to think I have to do it. But if you think, like an owner, that never crosses your mind because you're going to have who's to do it. And then, of course, a smart person is going to say who's, my who and How's my how and we go along in circles. But none of that actually matters. Let's go all the way back to the beginning conversation when you think about final cause, why are you doing this project in the first place?

Oh, I'm doing it so I can have freedom of time. Well, then you better not put yourself in the middle of that because you will have less time. Most people start businesses, entrepreneurs, lifestyle, entrepreneurs to get their time back and they lose their freedom of time in their business. And they go, yeah, but I have to be here and you go, really? Because the most scalable business is when someone comes to buy it. If you're still there, they might pay you. But they're going to make you become their employee for a year or two.

It's actually better if you're not personally involved every day. It can actually be more scalable, more profitable and more business savvy. And you have more freedom of time if you build from your actual goal and not from your sub goals. The sub goals are means to creating the ends, build from the ends, not the means.

Honestly, I think that's probably a lovely place to end it. I think this has been really an unusual conversation for the podcast, but that was quite intentional.

I love you, man. You're so good to me. You're so fun to talk to. Oh, my gosh.

I think the one thing I would maybe like to ask is what's the question that I should have asked? Because I sense you know where I'm going with this, but you can only ask the questions that I ask you. No question.

I don't know. But you could have gotten super personal and asked about a project you're working on, and we could have worked through it. But we can do that offline.

The thing is, if we spoke on a year ago, that would have been super pertinent. Actually, I have very clear vision. Now I know where I'm going. I'm very motivated to do it, but I feel so lucky in that.

What got you there. What got you there asking the questions? Yeah, that's it. I think that's it.

And more importantly. And this for me, was the game changer that you can't have all the answers. You can't know the meaning of life. You just can't. It's just impossible. We're here on this planet in order to be ignorant to the purpose of life. It's not our job. Our job is to take action and our job is to be there for the people around us and just grow as much as we possibly can. I love that purpose and mission resolves over time. The more action you take, the more purpose and mission resolves into clarity.

But the action is the price.

Yeah, that's good. I agree. I think a couple of things people need to remember money and meaning can go together. Too many people think they have to waste their time making money so they can eventually have meaning or that they have to use all their time making meaning and not have money and rely on other people. That is lack of asking a better question. How can my meaning and money go together? And then once you have a purpose, like what I do, what do I want to be in the next couple of years?

What are some big projects I want to do? You come up with them and then I try to prioritise my personal stuff by my people. You know, things I want to do to play my profession. And then these priorities are around my ultimate purpose. They're not priorities toward a purpose, a picture, a timeline and your goals at the end. So you're going to work or work to get there. What if you just took that goal and move it to the front of the timeline? Because the effect, the essence, the sake of what you're doing that actually can happen regardless of money.

So you build around that you're more likely and faster to get that goal by working that way than pretending you're going to get there someday.

Yeah. And I guess the final thought I have on purpose is that every time you get close to it, it just moves away again.

Yeah. You want something else? Things change.

Yeah. It's like a will of the Wisp. It's always on the horizon.

I love you said the night the coolest thing.

You just have to keep moving towards it and trust.

Yeah, we're dynamic people. You can have many purposes at the same time. Yeah, that's okay. I like it.

Richie Norton, you have been an awesome guest. I am so grateful for your time. If you are over in Scotland soon, it would be great to catch up. I know you're coming next week.

Yeah. So excited. I hope to see it would be amazing.

Yeah, but for now, have a great day. Thank you so much for your time.

I know it's been a huge honour. Thanks so much, Bob. Really appreciate it. You're a great interviewer. That was really fun. Thank you.

Before I go, just a quick reminder to subscribe and join our Facebook group. You'll find a link in the show notes or visit Amplifyme Fminsiders. Also connect with me wherever you hang out, you'll find me on all the social platforms at Popchantal. If you enjoyed the show, then I would love a five star review on Apple podcast. It would make my day. And if you shared the show with a friend, you would literally make my golden list. My name is Pop. Gentle, thanks to you for listening and I'll see you.

See you next week. Bye.

Thanks for listening!

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Episode Overview

Back in the 90’s people thought the internet wasn’t relevant to them.  That looks hilarious now.  Well crypto and blockchain are a bit like that now.

This week I’m joined by Joseph Bojang from Life. Money. Crypto. And we’re going to explore what all this means for every day folks, creators and how you can get a piece of the action.

About Joseph

Joseph Bojang is on a new mission to help educate business owners and individuals about crypto and blockchain technology. He’s the owner of Web Champs, a digital advertising company dedicated to helping clients grow online. He's a sought-after advertising expert and routinely handles 6 and 7-figure budgets for clients who advertise online.


Automatic Audio Transcription

Please note : This is an automatically generated transcription.  There are typos and the system may pick words or whole phrases up incorrectly.  

Welcome to Amplify the Personal Brand Entrepreneur Show today. On the show, Bob is speaking with Joseph Bojang.

I make a living off of these companies, so I'm not bashing them. I'm just saying these are the facts as I see them. These companies, the people that get rich from Facebook growing are not the users. The people that get rich are the investors. And I have no problem with that. With cryptocurrency, the people that actually become wealthy is everyone that's involved. So Bitcoin goes anyone that invested actually becomes more wealthy. So it's even a paradigm shift of what these crypto technologies, the blockchain other use cases are allowing.

Hi there and welcome back to Amplify the Personal Brand Entrepreneurship. My name is Bob Gentle, and every week I'm joined by incredible and inspiring people who share what makes their business work. If you're new to the show, take a second right now to subscribe and whichever player you use. And if you're listening on Apple podcast, make sure you click that new follow up in the top right page. That way Apple will queue me up every time I post a new episode. And that way we both win.

Before I jump into introducing this week's guest. Just a quick reminder again that after nearly 200 of these interviews, I've learned a thing or two about what makes business work online. And it turns out that success does leave clues. And I want to offer that map to you. So jump over to my website and grab your copy of the Personal Brand business roadmap is everything you need to start, scale or just fix your personal brand business, and it's yours for free as a gift from me.

So this week we are speaking with my friend Joseph BoJack. Joseph is a super smart, multi talented, personal brand entrepreneur, and there's honestly, so many places we're going to go tonight. So Joseph, for the person who doesn't know you want it, you start just by a welcome to the show and B, tell us a little bit about who you are, where you are and what you do.

Bob Gentle, thank you so much for having me on the show again. It was great to talk to you and be on your podcast earlier this year. We got to talk a little bit about marketing, and that's primarily what I do. Started my company in 2015, and since then I've focused on marketing and primarily digital advertising on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and doing a lot of Google as well. And over the years, like any business owner, you love the business you create. But things change, and I always say things change when you change.

So a lot of what I've been doing recently is actually getting into cryptocurrency and finding ways to actually add that to my business. But in doing that, it's been interesting to actually create a new brand as well.

I think the reason I was quite keen to borrow into this is a lot of people get quite fixated on what they're about. And I think it's important to be clear about what you're about, but you don't have to be about one thing. I think it was Chris Tucker, who has been a big mentor for me. He said that your personal brand is the last business you'll ever need, but it doesn't have to mean you'll always do the same thing. You build the audience, you build the connection, and the connection comes with you wherever you go and whatever you do.

And you'd be quite courageous about stepping out of the ad world. Not out, perhaps, but maybe straddling the ad world and other new interests. So that was why I wanted to speak to you. But how has that been going so far?

Yeah. I think it's something that a lot of my customers have had before. And you'll see that they have their business that they're doing, and they're either trying to create a new stream of income or they're trying to do something different. And it can be very difficult to understand what to actually keep under the same umbrella. And that was a process that I was actually going through. Was I've been building this brand for my company, being known for marketing, funnels and advertising. But then when I started thinking about adding cryptocurrency, I struggled a bit to actually bring it in.

And like you were saying, Chris Tucker, you can bring this along with you. But part of that, just being honest, was understanding how long I would be into this idea of cryptocurrency. And I laugh a little bit because I'm thinking if I were to make $2 billion in a day, what would I continue doing? And I'm kind of joking there. But part of it is I have interest. I have hobbies, and I usually go deep in them. But when creating something, that's the question I was going through.

Do I actually want to include this in a brand that's already known for something else? And people are going to my YouTube channel for marketing videos or following me on Instagram for marketing. And would they be confused if I started creating crypto content? So that was part of the process that I've started going through. And I probably would have made a few decisions differently now. But creating a new brand for the crypto content, I think, has actually freed me to make content in a way that I don't normally do it.

So I would say that's probably been an upside to creating totally different social handles, a new website, a new YouTube page.

And I guess part of me wonders if you really needed to do that. But certainly I can see it. Probably it gives you this comfort blanket of you're not to use a Ghostbusters analogy crossing the streams. You're not cross contaminating audiences or confusing people, I guess. But what was your rationale for just not continuing with the same audience, but bringing in the new content rather than setting up new profiles for everything.

Yeah. So part of it was just an understanding I have about how algorithms work, and for anyone that's not in the marketing world, but you're marketing something. An algorithm is really just the way the machine is going to categorise your content. So if you post on Facebook a picture of your beautiful kids, you might see that there's tonnes of likes and comments and hearts on it. But then let's say that you post something that is not as endearing to people and they don't respond to it. They don't like it, they don't engage.

Well, then you might start posting particular content to get more people to react. So the thing that makes this happen and makes you do the things you do online is based on these algorithms. And one thing that I noticed is that algorithms really start to categorise you based off of the content you've made, and it begins to understand your account. So there's been a lot of changes on Instagram. I didn't have a really big following on TikTok already. And with YouTube, I wanted to start getting into more shorts.

I believe, Bob, one of the best things you can do is create a lot of content consistently with high quality, of course. But I wanted to create so much content in this new vein that I didn't want people to ask, well, do you still do marketing? And I also wanted it to kind of have a different feel. So as I think about branding, and I know you've said certain things like this before, but there are colours that I wanted to go along with it. And there's a feel that I wanted to go along with it, that the marketing content wasn't the same.

And there's this concept of ugly marketing. And one thing about it is in this crypto world, a lot of people look like scammers, and you really can't tell what's true and everyone's saying, get rich quick, and you can't really find the information you want because these algorithms are really promoting a lot of I would say this poor quality content. So I wanted to create something that wasn't as polished as I normally make. But at the same time, I wanted it to have a certain look, a certain feel that when people see it, it comes across really with true authenticity of this is how I am.

I'm not going to hype you up. I'm going to explain these things that I think people want to understand and the amount of content I wanted to create. I didn't want that to interfere with the other marketing content.

That makes a lot of sense. The algorithm I hadn't thought of that. That makes so much sense that you need to if you want to get any kind of traction, the algorithm is extremely important. And if you're confusing the algorithm, never mind your people. You're going to struggle to get traction. Additionally, one thing you kind of alluded to is in the crypto space. There's a lot of risky information, and having trust with your audience is of singular importance and holding that. So being seen to be serious about it and not being another dabbler is probably really important.

So those are two really good justifications for doing it the way you did it that I hadn't considered.

Well, thank you, Bob.

Speaking about the information side of things, crypto is not new, not by any means, but it is new for a lot of people. So anybody listening, who's thinking crypto? Is that something to do with cryptography or Second World War code breaking machines or what's cryptocurrency, Joseph? Yeah, we didn't even say cryptocurrency. We just said crypto.

We just said crypto. So what I'll do is I'll just give, like, a big overarching view. And one thing I would say to anyone listening. So no matter if you're in the marketing, if you are an accountant, if you're a lawyer, if you have a business now and you're building a brand, I wouldn't necessarily say, do what I'm doing. I just tend to have a lot of marketing background and capacity to create a lot of content. But if you have a business and you serve people a service, I would consider getting into this field.

And I think as I started explaining why, I think it'll give you at least a head start on people that might be around you that aren't offering services now. So as an example, if you're an accountant, a lot of people are making money with crypto, and they're trying to find the best way to handle that for tax purposes. A lot of companies are being onboarded now and looking to accept cryptocurrency and are not exactly sure how to code for that. If you're a lawyer, there's a lot of developers, a lot of companies that actually need smart contracts, either for what's happening or what will start happening with smart contracts and real estate.

What will start happening with other businesses as they start using smart contracts. So there's a lot of different things that can happen here. And I know just over the past year, the explosiveness of the industry is huge, and it's at the very beginning. So I wanted to put that out there as just one thing for you to start thinking about. It is still very early. But now I'll kind of give a view. So if you've never heard about just this industry of cryptocurrency, I like to explain it just by using our normal money.

So when you think of a dollar or a pound or a Euro or yen, whatever your currency is, you can take that. I'll just use dollars, because that's what I use where I live. You can take that dollar. I can give it to a business. I can put it in a bank. I can exchange it with a friend. But that system that I exchanged that dollar on, meaning that it might go into the bank, or it might go to the friend. Whenever we talk about crypto, that dollar equals a cryptocurrency.

But that cryptocurrency sits on top of the system that we call the blockchain for us. That would be your bank. That would be the friend. That would be those things. So you need a blockchain to actually move the cryptocurrency around. That's the most basic it can get. What starts happening a little bit more is that we have these other type of products within the cryptocurrency world that get very confusing and very fast. You might have heard of something called an NFP. Now an NFP sits on top of a blockchain, but it's not necessarily a currency without going too far.

Some really cool use cases for an NFT would be something that GaryVee is using. So if your audience has heard of Gary Vee, what he's done is he sold something that's called an NFT. And I can explain what that is here in a second. But he sold something called an NFP, and he's created a community. So people already trust him for his brand because he's known as a marketer. He's known as a businessman, he's known as an investor. He's done all these things. So when he got into cryptocurrency, there's all these folks that followed him for what he already did and wanted to be a part of this new project.

He was doing. A lot of those people that got in and bought his NFT, became a part of his community, were able to go to his events, were able to participate in certain things that he's doing because they're a part of his community. So one cool aspect of an NFT is that if you have a community, you could start doing something called tokenization. And that tokenization gives people value for being in your community. But over time, that value is something they could sell down the road.

If you are a soccer or football fan, what you'll find is a lot of these football clubs are actually doing the same type of thing, whether it's PSG or Manchester, they're all kind of creating these NFPs or these fan tokens and allowing their fans to buy them. And then there's many other use cases. Bob, I could probably keep talking about it, but I want people to know that spending a little bit of time now to actually understand it and start getting into crypto, understanding what a cryptocurrency is, which we kind of alluded to.

But it's just currency that is cryptography created now that can be exchanged between friends, between businesses. But understanding these basics actually gives people a head start in what's to come. And I think the future of it is very bright. And I think this is a great way for people to start jumping on this train.

I think having observed the industry for quite a long time now, I think anybody listening, you do need to start paying attention to this. It isn't going away. And I think a lot of people thought that it was going to go away. The governments were going to ban it. What we're finding is the opposite. Governments are jumping in bed with it. Governments are building it into their own economic infrastructure. It's starting in the developing world, but the momentum is pretty much unassailable. I would think so. If you're somebody who doesn't understand anything about cryptocurrency, you're probably going to need to address this sooner or later.

And as you're describing at the moment, Joseph, there are huge opportunities within the crypto space outside of actually putting your money down and investing in cryptocurrencies simply the expertise that you can bring to bear. It really is an industry at the stage where even the person with a little bit of information can find some huge advantages because the majority of people have no information.

Yeah, and one thing to that, Bob, I don't always start with the investment aspects. I usually start with the use case, meaning that businesses are using blockchain technology and they're using cryptocurrency for more than just get rich, quick schemes. But I do want to kind of give a bit of a background into why I actually started paying attention to this and why I wanted to give it my energy, my time, my resources. I started my business and I had goals that I wanted to achieve. And over the years, I started to reach those goals and got more coaching, got more mentoring.

And one of the things someone said to me is whenever you have a business, you want to take the profits that you're making from your business and start to invest them ideally and reinvest those profits into real estate. And I recently spoke to probably a mutual friend that some of your audience might know as well. And we were talking about this idea of business and maybe some real estate or some investments. Now, real estate is not something I had time for. I didn't want to go out and look at apartments or look at condos or look at homes and figure out how to buy them.

I just don't have the time for that. But I started understanding that if I could find either another business or another investment, I could actually reinvest the profits from my marketing business into that, because ultimately, I do want more time freedom. And as I started going down the road of investments, there's just a lot that I didn't know. So I really didn't understand the monetary system in my country. I didn't understand a lot about how banks worked. I just knew I put my money in the bank, and then at the end of the year, I made .02% but I knew inflation was going up.

I knew the banks were making a lot of money off my bank or off my money that was in the bank. It never bothered me. And I never really understood it. But the more I started understanding what my money was doing, the more I started to look at cryptocurrency. And one story I love to tell is of Peter Till. I don't know how it is where you are, Bob, but here in America, we have something called the SEC. Now the SEC is kind of governs who can do what, who can invest in things early.

So let's say when Facebook is around or other companies are around and they want to offer something called the security. And that security just means I can invest in this company. And I believe I will get my investment will have a profit years from now in America, certain people can do this. And how it's been defined is if you made a certain amount of money, you could be an accredited investor. But if you didn't make a certain amount of money, you couldn't be. And one thing that's wrong with this is that just because you make a certain level of money doesn't mean you have certain knowledge.

So there's people that one person I love that talks about this is Tom Billyu from Impact Theory. He says at one point he didn't make a lot of money. And then all of a sudden, he made multiple millions of dollars, and he was able to be an accredited investor but didn't know anything about investing. So there's something up with that law that really prevents people from getting ahead. And when I mean getting ahead, here's the quick example. So one gentleman, Peter Thiel, invested $500,000 as an angel investor to Facebook in 2004.

So $500,000, he was able to invest. The public really wasn't able to invest until 2012. So we have Peter Till, who puts in $500,000 in 2004. In 2012, Facebook becomes public, they open it up so people can buy stocks that year. In 2012, when Peter Till took out his money, he became a billionaire. He netted over $1 billion off of a $500,000 angel investment. Now, that is something that normal people like me cannot do. When I understood that cryptocurrency was my ability or my opportunity to start investing like the Peter Tills.

That's when I started to understand it from an investment perspective that later led me to all the other just regular business and real world use cases. And we can talk about that as well. But that's really why I'm so into it is because I see this as it is speculative, right? Everything in crypto could go to zero. Yeah, it could go to zero. But I believe it's highly unlikely. I believe it's highly unlikely. But even with that in mind, I never invest more than I can lose.

But if someone had invested in Bitcoin years ago or they had got to start it and they just leave their money, I say you invest in Bitcoin, you leave it like a five year savings plan. Don't worry about it. You're going to see your returns are going to be similar to that of what the Peter Tills and the rich people are able to get, because unlike a Facebook, unlike a TikTok, unlike Instagram, unlike all of these social media companies or these tech companies that we can't invest in until they go public and they use our data by us donating, I make a living off of these companies, so I'm not bashing them.

I'm just saying these are the facts as I see them. These companies, the people that get rich from Facebook growing are not the users. The people that get rich are the investors. And I have no problem with that. With cryptocurrency, the people that actually become wealthy is everyone that's involved. So if Bitcoin goes, anyone that invest it actually becomes more wealthy. So it's even a paradigm shift of what these crypto technologies, the blockchain, the other use cases are allowing. I'll say one more thing with the fan token that I mentioned earlier.

So let's say that you're a Manchester United fan or Liverpool or whatever football club you like. Let's say that they have a fan token. Now, there is a difference between a token or a coin, but for this example, just think of them as the same. So let's say they come out with which they have come out with a fan token for Manchester United. And if you purchased this token or purchase their tokens, what could happen is that they could say anyone that actually has this token now owns a certain percentage of our club or get certain benefits that you can come back after a game or you can get discounts on your membership, or you can get exclusive access to these video calls that we're going to do with the players.

The cool thing about it is that okay, that's fun. We can kind of do that now. But the thing that you can do with these tokens on a blockchain is the person that owns it, can resell it. So if I own it and it goes up in value because our football club is doing great over the next five years, something that I bought for $20 might be worth $500. And I get to decide, do I want to keep my steak in this club and all the benefits I get?

Or do I want to cash out and sell that to someone else that wants to buy now? And the benefit is everyone that's involved actually benefits from that. And that's unlike a lot of the systems we have now. So I think as people start to get their head around this and understand what's coming, they can actually position themselves, position their businesses and even their brands, which is why I've been putting a lot of time into this is one to get this message, this education out there for people to understand that this is coming, it's not going anywhere.

Get involved if you can start learning, but they can do the same thing, not saying you have to change your career, but you might even look at your skill set in the crypto world because there's a huge need for it. And I see developers and marketers are moving over to this industry and getting paid more because there's not enough. So I know that I went long there, but I do get passionate about this potentially being the biggest thing that I will see in my lifetime as far as the opportunity for a new asset class to replace existing systems that we have, and people that have as much as $1 are able to get involved.

And I just think it's amazing.

I think around the entertainment space, there's a lot of potential. I know a couple of people, Mark Schaefer and Joe Pelosi, they've both gifted me their own cryptocurrency tokens through rally. I haven't really looked to see what I can do with them yet because there wasn't very many of them. To be honest, it wasn't that generous a gift. But I'm grateful, guys, if you're listening. But yeah, I think one thing that stuck out to me was Peter Thiel when he made his $500,000 investment. He would have known this Facebook.

It's not a certainty. There's no guarantee this company isn't going to have a new competitor and just get wiped out. You know what? Everyone might just have left Twitter instead. So, yeah, you never make an investment you can't afford to lose that. Would it be in Peter Thiel's perspective if this all goes? That's okay. I think the difference is with cryptocurrency, and this is the problem. At the moment, there's no sandbox for major investing. There is a sandbox for crypto. You can start playing, as you said, with $1 with $10 and you can learn how it works.

You can learn how to play safely and build your competence and your fluency with the products and the landscape and then become a sensible citizen of this space. Anybody who just jumps in with $500,000 and throws it all down on Ethereum deserves to lose it if they've made no effort to understand the platform.

Yeah. And Bob, one thing to that, I think that's a good caution. And people that are investing in any type of tech startup or company knows that a lot of these companies, 90, 80% of them are going to fail. So I know about his Facebook investment because that's amazing. I'm sure there is 20 other ones that failed that he lost money on. But this one was the one that went well. And I think this is just a great example for people who are interested in any type of cryptocurrency as an investment.

And there's many other types of ways. Facebook changed its name to Meta. So there's a lot of Meta universities, and all of this stuff is new, and everything is so new right now that we really don't know where things will land. And it's similar to when the Internet was here. And I think a lot of people mention is that the adoption rate of the Internet in 1997 was huge. And cryptocurrency is like just blowing that out of the water, like its growth rate. And many people every day are getting online.

And it's not that you have to play big. But like you're saying, start building your confidence, start understanding what's happening around you, figure out ways that maybe you might even start to accept cryptocurrency. And that's one thing that I plan to do over next year is find ways for people that buy marketing content or courses that I have is how actually, can I incentivize people to get started with crypto by giving them a ridiculous deal if they buy this course with crypto? And one that's a way for me to set people up to get them into the world.

But then making the price so ridiculous that if they feel like they lost their money or they did something wrong, they wouldn't care. And for me, that's how I'm thinking about it, because I do think the people that don't get involved will be disappointed eight years from now. But for those businesses out there, start thinking about that because you will attract people that are looking for that. And this doesn't even include all of the use cases around the world where people are able to now secure their identity because it's on the blockchain because they live in countries where their printing is horrible.

They might not have the documents. The government just comes in and says, you don't own this home and they take it away. But a lot of these use cases now, how do we put that who owns this title on a blockchain? Or how do we put your identity or prove that you graduated from school? And now you can prove that because it's on a blockchain. You don't have to have these documents that were lost in a house burning down. But now the school that you graduated from is closed.

So there's all these kind of use cases that aren't just about money. But it's about the way that our world will start changing. And people now, I think, are at a point where they're ready for this type of change, to where not everyone goes to one single source for all of their information. They're kind of hopping around. So I think that would be the big thing for people to consider. And I think even as I'm building in it, I would say, as you start learning, share that with your audience.

And I love that you said that earlier, Bob is bring people with you, don't leave them behind. And I started getting messages on Facebook and on Instagram, like, Tell me more, can we meet up? My friend said this. Can you actually, what are your thoughts? And I didn't realise at first that people would be that interested. But just because I said it and they knew me and they knew what I've done before to where they thought. And I had one person actually did a consult recently.

And the woman that said, I never even thought about it. I thought it was all a scam until you said something. Then I decided, okay, let me pay attention to it. It's really important for people to consider their brand as they're doing this. So be careful and give caution. But this is something that I think it's important for you to know and for you to consider how you actually either on board that into an existing business or even potentially help your clients with it as you were speaking.

And this has kind of popped into my head a few times through the conversation. We're speaking about things like Blockchain digital assets, hyper connected world. And you must have seen the movie what's it called, you know, the one.

I mean, ready player one, ready player one.

That's the one. And what I know to be true is gigabit internet, at least in Europe, is going to be the standard for most people within a few years. I'm expecting it this year. My son, who lives like a mile away, he has it already. Vr is ready. It's wholly ready for that kind of experience. That's why Facebook is pulling the meta cat out of the bag right now. And with Blockchain to be able to own real tangible assets in a virtual space coupled with VR coupled with a hyper connected world becomes a very interesting conversation.

And what I can see very clearly is in ten years time, our experience of the digital space will be completely different. And it's time to start laying the groundwork for that now. Yes, we work in marketing, both of us. Marketing will be completely different through this. And I'm seeing things like clubhouse and everybody's, all the platforms. And I'm introducing voice spaces. I'm thinking, What's that for? It's for this, because Town Square in real time will become the new content hub if you like, they'll become a communal space.

But they'll become communal spaces where you can actually own tangible assets and you can trade them. And this is the future. So it's been a really useful conversation for me.

Yeah, I want to just respond to that real briefly. I think what I sense in what you're saying is getting people to start thinking about and preparing for the future. And one thing about that is right now for many people, things look normal. So I'm not great at math, but I understand enough to know that we have a linear curve which starts at the left and the bottom. And then over time, it gradually goes up like a line that gradually goes up. But then when there's exponential change to that linear curve, it looks like a hockey stick.

So there's linear time. And then it goes up exponentially. If you have people doing the same exact thing, there's going to be a period where the person that is prepared for the future and their business is set up that way to where they look the same as the person that's going to grow. I can't say that word, but you know what I'm saying over time in a linear fashion. So they're going to grow the same for probably two to three years. But then there comes a point to one person actually grows linearly because they prepared for it.

And I think that's what's happening now when you think about even what I do. So for what I do. Yes, I am specialised. I know a lot about digital ads more than your normal person. But if you put me against your Google algorithm or your Facebook algorithm, they're matching and they're targeting, in most cases, will perform better than me or just as the same in many stores in America. If you walk in, there used to be a clerk and they would cheque you out, they'd ring up your groceries.

And then as soon as you are done, there'd be someone else bagging your groceries for you. That's all changed. Now everyone does it themselves. And there's one person that supports 16 different automatic teller devices. If you walk into a McDonald's here, there's a kiosk. You go up to the kiosk you put in your order and then they make it. So there's all these things that we're seeing now that are being primed and being prepped, like you were saying. But in a matter of years, there's this exponential change and a lot of people aren't prepared for it, and they're not prepared for it because they don't understand how much data is being collected and how these machine learning programmes can actually make great decisions.

With that, we have genome sequencing, we have data storage, we have blockchain like, these things are so big. We've only had one thing that was somewhat exponential, and that was the Internet, but that's grown over years. Now we have five that are growing all at the same time. So when I talk about education, I'm not just saying it as this is important. Please pay attention. I'm saying it in. Amazon is creating trucks that does delivery. So there will be less truck drivers with jobs, there will be less kids that can go work at a burger place and get a job.

There will be less jobs for people because a lot of systems are doing that to me. People who can invest in cryptocurrency is a way to actually get involved in this new technology that's going. So I think it's more than just something that's cool. But the whole systems that we're used to look the same. But if you actually start looking at it with different eyes and seeing what jobs people used to do and how they're being replaced. I think when you take that new lens and start looking at cryptocurrency, you become shocked and you want to learn more and you want to position yourself for the future.

I think that's probably an awesome place to bring things to a close. I could keep going on this all night. It's really interesting. I think about even my job now. I have a hard time explaining what I do for a living to people in the street. I can't even imagine what that's going to be like in ten years time. So yeah, I think anybody listening thinking, how can I invest today in a skill that will set me aside from everybody in even five years time? You just found it.

Joseph, if people want to connect with you, if they want to go further with you, how would you like them to do that?

So the best way, if you're interested in any crypto content, I've created new social channels. It's life, money, crypto and that's everywhere. And it's really about investing in yourself. Before you invest in other things, you can find all the crypto content that I'm doing there. Bob, I'm also launching a funnel course because as you can tell, I'm getting more out of the done for you and helping other people launch it because there's great software out there. So I'll do something special for your group. And if people want to go to Josephbojang combo, we're going to find a way.

We'll just set up a waiting list for them. I might do something as the first crypto sale with your group, but also you can sign up and be notified about when that course comes out. Should be here pretty soon and would love to help you all out as well.

Also, knowing what you know, outside of crypto, purely in the marketing funnels, particularly for the personal brand entrepreneur. I'm going to be there because you are my guy when it comes to ads. Thank you, Joseph. One last question. What's one thing you do now? You wish you'd started five years ago.

If I could do anything differently five years ago, it would have been I would have bought $20 of Bitcoin every other week. It seems like one of those things that isn't really that significant, but I would have so much money in the bank that I could either invest and do so many other things with. If I just would have done that one thing five years ago for the listener.

What would the result of that have been in terms of dollars?

I would probably have to add it up, but I would venture a guess over multiple millions. It would be where I would be now, but I would need to go back and cheque. And that's why I would say if you're going to buy it, just keep it for five years and then make a decision then. But yeah, that investment would be huge.

Joseph, thank you so much for your time. You've been a great guest and I can't wait to speak to you again.

Thank you, Bob.

Before I go, just a quick reminder to subscribe and join our Facebook group. You'll find a link in the show notes or visit Amplifyme. Fm Insiders Also Connect with me wherever you hang out, you'll find me on all the social platforms at Popgentle. If you enjoyed the show, then I would love a five star review on Apple podcast. It would make my day. And if you shared the show with a friend, you would literally make my golden list. My name is Bob Gentle. Thanks to you for listening and I'll see you next week.

Thanks for listening!

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